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CigarNut 01-26-2018 10:09 AM

Re: Sous vide
Sounds and looks awesome! I will have to give that a try!

Dave128 01-26-2018 11:03 AM

Re: Sous vide

Chainsaw13 01-26-2018 12:55 PM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 2142979)


Dave128 01-26-2018 02:00 PM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 2142983)


T.G 01-26-2018 04:25 PM

Re: Sous vide
Awesome work there Ben, thanks for the detail. I'm still figuring out the smoked onion proportions myself too.

What you say about pork chops kind of mirrors my experiences too. I had always struggled with getting them right until I bought an SV cooker.

stearns 02-05-2018 09:50 AM

Re: Sous vide
Corned beef yesterday, 180* for 10 hours, came out perfect. I didn't have time to let it rest too much before slicing it up for sliders, but other than that I wouldn't change a thing

CigarNut 02-11-2018 05:28 PM

Re: Sous vide
3 Attachment(s)
Made Sriracha Buttered Shrimp tonight with some (really large) fresh black tiger shrimp from Costco (8-10 per pound):

Shrimp and sauce before sous vide:

After sous vide:

Ready to serve:

Really good! We did not have any rice or pasta with this and it was almost too spicy for my wife — she really wanted a little rice.

Also, the sauce might overpower smaller shrimp.

stearns 03-19-2018 08:16 AM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2143762)
Corned beef yesterday, 180* for 10 hours, came out perfect. I didn't have time to let it rest too much before slicing it up for sliders, but other than that I wouldn't change a thing

Tried this again over the weekend but let it rest for about 20 minutes before slicing, it was perfect, only ever cooking corned beef this way now. No spices or anything added, just the brisket cooked in the brine :tu

BigAsh 03-19-2018 08:47 AM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2147501)
Tried this again over the weekend but let it rest for about 20 minutes before slicing, it was perfect, only ever cooking corned beef this way now. No spices or anything added, just the brisket cooked in the brine :tu

NIce Ben....Using the supermarket corned beef flats?

stearns 03-19-2018 08:57 AM

Re: Sous vide
I get it from my butcher, they come vac packed in brine but no other spice packets or anything, 4-5lb cuts. They're labelled as "Corned Beef Brisket Ready to Cook"

BigAsh 03-19-2018 09:33 AM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2147509)
I get it from my butcher, they come vac packed in brine but no other spice packets or anything, 4-5lb cuts. They're labelled as "Corned Beef Brisket Ready to Cook"

NIce..sous vide in that package or re-bagging?

stearns 03-19-2018 09:50 AM

Re: Sous vide
I re-bagged it, I didn't really trust the seal on the package they used in such high temperatures. I've cooked steaks in the retail packaging from costco and other big places before, but they look a lot more sturdy than this place. In hind sight I should have taken their whole package and put it in a vac bag rather than take the brisket out, I had way too much trouble getting the bag to seal with the wet brine in it, but I got there eventually :D

Tio Gato 03-19-2018 12:36 PM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2143762)
Corned beef yesterday, 180* for 10 hours, came out perfect. I didn't have time to let it rest too much before slicing it up for sliders, but other than that I wouldn't change a thing

I did the same yesterday. When it was done I dried it well then mixed a half cup of brown sugar, quarter cup of molasses, teaspoon of dried mustard and half a cup of bourbon. Mixed it up and glazed the hot beef and popped it into a hot oven to crust it up.

Simply the best corned beef of my life.:dr

BigAsh 03-19-2018 01:55 PM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by Tio Gato (Post 2147527)
I did the same yesterday. When it was done I dried it well then mixed a half cup of brown sugar, quarter cup of molasses, teaspoon of dried mustard and half a cup of bourbon. Mixed it up and glazed the hot beef and popped it into a hot oven to crust it up.

Simply the best corned beef of my life.:dr

you had me at bourbon!

Flynnster 03-20-2018 07:26 PM

Re: Sous vide
No pictures, but I want to make sure any newcomers understand, PORK LOIN is my favorite use of sous vide hands down.

Did a simple bbq rub tonight, 3 hours at 135, and seared off. The best pork loin you'll ever have.

Brlesq 03-20-2018 08:27 PM

Re: Sous vide
We did boneless chicken thighs last night. Poured half a bottle of BBQ sauce in the bag, set sous vide at 160 for 4 hours. Seared them off in a cast iron pan afterwards until a bit charred. Really good!

BigAsh 03-22-2018 07:32 AM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2147509)
I get it from my butcher, they come vac packed in brine but no other spice packets or anything, 4-5lb cuts. They're labelled as "Corned Beef Brisket Ready to Cook"

Picked up a smaller one. about 3 lbs....I'll run it at 180* but I guess for a bit less than 10 hrs

CigarNut 05-22-2018 08:03 PM

Re: Sous vide
1 Attachment(s)
Did a tri-tip in the sous vide today, but its different than I have done before. Before moving, I would use a Cusinart to make my marinade (onions, garlic, salt, black pepper, red pepper, oil, soy sauce, etc.).

We no longer have a food processor, so I made up a new (completely different) marinade:

1 bottle of Cindy's Kitchen Tangerine Vinaigrette
1 chopped red onion
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp pepper

Also, we used to get our tri-tip at Costco (in Oregon), but the Costco's out here in Florida do not carry it. We found a 3 lb. tri-tip at Whole Foods on Sunday and used that.

Marinated in the vacuum bag for about 24 hours and cooked for 6.5 hours at 130 degrees:

It came out perfect! Tasted great -- the hint of citrus was really nice along with the garlic and onion. Just the right amount of salt too!

stearns 05-23-2018 08:43 AM

Re: Sous vide
Looking good Michael! Love some SV tri tip, was a favorite for a while getting it pre-marinated from costco

Putting a few pounds of beef short ribs in the SV for a 48 hour cook tonight, looking forward to dinner friday :dr

stearns 05-29-2018 11:57 AM

Re: Sous vide
Made the beef short ribs last week, following this recipe almost exactly. They were good, especially with the red wine glaze, but overall I thought I'd be a little more impressed with the tenderness, they were easy to chew but still needed a steak knife, maybe I had unrealistic expectations hoping to only need a fork. I did a little looking around after and maybe 48 hours wasn't enough, I see some recipes calling for 72. I'll give them another shot some time in the future using 72 hours, but for now I'll stick with the instant pot when cooking up short ribs (or a smoker if I had access to one)

GreekGodX 05-29-2018 07:30 PM

Re: Sous vide
Clamp broke on my sous vide :(

Anova is sending me one for free! :) :wo

Chainsaw13 05-29-2018 07:44 PM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 2153143)
Clamp broke on my sous vide :(

Anova is sending me one for free! :) :wo

Back in the gym? :D

Rock Star 05-29-2018 08:08 PM

Re: Sous vide
wow..i need this dom..thanks

Chainsaw13 06-11-2018 06:30 PM

Re: Sous vide
Had a local butcher shop cut me a tri tip. Turns out it was from a Wagyu steer. :tu. Was a small cut though, about 1.2lbs. Sous vide it at 127°F for 2 hours with salt, pepper and a couple smashed garlic cloves. Seared on a smoking hot grill. Sliced thin, wt it on some pita wedges with carmelized onions, shallots and mushrooms, plus some aged cheddar.

Forgot to snap a pic, but it was damn good.

DEZn00ts 06-11-2018 10:26 PM

Re: Sous vide
Everything looks amazing.

bonjing 06-16-2018 10:13 PM

Re: Sous vide
Bison steak and rib cap done at 125 for two hours. The bison was defrosted overnight and the rib cap was from the freezer. Both came out perfect. Seared the rib cap in a pan and the bison with a mini torch.

Chainsaw13 06-17-2018 05:23 AM

Re: Sous vide
Currently cooking some buttermilk marinated chicken for dinner tonight. 145.5 for two hours. Cool, dust with starch coating, cook again, then batter/deep fry. Marinate contained some brine from my last batch of hot sauce. Should be spicy.

jonumberone 06-17-2018 08:08 AM

Re: Sous vide
I did a bunch of Veal Rib chops yesterday.
Simple salt and pepper seasoning.
Cooked about 3.5 hours @129° then seared off on the sear burner.
Came out terrific.
My father, who loves Veal chops, said it was probably the best he's ever had.
Sorry no pics.

jonumberone 06-22-2018 04:43 PM

Re: Sous vide
Did some lamb ribs yesterday, and they came out fantastic.
18 Hours @ 134°. After the bath, I seasoned with rub, and threw them on the smoker for 45min @ 180°. Finally I seared them off on the sear burner.
Super tender and moist. The meat had a velvety consistency.

Out of the bath

On to the smoker

Seared off

And cut

Chainsaw13 06-22-2018 04:55 PM

Re: Sous vide
Damn Dom. Looks awesome.

Chainsaw13 06-23-2018 05:18 AM

Re: Sous vide
I can't attest to how well this brand works, but (Amazon) has a sous vide machine on special today for $54.

T.G 06-23-2018 07:01 AM

Re: Sous vide
The current model of that machine is only $50 on Amazon prime...

I'm chuckling at w00t's pricing fail of charging $4 more (and maybe shipping?) for a discontinued version on this one.

Something I thought of the other day about these off brands was when the clip broke on my Anova. One email to CS about the problem and they mailed me a new clip within 24 hours at no cost for the clip or shipping. It didn't matter to them that I couldn't provide an order number from 2-3 years ago because I had deleted the emails. Apparently, at least right now, the Anova clamps are lifetime free replacement. I've read on their forum of them sending out new clear bottom caps at no cost too.

Will these other companies be around or even care to replace parts that break? At least Anova being owned by Electrolux, will be around for a while.

:2 and worth about as much.

Tio Gato 07-17-2018 03:37 PM

Re: Sous vide
Anova bluetooth is now on Amazon Prime day for 79.99. Doesn't have the fancy stuff but mine works like a charm.
Ends today I think.

Flynnster 07-24-2018 08:03 PM

Re: Sous vide
Wonderful ramen for dinner tonight with sous vide pork belly!

stearns 07-25-2018 07:57 AM

Re: Sous vide
How long did you cook the pork belly for? I love making that with ramen, one of the best things I've made with the SV :tu

stearns 09-03-2018 08:26 AM

Re: Sous vide
Made brisket sammiches for a concert on Saturday, gave it a rub of salt pepper and a few other spices, threw it with a hand full of Adam's smoked onions and cooked for 36 hours at 155*, finished 5 minutes a side under the broiler. Best brisket I've made, nobody believed me it was homemade, sturdy enough to cut into clean slices but tender enough to fall apart when you try to bite it

My "concert sammich" is brisket, tellagio, caramelized onion, cabernet gastrique and arugula. We used to always stop at this place on our way to red rocks and pick these up, but at $15 a piece we realized we could just make them ourselves. Done it a few times but this was the first making the brisket in the SV for it, definitely making again the exact same way :dr

Flynnster 09-03-2018 08:37 AM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2157034)
How long did you cook the pork belly for? I love making that with ramen, one of the best things I've made with the SV :tu

Sorry for not getting back to you on this! I did it for just over 12 hours.

GoatLocker 09-04-2018 02:46 PM

Re: Sous vide
1 Attachment(s)
Had a near disaster over the weekend. I was tossed a big fat rib eye in the cooker, set it for 128 and made a run to the store. Came back about an hour later and noticed the temp on the cooker said 145! :confused: Pulled it out and tossed it in ice water while I investigated. Temp was set for 128, but temp was 145. Had to unplug the cooker to get it to work again. Fortunately, the steak started frozen, and was a decent medium-medium rare, so not quite ruined. I won't be placing much trust in this Anova for a while...

T.G 09-04-2018 02:51 PM

Re: Sous vide
Eric, I've seen mine go nuts before due to some external conditions. How was the water level and what direction were the vents on the back of the unit facing, were they over the clamp or were they turned sideways? Was the pot covered with a lid or saran wrap?

GoatLocker 09-04-2018 03:39 PM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 2159443)
Eric, I've seen mine go nuts before due to some external conditions. How was the water level and what direction were the vents on the back of the unit facing, were they over the clamp or were they turned sideways? Was the pot covered with a lid or saran wrap?

Water level was good, the vents were clear and pointed about 45 degrees away from the clamp, and the pot was not covered. 145 was the temp I used the previous day for chicken, and it seemed "stuck" there. I didn't notice the set temp at the cooker when I first plugged it in, just plugged it in and started the app. The app was reading the temp correctly from the cooker, but changing the temp on the app had no effect. Resetting the app didn't work, but unplugging the cooker did. For a while, I just won't walk away until I see the cooker reaches and stays at the set temp.

T.G 09-05-2018 06:34 AM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by GoatLocker (Post 2159448)
Water level was good, the vents were clear and pointed about 45 degrees away from the clamp, and the pot was not covered. 145 was the temp I used the previous day for chicken, and it seemed "stuck" there. I didn't notice the set temp at the cooker when I first plugged it in, just plugged it in and started the app. The app was reading the temp correctly from the cooker, but changing the temp on the app had no effect. Resetting the app didn't work, but unplugging the cooker did. For a while, I just won't walk away until I see the cooker reaches and stays at the set temp.

The two times I've had issues with the unit not adhering to the temperature set point were both due to the things I mentioned. Once was the water level being right around the bottom of the liquid level sensor probe and the other was the unit drawing steam in through the vents because the head was rotated a bit too far. There is a minor design flaw in that if the vents are over the pot and not facing the clamp, this has the potential to happen. That steam will blow right across the circuit board(s) which do not seem to be moisture sealed.

Your situation might have been the software / remote control, which I don't use. Maybe the soft reset fixed it. :sh

CigarNut 09-05-2018 06:45 AM

Re: Sous vide
I've had this same issue and both times it was due to issues with the phone app -- which, in theory they have fixed...

Now I always triple check everything about five minutes after I have started the cook.

BTW, I use the phone app because the buttons on my cooker don't work as well as they could and it's out of warranty...

stearns 10-29-2018 09:23 AM

Re: Sous vide
Been spending most of the summer cooking steaks on the grill, trying to get more comfortable with grilling in general since it seems like a good thing to know, but I was at the butcher last weekend and they had reasonably priced wagyu sirloin so I picked up a big piece and cooked it SV to make sure it was cooked evenly and perfectly.

131* for 4 hours, only things in the bag were a couple cloves of garlic and a sprig each of rosemary and thyme. Removed from the bag and seared on a cast iron with just a big chunk of kerrygold butter, at the same time made a little butter pan sauce with more kerrygold and the bag juices, reduced it down so there was just enough to top the steak. Came out perfect :dr

Looking forward to using the circulator more as the temps start to drop around here :tu

Chainsaw13 10-29-2018 09:29 AM

Re: Sous vide
Sounds good Ben! :tu

stearns 10-29-2018 09:39 AM

Re: Sous vide
Not Sous Vide, but I made this as a potato side and it was one of the best potato dishes I've ever had :tu

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-04-2019 10:43 PM

Re: Sous vide
Did some steaks the other night that are always great sous vide. Seared on the grill to finish them. We do a lot of our chicken sous vide too. Perfect results

ChicagoWhiteSox 01-12-2019 07:20 PM

Re: Sous vide
Sous vide prime ribeyes tonight. Seared in cast iron

Flynnster 01-12-2019 08:53 PM

Re: Sous vide

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 2167457)

Love this sous vide. I tend to let mine go a long time to all that fat is delicious!

stearns 01-17-2019 10:53 AM

Re: Sous vide
At the butcher last weekend and saw some great looking Bison NY Strips so I picked one up. Salt and Pepper along with a clove of garlic and a few smoked onions from Adam in the bag, cooked at 131 for 5 hours (aimed for 4 but other things took longer) followed by a sear in bacon fat and Kerrigold butter, topped with a homemade herb garlic compound butter. This thing was amazing, the outer pieces that touched the smoked onions had a delightful smokey flavor in no way overpowering. Next time I'll probably surround the strip with the onions instead of putting them all on one side but other than that no changes necessary :dr

Porch Dweller 01-17-2019 11:04 AM

Re: Sous vide

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