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OLS 05-14-2012 06:28 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Wanger (Post 1637244)
I so want to give a few opinions, but don't want to give anything anything away for those who didn't see last night.

Change the text color to a light tan, so people have to select it it read it....I would love to hear your thoughts.

Wanger 05-15-2012 08:27 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1637482)
Change the text color to a light tan, so people have to select it it read it....I would love to hear your thoughts. thoughts...

As for the bodies that were shown at the end of the episode in Winterfell by Theon, I think they were the bodies of the two orphans that Bran and Rickon had mentioned were at the farm. I think that if it was Bran and Rickon, the bodies of Osha and Hodor would be seen, too. Speaking of Osha...damn nice to see what she's been hiding under those dirty clothes..she's got a rockin' bod.

As for the wildling that Jon Snow had captured, you had to know she was leading him back to the rest of her clan. It'll be interesting to see what happens to him with the wildling clan.

I was surprised as hell at the happenings in Qarth. Didn't see that slaughter coming. Wow! honestly, I'd like to see her get the dragons back. I have a feeling that if/when she does, there will be hell to pay. :fl

I'm not sure what he's got up his sleeve, but I like what the half-hand has been doing. I like him standing up for Sansa and wanting someone to go get her. I don't quite get what's up with Sandor. Does he have a conscience or not? His comment that he's the only thing between Joffrey and her to Sansa made me rethink his character. It was interesting to see Cersei's take on Joffrey. She's obviously overly power hungry, with he saying she's never been able to control Joffrey, yet ensuring he ascends to the throne.

And Arya being in service to Tywin could prove an advantage to Robb. I wonder what will happen if Tywin asks any more questions about her background. I wonder how much she'll be able to come up with to placate him. I wonder who she has killed for her 3rd choice.

Powers 05-15-2012 08:39 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
^^ All good points :tu

massphatness 05-15-2012 08:46 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
I thought Season 1 followed the book pretty well -- Season 2? Not so much. I understand why, but I can't say I love some of the directions they're going with a few of the story lines.

Bill86 05-21-2012 12:01 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
No spoilers but....after tonights episode, is it me or does anyone have a bit of a time following the characters and remembering their names? I really don't know the names of half of the usually mentioned characters.

Clearly they are compacting A LOT of characters into a short 10 episode season, which I don't understand. This is a BIG show and for it to only have 10 episodes in a season really makes it hard to follow. There are many key characters getting less than 2 minutes per show or sometimes completely missing from episodes. (Tonights example Sansa Stark). One could also argue over Daenerys Targaryen's mere 90 seconds of screen time if that.

Tonight's episode seemed like filler, we all know what we wanted to see happen and it just didn't. They messed around too much and B.S'd their way through spending time pointing out the obvious.

This show needs like 15-18 episodes per season.

OLS 05-21-2012 07:25 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
I liken this show to LOST in a lot of ways. You CAN'T take away the sheer majesty and scope of the show, and it
is nicely done, but it's almost like they are suckering you in for a payoff that never comes. Its really not as bad as
Lost was for that, but it's at least as bad as 5-6 episodes of Greene Family Farm-Walking Dead.

That said, I am two episodes behind, so I take care of that tonight.

OLS 05-21-2012 07:29 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
I'll tell you what, Wanger, the 2nd person Arya had killed MIGHT be the coolest thing I have seen on that show to date!

OLS 05-21-2012 07:32 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1640421)
No spoilers but....after tonights episode, is it me or does anyone have a bit of a time following the characters and remembering their names? I really don't know the names of half of the usually mentioned characters. .

Try this out, Bill, it's helpful

Sawyer 05-21-2012 08:19 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1640506)
I liken this show to LOST in a lot of ways. You CAN'T take away the sheer majesty and scope of the show, and it
is nicely done, but it's almost like they are suckering you in for a payoff that never comes. Its really not as bad as
Lost was for that, but it's at least as bad as 5-6 episodes of Greene Family Farm-Walking Dead.

That said, I am two episodes behind, so I take care of that tonight.

They are doing a good job of mimicking the books then because that is exactly how the books come off to me. Cliffhanger after cliffhanger with very little ever really happening. I am on the last fourth of book five and while there are some exciting things that happen, most of the books seem like filler with these epic cliffhangers that hardly ever turn out to be anything special.

DBall 05-21-2012 06:40 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1640421)
No spoilers but....after tonights episode, is it me or does anyone have a bit of a time following the characters and remembering their names? I really don't know the names of half of the usually mentioned characters.

Clearly they are compacting A LOT of characters into a short 10 episode season, which I don't understand. This is a BIG show and for it to only have 10 episodes in a season really makes it hard to follow. There are many key characters getting less than 2 minutes per show or sometimes completely missing from episodes. (Tonights example Sansa Stark). One could also argue over Daenerys Targaryen's mere 90 seconds of screen time if that.

Tonight's episode seemed like filler, we all know what we wanted to see happen and it just didn't. They messed around too much and B.S'd their way through spending time pointing out the obvious.

This show needs like 15-18 episodes per season.

You should read the books... the show is like a vacation in that regard... they left out at least 50% of characters that have an impact in the book. Seriously, while the show has a lot, the book is crazy with it.


Originally Posted by Sawyer (Post 1640535)
They are doing a good job of mimicking the books then because that is exactly how the books come off to me. Cliffhanger after cliffhanger with very little ever really happening. I am on the last fourth of book five and while there are some exciting things that happen, most of the books seem like filler with these epic cliffhangers that hardly ever turn out to be anything special.

2 more books in production... though I'm not sure when they are slated to drop. Hopefully the gap isn't as long as between 4 and 5 (5 years, I believe?). My other hope is that some of these questions will be answered... I wonder what is significant and what just simply is what it is because that's how it is.

I'm about a third of the way through book 5 myself.

Bill86 05-21-2012 07:10 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1640506)
I liken this show to LOST in a lot of ways. You CAN'T take away the sheer majesty and scope of the show, and it
is nicely done, but it's almost like they are suckering you in for a payoff that never comes.
Its really not as bad as
Lost was for that, but it's at least as bad as 5-6 episodes of Greene Family Farm-Walking Dead.

That said, I am two episodes behind, so I take care of that tonight.

Yeah I agree, it's a huge show of epic proportions. Which is why I don't understand the 10 episodes per season and wasting precious time with filler. They really have so little time to deal with and evolve the characters. They really need 14-18 shows per season IMHO. It just doesn't feel right sometimes, like right when it gets interesting it's over. Which is pretty much exactly what you were saying.


Originally Posted by DBall (Post 1640881)
You should read the books... the show is like a vacation in that regard... they left out at least 50% of characters that have an impact in the book. Seriously, while the show has a lot, the book is crazy with it.

Yeah that's what I have been told. I might look into it. Not really a big reader though.

DBall 05-22-2012 07:15 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1640899)
Yeah that's what I have been told. I might look into it. Not really a big reader though.

Audiobooks FTW! Ray Dotrice does a great job reading them... he's very engaging.

OLS 05-22-2012 09:38 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
Well I caught up last night and watched S-02 E-7&8 all in one shot and I was more concious than ever before of
this hopping around. Far be it for me to tell them how to tell their story, and I am still enjoying it, but AGAIN,
I long for the simplicity of the first season and how I never felt antsy about moving forward. I will watch with
little complaint, though, it's good stuff. And there ARE a lot of kings vying for the throne, so I guess you need
to deal with it all. This Danaerys thing is looking like a no-win situation, but on the upside, I think John Snow is
going to dip into the red menace. Me likee.

OLS 05-22-2012 09:45 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Now I know why the red-headed wildling gives me a such a shiver up me bone.

First, I like a pretty redhead to begin with, second the accent KILLS ME, and
third, DUH, she is from Downton Abbey!!! I can spot a familiar face SO FAST,
but I can never place it. Thank goodness for IMDB.

Powers 05-22-2012 10:38 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
Very much a filler episode. Although I agree w/Brad, we need some more redhead action :tu

OLS 05-22-2012 11:55 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
That reminds me of another thing this show is doing for me....

Granted, they are dirty, a lot of em, but they have offbeat lookers in every class.
You have the wildling that just took it all off last month,
You have the hot wildling redhead,
You have the hot iron-born princess, who while not strictly hot, is certainly worth
looking at in a medieval sort of way.

All of em are erotically charged in their own, dirty, "I wonder what's going on under that goatskin" kind of way..

And of course, there is lady Stark's new bodyguard, for a 7 footer, man is she hot, lol.

DBall 05-22-2012 05:35 PM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1641280)
And of course, there is lady Stark's new bodyguard, for a 7 footer, man is she hot, lol.

Gwendoline Christie when she's not all Brienne'd out... not a 10 or anything, but much better.

OLS 05-22-2012 06:25 PM

Re: Game of Thrones
And again, the offbeat woman is the best kind to me.

kickerb 05-23-2012 06:54 AM

Re: Game of Thrones
A lot of people keep telling me that the show will have its first real battle scene. They won't be skipping them like all the others.

What are people's expectations for the battle at Blackwater?

Islayphile 05-23-2012 06:56 AM

Re: Game of Thrones

Originally Posted by kickerb (Post 1641661)
A lot of people keep telling me that the show will have its first real battle scene. They won't be skipping them like all the others.

What are people's expectations for the battle at Blackwater?

Allegedly, they spent 15% of their entire season budget on the last episode for Blackwater.

So I'm expecting some epic ass kicking battle scenes.

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