AdamJoshua |
04-10-2014 04:25 PM |
Re: Funny Pics II
Originally Posted by stearns
(Post 1951457)
A lot of people, particularly in european countries, have dash cams always rolling in case somebody intentionally jumps in fron of their car or does something else to try to get money out of the driver. I doubt any of these were scripted :2
I worked for a company here in CA, DriveCam, their cameras are used in many buses (front and back cameras),, waste management companies, public transportation systems, Time Warner cable uses them, etc.,
The video can then be downloaded manually or over cell / wifi signals to a server where it can be reviewed or downloaded. There was a big accident a few years go in NY where a drunk kid in a pickup hit a wedding limo headon and killed the limo driver and I believe the bride and a little girl that was with them, it was one of the first times that this kind of record was allowed in a trial and showed beyond doubt the pickup was in the wrong lane and struck the limo head on, the drivers defense was it that it was the limo swerving toward him or something stupid.
Edit: Ok so they have changed the clip lengthy from 30/30...
The DriveCam Video Event Recorder (VER) continually records driving data and provide continuous feedback to the driver. Additionally, video and audio – focused on the road outside the vehicle and on the driver – are continually recorded on a short loop but only stored when the vehicle exceeds a preset threshold (e.g. hard braking or a collision). Recorded video and audio includes up to eight seconds before an event and four seconds after.