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Bill86 06-05-2012 10:33 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1649669)
After seeing a big guy fire a 12 gauge at the range this past Sunday, decided I would like to keep my shoulder as it currently appears and instead, move on to a weapon I can have more fun with.

12 gauge isn't bad, I own a few of them. I've had several 100-115 pound women shoot them without a problem.

It's all about the stock you purchase, I've got a nice stock on the Remington 870 and you can shoot it one handed. Though it will kick a bit :D, certainly never hurt anyone.

Stock says "Knoxx Spec Ops Stock". Look into them, they certainly work.

TRicker 06-05-2012 12:00 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I have a Smith & Wesson mp 15, and love it. Put a couple thousand rounds downrange so far, no problems. And thats shooting cheap ammo too.

ChicagoWhiteSox 06-05-2012 12:52 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Any guys here have a Bravo Company AR15?

smitty81 06-05-2012 01:05 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1649669)
After seeing a big guy fire a 12 gauge at the range this past Sunday, decided I would like to keep my shoulder as it currently appears and instead, move on to a weapon I can have more fun with.
AR 15 here I come.
Looking at DPMS PAnther or S&W MP15.
Would love the Colt but rather save the $400 or so for gadgets.

12 Ga is a pud gun. Heck, kids 8+ shoot them out here during hunting season.

ChicagoWhiteSox 06-05-2012 01:07 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1649797)
12 Ga is a pud gun. Heck, kids 8+ shoot them out here during hunting season.

What's your point?

theonlybear4CORT 06-05-2012 01:14 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1649785)
Any guys here have a Bravo Company AR15?

I have a midlenght upper and it's been flawless so far I just plink with it.
Filthy 14

Digs 06-05-2012 01:18 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1649527)
OK... SO I am selling a majority of my firearms and doing some swapping to afford wedding rings and getting a monetary cushion for baby in August... Is anyone familiar with pricing on a P99 QPQ in .40? I looked online and found as little as 200 and as much as 550, I don't want to get taken for a ride on this trade and as it is a friend of a friend I semi feel obligated to give him a fair price.

New the P99 .40 is around $500. (Maybe $525 out the door but don’t cont on recouping misc fees) Depending on condition and if you only have the 2 mags and case (like you got it) if its buddy ask $400 and see what kind of response you get?

The gun broker is ok for a lose reference; I see a lot of crack head prices on there. Its best to check what has sold not what is for sale, remember the reason you can see it for sale on gun broker is because no one has bought it yet. Lol

Digs 06-05-2012 01:28 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1649682)
Besides having my eyes on the G29 and now a G30, I'm planning on buying a AR 15 as well. From what people tell me, Rock River Arms builds great firearms. They are priced decent as well. Bravo is another company I'm looking at, but more expensive.

Rock River is ok, but they are not the manufacturer they simply assemble AR's from purchased parts.

For me top shelf AR's (that are reasonable) and built to mil-spec would be Colt, Spikes Tactile, Lewis Machine and tool, SIG, and S&W, LWRC. The two brands I would stay away from would be 1. DPMS 2. Bushmaster

Remember if you chose to buy a Colt, it’s a Colt and kind of an investment.

Digs 06-05-2012 01:46 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1649689)
I have zero experience with AR 15s, but what little research I've done has all said DPMS is not a good deal, even if they are cheap. Then again, I would imagine it depends a lot on how many rounds the person plans to put through the gun. Maybe a casual shooter would be fine with a DPMS, I'm far from an expert on firearms.

No they are ok if you buy on simply price; DPMS are not mil-spec (not refereeing to FA) I am not a hater just pointing out some items I have noticed.

Barrels are generally not chrome lined
Barrels are not MPI inspected
Bolt & carriers are not MPI inspected
Receivers will not fit all mags! (saw a pos dpms that a tango down mag wouldn’t fit)
Carrier interior not chrome lined
Bolt & carriers are not MPI inspected
Gas key screws not staked and improper hardness
Rifles with the M4 stock have a commercial spec tube and are not staked properly

The fit between the upper & lower are pretty lose on the rifles I have handled and worked on, overall there QC is a little week, I have also seen Olympic and Bushmaster with most of the same issues.

smitty81 06-05-2012 03:04 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1649799)
What's your point?

I was basically telling him not to be scared of the recoil from a 12 gauger. It isn't that bad.

I'm sorry so many of you took offense to my post, it wasn't meant to be degrading. I was just telling him that the recoil isn't as bad as it seems.

Blueface 06-05-2012 03:19 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1649878)
I was basically telling him not to be scared of the recoil from a 12 gauger. It isn't that bad.

I'm sorry so many of you took offense to my post, it wasn't meant to be degrading. I was just telling him that the recoil isn't as bad as it seems.

No worries.
Life is too short.:D

I am not worried for me as I am gradually finding the bigger the caliber, the more I enjoy it. I am sure it won't be an issue for me, although not something I will enjoy shooting a 100 rounds in an hour.
My concern is my wife. I really don't think she is anywhere close yet to taking that on. I rather get other weapons now and in time, as her comfort level increases, go back to looking at a 12 gauge.

smitty81 06-05-2012 03:24 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1649891)
No worries.
Life is too short.:D

I am not worried for me as I am gradually finding the bigger the caliber, the more I enjoy it. I am sure it won't be an issue for me, although not something I will enjoy shooting a 100 rounds in an hour.
My concern is my wife. I really don't think she is anywhere close yet to taking that on. I rather get other weapons now and in time, as her comfort level increases, go back to looking at a 12 gauge.

Get her a 20 Gauge, she can shoot it all day.:tu

emopunker2004 06-05-2012 03:47 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Dude my wife is 5'1" and can shoot a 12ga without a problem

TRicker 06-05-2012 05:17 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1649891)
No worries.
Life is too short.:D

I am not worried for me as I am gradually finding the bigger the caliber, the more I enjoy it. I am sure it won't be an issue for me, although not something I will enjoy shooting a 100 rounds in an hour.
My concern is my wife. I really don't think she is anywhere close yet to taking that on. I rather get other weapons now and in time, as her comfort level increases, go back to looking at a 12 gauge.

Totally understandable, There is a big difference between being able to shoot something and being comfortable shooting something. My wife never touched a gun before a month ago. If I had handed her my 12 gauge and said you can easily handle this, a 5'1" 100 lb women can, she would have shot it once and never gone back with me. I started her on my 9mm, and .22 pistols. The next time we went to the range, she asked me to bring my ar15 and 357 magnum! Better to go slow and let her tell you when she's ready.(That sounded pretty dirty!)

emopunker2004 06-05-2012 05:31 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Digs 06-05-2012 07:53 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1649894)
Get her a 20 Gauge, she can shoot it all day.:tu

Rather then go 20 gauge, I would look into a semi like the 1187 Remington. Less kick because you have the action absorb the recoil, my 11 year old daughter can handle me 12 gauge 1187 all day long.

Brian D. 06-10-2012 05:48 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Taking my .308/7.62 x 51 AR-10 out today to see how it shoots at 200 yds. and beyond. Had the thing a couple months now and hadn't managed to try it out beyond about 40 yards.

emopunker2004 06-10-2012 11:16 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
The EDC. Gun and the new knife
DSC_3809 by thestemens16, on Flickr
DSC_3810 by thestemens16, on Flickr

Steve 06-10-2012 04:04 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
If Frank and the boys down south don't get the face-eating zombie issue resolved soon, this may become my next EDC

:banger :D

Ogre 06-10-2012 04:16 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by steve (Post 1653147)
If Frank and the boys down south don't get the face-eating zombie issue resolved soon, this may become my next EDC

:banger :D

Amen Brother!!!!!

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