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OLS 06-12-2013 04:19 PM

Re: Photography Thread
DAMMIT! Why is trying to stick with what you say SO DAMN HARD!
Not only is the D700 NOT under 40k, its not under 50k, 60k, even 70k!
Now it comes down to REALLY thinking about this practically. I know from reading, and of course, Justin, that the D700
has supposedly been designed to operate to 150,000 actuations, and half of that is a pretty reasonable gauge on whether
or not to keep it. But what about 83,160? Its closer to 75k than 150k. But it IS WAY OVER the halfway mark.
Now do I send it back and try to think a little more about the wisdom of buying a used D700 at the very bottom of the entry price?
Or do I admit that I got it at it's lowest price point and I should be happy it still shoots for what I paid? Its a tough call.
There is no guarantee that buying a E or a E- will get me any fewer actuations. That's what makes it tougher. If I bought
one off of Amazon, I could cherry pick a shutter count, but those are all 1500-1800 bucks. I paid 1150 for this one.

Scattershooting amazon, $1350 for 117,800....$1539 for 115,000.........$1700 for 58,000........$1720 for 40,000........its only
at about $2000 that you start getting below 40,000 clicks. So I guess I am KIND OF lucky on this one, but its still too high
to sit well with me. I guess I need to STFU and shoot it.

equetefue 06-12-2013 04:26 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Shutter replacement is a few hundred dollars so is really a gamble if u keep this body. If u swap it for a better condition one at least you will know that it will look better

OLS 06-12-2013 05:38 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Just to make me feel bad, I went back to a few images I had saved from when the store sent me the D700
by mistake, instead of the D100 I ordered. 8330 shutter count...ouch. It was only $1525. I should have KEPT it
and told em to BILL ME!

shark 06-12-2013 07:44 PM

Re: Photography Thread
That sucks, Brad!

OLS 06-12-2013 08:08 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Yes it does suck, but I have also accepted it as being par for my own course.
I ALWAYS make the worst decisions first and then take plenty of time to evaluate them
after the fact. But on that camera, I don't dwell on what I should have done. If I had
even the slightest HINT of what I actually had in hand then, I would have spent that 1500
right then and saved the same or better money with all these bargain basement DX cameras
I bought since that week in history. I would have had the top dog, (relatively speaking)
and not felt compelled to keep searching for better cameras than the crap I started with.
But it was the cheaper plan, go with the D70, look at the reviews. lol. Its awesome!
And it WAS.....back when. The internet has an amazing ability to bend time and space to
whatever result you are looking for. For me it was buying the cheapest, decent DSLR I could find.

hotreds 06-12-2013 08:10 PM

Re: Photography Thread

hotreds 06-12-2013 08:12 PM

Re: Photography Thread

hotreds 06-12-2013 08:15 PM

Re: Photography Thread

shark 06-13-2013 04:30 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1847834)
Yes it does suck, but I have also accepted it as being par for my own course.
I ALWAYS make the worst decisions first and then take plenty of time to evaluate them
after the fact. But on that camera, I don't dwell on what I should have done. If I had
even the slightest HINT of what I actually had in hand then, I would have spent that 1500
right then and saved the same or better money with all these bargain basement DX cameras
I bought since that week in history. I would have had the top dog, (relatively speaking)
and not felt compelled to keep searching for better cameras than the crap I started with.
But it was the cheaper plan, go with the D70, look at the reviews. lol. Its awesome!
And it WAS.....back when. The internet has an amazing ability to bend time and space to
whatever result you are looking for. For me it was buying the cheapest, decent DSLR I could find.

I'll eventually break down and upgrade, but the D90 is far from crap, even by today's DSLR standards. IMHO

OLS 06-13-2013 05:13 AM

Re: Photography Thread
In fact I would strongly urge that you NOT upgrade. The D90 is the perfect camera.
Light, powerful, excellent image quality.... I made a decision to stop buying things a few months ago,
and it was because my lenses were NOT the pro style, low light, heavy glass lenses. Why did I want to go full frame
and expose every single flaw around the edges? MANY times I successfully talked myself out of it.
Exorbitant price, even at a used discount, no decent lenses to throw at it, every good argument there was.
But in the end, not only did I pick one up, but I picked up some good lenses for it. STILL, deep discount
on manual focus lenses, but MORE money piled on top of more money when I had a PERFECT picture-
making machine in my hands already. NOT a good story.

equetefue 06-13-2013 07:45 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1847837)

What body/lens combo you using?

emopunker2004 06-13-2013 07:53 AM

Re: Photography Thread
My wife just got back connected with some friends from a while back. It's a couple and the guy recently got hired on with us at the Sheriff's Office.

We went out to dinner with them last night and Angela(the friend) was talking about how she's interested in photography and recent bought an advanced P&S but really wants a DSLR. I asked what her budget is and her husband said $450. So I found a Canon T3i with 18-55 kit lens for $415 direct from Canon as a refurb.

I'm an enabler.

MrClean 06-13-2013 08:21 AM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1848068)
My wife just got back connected with some friends from a while back. It's a couple and the guy recently got hired on with us at the Sheriff's Office.

We went out to dinner with them last night and Angela(the friend) was talking about how she's interested in photography and recent bought an advanced P&S but really wants a DSLR. I asked what her budget is and her husband said $450. So I found a Canon T3i with 18-55 kit lens for $415 direct from Canon as a refurb.

I'm an enabler.

Yes you are! The T2i was my first, I'm hoping the 6D will be the last camera I bought. I like the Txi's as entry level bodies. I have a coworker who was interested in getting a DSLR, he got a T3i a few weeks ago. Turns out there are a lot of :adam in life. :D

emopunker2004 06-13-2013 08:56 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Yeh I figured that being new to dslrs that the t series would serve her fine. And in reality it's something she can grow with and no need to really upgrade anytime soon.

emopunker2004 06-13-2013 10:20 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Well just downloaded LR5! The heal/clone tool is a large improvement over the one in LR4

OLS 06-13-2013 12:29 PM

Re: Photography Thread
You know, Justin, you should have told her that you know a guy that would glady sell her
THREE Nikon D70's for that budget! One for the trunk, one for the house and one for the office.
BUT NOOOooooo. You enable THEM and not ME. You need to ENABLE me to get rid of my
D70's. THAT'S enabling, buddy. I would have thrown in three lenses....

emopunker2004 06-13-2013 12:35 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Rofl brad

equetefue 06-13-2013 01:29 PM

Re: Photography Thread

so I updated my big computer to Win8 and need to get new software for processing pics. I've always used Adobe CS, but open to suggestions. What you guys use and why?


emopunker2004 06-13-2013 01:40 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by equetefue (Post 1848263)

so I updated my big computer to Win8 and need to get new software for processing pics. I've always used Adobe CS, but open to suggestions. What you guys use and why?


PM send :D

emopunker2004 06-13-2013 01:43 PM

Re: Photography Thread
A re-edit of a shot I took when I first got the 60D and kit lens
IMG_1097 by emopunker2004, on Flickr

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