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OLS 04-27-2012 06:30 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
OK, I'd like to semi-jack this thread and ask "What did everyone have a problem with Haywire about?"
I watched it last night and liked about 92% of what I was seeing. It meandered a bit near the end but
righted the ship. Woman looked good, hand to hand fighting was sprinkled liberally, but not anything drawn out
and frankly the fight choreography was pretty entertaining and believable. The story was a cliche', sure,
but it was not embarassing. I have seen nothing but thumbs down on this one...:confused::sh....I give it a :tu

Pseudosacred 04-27-2012 08:36 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Last night I rewatched 23. I really like Jim Carreys role in it, it strays from his norm. It's kind of funny, because he's an animal control guy...ironic.

It's a very predictable ending, but it's just a great movie.

stevefrench 04-28-2012 04:54 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Shark Night

stevefrench 04-28-2012 07:11 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

kugie 04-28-2012 07:13 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Descendants

Apoco 04-28-2012 07:18 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Watching "The Game"

Louistogies 04-28-2012 07:50 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The girl with a dragon tattoo.

Hooligan 04-28-2012 08:41 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Just finished watching Super quite an odd movie.

Skywalker 04-29-2012 09:15 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Star Trek: First Contact
Cigar in the movie! First time a caught it!

stevefrench 04-29-2012 01:12 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
All About Eve

Blak Smyth 04-29-2012 01:14 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
I am legend
Interview with a vampire

OLS 04-29-2012 02:12 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Shane, I can recall when my roomate was working a security detail at Destrehan Plantation where they were shooting a
lot of scenes for Interview with the Vampire. He was on overnight security and we took a lot of photos on the set.
If you recall the scene where Brad Pitt flies into Tom Cruise and slams him into a big oak tree and ol Tom just laughs
at was right after he turned him. That tree had been covered with a big batt of foam rubber and painted
to match the bark. We took some photos holding each other up against that tree. I need to find those pics...
The place where they burned down the first house was there, as was that whole scene when he is pondering being fully
turned and after he is turned, but before they moved to the Quarter. (Although the exterior from the first scene of the
film on the levee was filmed upriver at Oak Alley...supposed to be the same house, but it isn't.) Good times, I was sure
a lot younger then.

mase 04-30-2012 09:15 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
My Cousin Vinny

msobo32 04-30-2012 10:25 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Three Stooges movie 2012. Actually pleasently surprised by it. The new guys playing Larry, Moe & Currly are spot on with the imitation. I took my 7 year old and we laughed pretty much the whole movie. Worth checking out.

Taki 04-30-2012 10:33 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Contraband :tu

OLS 04-30-2012 12:10 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by msobo32 (Post 1627867)
The Three Stooges movie 2012. Actually pleasently surprised by it. The new guys playing Larry, Moe & Currly are spot on with the imitation..

I agree that it is a lot better that I thought it would be...I was thinking it was a bio-pic, turns out it's just
a long form Stooges reel split into 3-4 "shorts". But while I do think that each of the players has a few of
the main sayings/mannerisms of their stooge down, I think Larry's actor Sean Hayes slips a lot, when he
is good, HE'S FREAKING FANTASTIC, and when he slips, he's so-so.

It's funny to hear the Moe actor say "Spread OUT..."

dijit 04-30-2012 12:27 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Raven, very good flick! Especially for a fan like myself

Blak Smyth 04-30-2012 01:35 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1627329)
Shane, I can recall when my roomate was working a security detail at Destrehan Plantation where they were shooting a
lot of scenes for Interview with the Vampire. He was on overnight security and we took a lot of photos on the set.
If you recall the scene where Brad Pitt flies into Tom Cruise and slams him into a big oak tree and ol Tom just laughs
at was right after he turned him. That tree had been covered with a big batt of foam rubber and painted
to match the bark. We took some photos holding each other up against that tree. I need to find those pics...
The place where they burned down the first house was there, as was that whole scene when he is pondering being fully
turned and after he is turned, but before they moved to the Quarter. (Although the exterior from the first scene of the
film on the levee was filmed upriver at Oak Alley...supposed to be the same house, but it isn't.) Good times, I was sure
a lot younger then.

Sounds pretty awesome Brad, I do know the tree you speak of. I love that movie, better everytime I watch it. Wouldn't mind seeing those pics if you run across them.


Originally Posted by Taki (Post 1627869)
Contraband :tu

I just watched that this weekend. I thought it was okay except for the butterflies and rainbows style happy ending.

I watched Four Rooms yesterday, I really enjoyed it.

stevefrench 04-30-2012 07:00 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Bill86 05-01-2012 10:31 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Seeking Justice

stevesmoke 05-01-2012 10:40 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Young frankenstein

Bill86 05-02-2012 03:59 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Trespass, what a pile of sh*t

Hem 05-02-2012 05:13 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Mission Impossible: Ghost was alright

xFreebirdx 05-02-2012 05:29 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Haywire will be here today.....I'll let you know what I think. ;)

Blak Smyth 05-02-2012 05:36 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by xFreebirdx (Post 1629462)
Haywire will be here today.....I'll let you know what I think. ;)

I tried to find this on DirectTV and couldn't. I might just wait and buy it on DVD, I am a huge fan of Gina and wouldn't mind owning this one even if it sucks.

xFreebirdx 05-02-2012 05:51 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1629464)
I tried to find this on DirectTV and couldn't. I might just wait and buy it on DVD, I am a huge fan of Gina and wouldn't mind owning this one even if it sucks.

I have it coming from Netflix, DVD sales started yesterday.

I also am a huge fan of Gina Carano and a growing fan of Rowdy Ronda Rousey Olympic Judo Medalist. If you haven't seen her yet, youtube her. Shes 6-0 and the champion now. All her wins are with arm bars with a few broken arms. 5 matches never went over 49 seconds with the championship match also ending in the first round......she is the new Bone Collector.

Blak Smyth 05-02-2012 06:04 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by xFreebirdx (Post 1629465)
I have it coming from Netflix, DVD sales started yesterday.

I also am a huge fan of Gina Carano and a growing fan of Rowdy Ronda Rousey Olympic Judo Medalist. If you haven't seen her yet, youtube her. Shes 6-0 and the champion now. All her wins are with arm bars with a few broken arms. 5 matches never went over 49 seconds with the championship match also ending in the first round......she is the new Bone Collector.

Oh yah she was just on TUF, I didn't know who she was before that episode though. She kinda reminds me of Julia Styles!

Skywalker 05-02-2012 01:36 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

xFreebirdx 05-02-2012 01:41 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
I just finished watching Haywire....

The storyline was a little blah, But I really liked it and will watch it again tonight.
I think Carano was believable in the part she played. As far as her acting? Hell it was her first 'real" acting job and like I said. She was believable and made the fight scenes look more real than any other girl that I've seen in fight scenes.

I don't think it was a waste of time. ;)

xFreebirdx 05-02-2012 03:05 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
PS: The special features on the Haywire DVD were very interesting as well. ;)

Skywalker 05-02-2012 11:01 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Pseudosacred 05-04-2012 01:45 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Just got back from the midnight release of The Avengers!

Holy God, was it amazing. It was non-stop brilliance. Witty and packed with ass-kickings

Also, Scarlette Johanssons butt :dr:dr
(There were shots from behind her, about knee level, looking up. In her jumpsuit...Oh my...)

It was just...the best...

dijit 05-04-2012 07:02 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
DAMN I gotta work all weekend wont see it till Tues! CAnt wait for the gratuitous butt shots! :banger


Originally Posted by Pseudosacred (Post 1630838)
Just got back from the midnight release of The Avengers!

Holy God, was it amazing. It was non-stop brilliance. Witty and packed with ass-kickings

Also, Scarlette Johanssons butt :dr:dr
(There were shots from behind her, about knee level, looking up. In her jumpsuit...Oh my...)

It was just...the best...

levrac68 05-04-2012 07:26 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
PORKY'S... I wonder who remembers that one.

BigCat 05-04-2012 08:25 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by levrac68 (Post 1630932)
PORKY'S... I wonder who remembers that one.

I love that one. When the principle busts his gut laughing after being told about the peep hole into the girl's shower, I lose it with him.

OLS 05-04-2012 01:22 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Pseudosacred (Post 1630838)
Also, Scarlette Johanssons butt :dr:dr
(There were shots from behind her, about knee level, looking up. In her jumpsuit...Oh my...)

It was just...the best...

It's why God invented BluRay. It sure wasn't so we could see her face.

Pseudosacred 05-04-2012 01:25 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1631115)
It's why God invented BluRay. It sure wasn't so we could see her face.

She's a 10. I'll look at whatever she shows me :tu

Skywalker 05-05-2012 12:05 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Avengers:tu:tu

gnbikes 05-05-2012 12:45 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
LOTR's. Had to see how it looked on our new 60" plasma. It felt like I was there in middle earth.

Subvet642 05-05-2012 06:09 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1631364)
The Avengers:tu:tu


massphatness 05-05-2012 11:31 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1631364)
The Avengers:tu:tu

Went last night -- no one told me to wear my hulk suit, but these two gals got the memo:

FYI - the Hulk steals the show! The big green beastie kills it!

Been a long time since I had so much fun at a movie.

ChicagoWhiteSox 05-05-2012 04:12 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

stevefrench 05-05-2012 09:30 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Mission: Impossible

markem 05-05-2012 09:46 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Legend of Ron Burgundy

levrac68 05-05-2012 11:10 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1631970)
The Legend of Ron Burgundy

I miss read that at first... I thought it was Ron Jeremy. :D

CigarNut 05-06-2012 01:23 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Double :tu :tu

stevefrench 05-06-2012 08:52 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Tales From the Darkside: The Movie

MarkinAZ 05-06-2012 09:41 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The wife and I traveled over the hump to Hollywood and viewed "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" at the ArcLight theater. Excellent movie:tu

icehog3 05-06-2012 10:46 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

ChicagoWhiteSox 05-06-2012 10:52 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Can't believe I had not seen this till last night. Very good. I know day traders that should have been in this.

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