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GTsetGO 02-18-2009 10:35 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
what is said contest?? show me the way and i will see.

theycallmedan'lboone 02-18-2009 10:37 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
top o the page lad.

anybody else? beuller?

Pick how many wins/ties/losses my brand new team will have this season out of 10 games. Obviously I think we'll go 8-1-1. Tie breakers are how many goals will I score, and how many goals will my defense allow.

GTsetGO 02-18-2009 10:40 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
well. don't i look like an ass. :D

*lifts skirt and heads to top of the page*

GTsetGO 02-18-2009 10:43 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Is this an adult league, regulation size field?? if so, this is my guess


goals scored - 4

goals allowed - 9

theycallmedan'lboone 02-18-2009 10:47 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
regulationish field. mighty generous about 4 goals. did I mention I'm a big jamie carragher fan? If I score an own goal lumpold gets my humidor.

GTsetGO 02-18-2009 10:52 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
yeah, forgot to ask what position you will be playing as you said you won't be playing keeper

theycallmedan'lboone 02-18-2009 11:03 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
oh just about everywhere, utility player, defender, winger, striker, left back sweeper, goalie at least once I'm sure..

GTsetGO 02-18-2009 01:18 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I am my teams "starting" keeper and play right mid when the games are out of hand. We start the playoffs for the Co-ed season this saturday and then it is on to the fall over 30 league. those are always fun as our team is good for those seasons.

Jason 02-18-2009 01:22 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 242404)
oh just about everywhere, utility player, defender, winger, striker, left back sweeper, goalie at least once I'm sure..

see if you can swing a spot as ref, I think your team will excel in that case ;)

I am not looking forward to the spring season here, I am 40 today and will likely be playing with my nephew and half his high school team. Not sure we'll be fielding a full squad every match. If I die before I have to pay up on this fantasy league just get hold of my wife and tell her which team you support, she'll have her orders and fill yours.

theycallmedan'lboone 02-18-2009 03:02 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
wow, well don't drop dead old man, I've got 2 50+'s on my squad one striker, and one defender. You've got a long way to go.

on the ref note.. it might actually be called properly too.. ;-)

GTsetGO 02-18-2009 04:30 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
MAN U 3 fulham 0

5 points on top of the EPL.

Don Fernando 02-18-2009 11:58 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Go Fulham :r

GTsetGO 02-19-2009 06:24 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 243808)
Go Fulham :r

yeah, they kept it close. :tg

Lumpold 02-19-2009 07:36 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by GTsetGO (Post 242606)
I am my teams "starting" keeper and play right mid when the games are out of hand. We start the playoffs for the Co-ed season this saturday and then it is on to the fall over 30 league. those are always fun as our team is good for those seasons.

Run that by me again... CO-ED SEASON? Seems to me there's a chance for... distraction tactics?

Lumpold 02-19-2009 07:40 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Just out of interest, with the recent Scouse-Fulham love, do we have any Chelski fans?

They really need to remember... There's only one club in Fulham... one club in Fulham...

GTsetGO 02-20-2009 02:17 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Lumpold (Post 245333)
Run that by me again... CO-ED SEASON? Seems to me there's a chance for... distraction tactics?

yeah, it gets a little tough sometimes as i have 3 very attractive women on my team right now..

theycallmedan'lboone 02-21-2009 10:01 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I have 4, an Army LT with boobies that would make your head spin (if it's warm she always wants to play in a sports bra) my Fiance, who I always enjoy playing midfield when she's playing striker. and these two other vaguely attractive chicks.. vaguely. My season starts tomorrow lads, I'm 10/1 to score the opener ;-) just kidding... although if my fiance does score, I have to wear a cheerleader outfit to after match meal...

Don Fernando 02-21-2009 12:27 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
i'de rather wear a cheerleader outfit then a liverpool kit anyday :r

theycallmedan'lboone 02-21-2009 01:42 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
*sigh* one day don, I'm buying you that flat stale beer.

GTsetGO 02-21-2009 02:13 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
well man u beat blackburn today. 8 point lead on the EPL.

and my team had their first round of the playoffs today. we won in a penalty kick shootout. but the fun part today was taking the studs of a cleat to my ballzack. ughh

theycallmedan'lboone 02-21-2009 03:02 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
congrats! did you have the steely nerves to take a kick from the spot?

GTsetGO 02-22-2009 10:25 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
i was going to go in the second round if it went that far. we won 4-3 on the PK's.

I stopped the first one. Should have blocked the second one and the 4th one the guy sent over the bar.

theycallmedan'lboone 02-22-2009 07:06 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
dig it. My first match today, had two good opportunities go wasted for goals. we tied 0-0. Team we should have beaten. Guess we've got work to do.

Bubba - NJ 02-22-2009 09:19 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I watched the Liverpool vs Man City match today . Liverpool just seemed a bit too complacent , passes were too soft and off target . They were lucky to draw in my eyes and lost some valuable ground to Man U. Do they really miss Stevie G. that badly ? :confused:

Mr.Italy 02-23-2009 04:25 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by GTsetGO (Post 242940)
MAN U 3 fulham 0

5 points on top of the EPL.


9 points on top of the SERIE A

Tuesday Clashdown :ss

GTsetGO 02-23-2009 01:16 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

7 points on top of the EPL now.

well, we lost yesterday in the Semi's of our tourney. kind of glad though. i need this 4 week break until the over 30 season starts.

theycallmedan'lboone 02-24-2009 01:01 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Bubba - NJ (Post 250811)
I watched the Liverpool vs Man City match today . Liverpool just seemed a bit too complacent , passes were too soft and off target . They were lucky to draw in my eyes and lost some valuable ground to Man U. Do they really miss Stevie G. that badly ? :confused:

yes and no. his goal scoring abilities, his Leader of Men abilities, but Xabi Alonso's passing would have won that game for us. Pool couldn't put 3 passes together.


Jason 02-24-2009 06:09 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 253872)

Terrible keeping by Valdez, looked like he was about to pop it over then decided to watch it go into the net instead. Lyon played well but gave up an away goal at the end.

The Inter Manchester United game looked a lot like the Milan derby except Man U weren't suffering an ancient defensive back line and severe case of the Kaladzes. Manchester had the better of the game by far but Inter Mourinho'd what they needed from it, no away goal conceded. I think they needed more than to not concede at home but only time will tell

Bubba - NJ 02-24-2009 07:08 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 253872)
yes and no. his goal scoring abilities, his Leader of Men abilities, but Xabi Alonso's passing would have won that game for us. Pool couldn't put 3 passes together.


How long is Xabi suspended for ?

mastershogun 02-24-2009 07:36 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Jason (Post 254516)
Terrible keeping by Valdez, looked like he was about to pop it over then decided to watch it go into the net instead. Lyon played well but gave up an away goal at the end.

no idea what valdez was doing :fl:fl
I was pretty worried till henry scored... not the biggest henry fan, especially when he first came over, but today i was glad he was there... also thought he was going to hit his head on the post

Jdbwolverines 02-25-2009 01:35 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Bubba - NJ (Post 254690)
How long is Xabi suspended for ?

Just one, too many yellows. Picked a bad time though, 'pool could have really used him vs man city. With him or Gerrard, they pry would have won by 3 goals.

Jason 02-25-2009 02:27 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by mastershogun (Post 254785)
... also thought he was going to hit his head on the post

pretty damn smooth rollout

theycallmedan'lboone 02-25-2009 07:43 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
not bad, although I think I would have gone with a foot.. but then he is Henry, and I am Pittman the Terrible.

theycallmedan'lboone 02-25-2009 09:39 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
IT would appear that Benitez is close to moving on From Anfield... according to the bookies...

Jason 02-28-2009 03:54 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 255801)
IT would appear that Benitez is close to moving on From Anfield... according to the bookies...

Reeck Parry says bye bye at end of season. Should be an interesting summer for Liverpool. They're as close to bankruptcy as any big club ever has been. Good luck pool fans.

theycallmedan'lboone 02-28-2009 04:25 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

aldukes 02-28-2009 07:01 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Jason (Post 255353)
pretty damn smooth rollout

Arseshavin and a Brazilian? pretty smooth Voyeur.

aldukes 02-28-2009 07:03 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 262916)

sorry about today booney- theres always next year.

pnoon 03-01-2009 08:43 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 262916)


Boro?!?!?!!? C'mon guys. :sad

theycallmedan'lboone 03-01-2009 09:10 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
we can beat Real solidly at their house but can't beat boro at theirs... hell we couldn't score.. you could see it on Stevens and Jamies faces when they were on the bench.

update on team Pittman:
Pittman has torn his mcl... damaged the ACL and is out for minimum 4 weeks.. at a practice no less, from one of my own team mates. so far 0 goals scored by me, 0 goals scored against...:al

Jason 03-01-2009 11:14 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by aldukes (Post 263199)
Arseshavin and a Brazilian? pretty smooth Voyeur.

get the tank!

Jason 03-02-2009 11:28 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 263940)

Boro?!?!?!!? C'mon guys. :sad

At least I don't have to sit through another weekly wrap show listening to Gareth Southgate saying all the
manager-speak. :wo

theycallmedan'lboone 03-02-2009 12:54 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Ribery is going to move to united..? to replace ronaldo because he's going to move to Real and up their pace, I wanted to see Ribery in the EPL, but on my team.. having a bloody real right winger would be nice.

Bubba - NJ 03-02-2009 04:45 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Ribery had one hell of a game last week . 2 goals , 2 assists and a touch on Klose's goal also . That scar he has makes him look like he ought to be in a Bond film . 007 villian if you know what I mean .

theycallmedan'lboone 03-03-2009 08:05 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
bubba, i agree, he'd make a good villian, minus the french accent.. have you seen the video of him and luca toni? wie ghets?

theycallmedan'lboone 03-03-2009 02:28 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Seriously, Liverpool? where the hell was this on Sunday?
WTF!!!!!! Lucas in for a 18 year old striker who can run for years? wtf
Screw controlling the game, run the effing score up!

aldukes 03-03-2009 06:48 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 267790)
bubba, i agree, he'd make a good villian, minus the french accent.. have you seen the video of him and luca toni? wie ghets?

Ribery is almost as ugly as tevez- but the video is still pretty good.

pnoon 03-03-2009 06:56 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by aldukes (Post 268967)
Ribery is almost as ugly as tevez- but the video is still pretty good.

That's funny. I was thinking the same thing.
Those two could captain the all-ugly team.

theycallmedan'lboone 03-04-2009 08:47 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
and Emilio Insua can run the reserves! AHAH! anyways..

fantasy update:
I believe that I personally can concede that the title is JDB's to lose (much like United's title) I am currently 46 points behind him with St Lou Stu being 40 points behind me. While our some of our main point getters are the same, I am out of transfers, so I need some of my fringe players to start scoring, and his to stop. Unless they're liverpool players.. yossi... so, Joey I practically concede. the odds are slim. I cry. Well played sir.

1 Jdbwolverines Jdbwolverines 1060
2 TEAMOFCARRAGHERS Dan'lboone 1014
3 Heritage St. Lou Stu 974
4 SOS FC yayson 918
5 Lakeland Wednesday T. Tripoli 841
6 aldukes aldukes 826
7 CS Scousers P NOON 788
8 Leeds Ga. Aracos 750
9 Buckeye's Bashers reggiebuckeye 717
10 Trudy Tours TTOURS 596

Jason 03-05-2009 03:28 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 263991)
update on team Pittman:
Pittman has torn his mcl... damaged the ACL and is out for minimum 4 weeks.

Missed that! Hang in there man, you'll be back in no time

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