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HK3- 03-06-2020 04:06 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Nice Bill!

Navydoc 03-15-2020 06:58 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Finally decided to get a home defense handgun and went with a Sig P238 and CZ 75D Compact for greater mag capacity

Steve 03-16-2020 10:10 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
A little aroma therapy over the weekend

Hippi3Slay3r 03-17-2020 09:36 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Looks like ill have to wait a few months before I can pick up the carbine I had my eye on, Panic buyers have wiped the local shelfs clean and my go to sites are out of stock... :tf

HK3- 03-18-2020 04:11 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Hippi3Slay3r (Post 2195487)
Looks like ill have to wait a few months before I can pick up the carbine I had my eye on, Panic buyers have wiped the local shelfs clean and my go to sites are out of stock... :tf

I went to pick up some primers and a pound of powder yesterday and people were walking out with boxes of stuff.

Im just hoping the form fours aren't held up from a shutdown....

Hippi3Slay3r 03-23-2020 03:52 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
I lucked out! I found a Sig MPX carbine on consignment at a local shop with an Eotech xps2 with 5 30rd mags and 2 10 rounders for $1754. And it was never fired :dr

icehog3 03-23-2020 06:24 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Sweet rifle, Kyle! :tu

Steve 04-24-2020 01:33 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
New ammo showed up today to go along with Big Gurl's new barrel. May have to go out somewhere this weekend and socially distance something... :gn:gn

HK3- 04-27-2020 04:30 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Whatcha shooting Steve, semi wad cutters?

Steve 04-27-2020 08:17 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 2197919)
Whatcha shooting Steve, semi wad cutters?

220 Gr. solid lead hard cores. Hard hitting and deep penetration for hogs, etc.

Hippi3Slay3r 06-01-2020 07:08 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

MPX project coming together, Carbon fiber hand guard and a new 4.5 barrel working on a Timney Trigger upgrade at the moment and I'm thinking this one might be my first form one SBR.

RevSmoke 06-01-2020 08:54 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Nice Kyle, very nice.
Bring it along next Sunday night. I got a spot we can shoot it if you are interested.

Hippi3Slay3r 06-10-2020 05:19 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Leasing with an option to buy ;) this might be the most accurate pdw in 9mm that I've ever fired, I was ringing 12in plates at 100 yards all afternoon

equetefue 06-11-2020 10:30 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
4 Attachment(s)
Haven’t been here for some time, so a few of my latest acquisitions.

Steve 06-11-2020 11:24 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Nice Edwin!

bonjing 06-19-2020 08:29 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
1 Attachment(s)
Might be saying goodbye to a few of these today

Steve 06-22-2020 08:34 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Had a great Father's Day at the range with Boo yesterday.

Started off bustin' some clays

Then when it go hot, moved to the back and slung some lead 200 yards with the hunting rifles.

While back on the rifle line, met a long range shooter that was working up new loads for his next match. He let Boo shoot a couple of his precision long range rifles in 6mmBR

3 shots at 200 yards

Then we came back and fired up the new smoker and feasted and lounged around in the pool...perfect!

Hippi3Slay3r 06-26-2020 07:42 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Heavy hitter back in action :gary
After a botched trigger job from the previous owner she's back to factory specs

Brian D. 07-17-2020 07:04 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Hello. Bought a Walther PPQ in .22 yesterday, the 4" version. Should be a good practice companion to my pair in 9mm.

bonjing 07-18-2020 09:37 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
1 Attachment(s)
My new to me HKP7 something I’ve been wanting since the days of Die Hard

icehog3 07-18-2020 01:19 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 2202526)
My new to me HKP7 something I’ve been wanting since the days of Die Hard

Very nice Greg! :banger

Brian D. 07-29-2020 12:53 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Been on a kick for .22 LR handguns lately. Possibly because that's the ammo I'm least likely to need more of any time soon. Anyway, picked up a Glock model 44 this morning, from a store/range in the area. Like most such places, they gave me a free hour of range time with firearm purchase. That gave me a chance to try it out, because I thought ahead and brought 50 rounds along just in case. Not sure they'd have been able to sell me any, as they were totally out of most all common calibers.

icehog3 07-29-2020 03:09 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 2203078)
Not sure they'd have been able to sell me any, as they were totally out of most all common calibers.

I made a trade on another cigar site, got two boxes of .45 ACP for some cigars. None to be found near me lately.

The Poet 07-29-2020 03:59 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
I have some 60-year-old .410 rounds around here somewhere. Anybody wanna trade?

Steve 08-07-2020 09:46 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Gotta love it...a few days AFTER I order some ammo from MidwayUSA and on the day my order is delivered, I get an email that free shipping is back. Argh! :gary

icehog3 08-07-2020 02:51 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 2203473)
Gotta love it...a few days AFTER I order some ammo from MidwayUSA and on the day my order is delivered, I get an email that free shipping is back. Argh! :gary

:gary indeed. :(

bonjing 08-07-2020 08:31 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Steve (Post 2203473)
Gotta love it...a few days AFTER I order some ammo from MidwayUSA and on the day my order is delivered, I get an email that free shipping is back. Argh! :gary

Yup never fails. I miss the brownells whatever % off and free shipping codes.

bonjing 08-07-2020 08:43 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Sold everything I "wanted" to sell, didn't realize I sold my only G17, now I want one again :sl Wife had a :emo2004 moment when I cleaned out the safe can't blame her I've been bringing random stuff home ever since working at a gun shop. At least the money is going to home improvements. What almost gave me a heart attack was the "what else can you sell, transformers, cigars?" Sadly I'll probably be selling my toys next.

I can probably get some good coin for my 220ST and 226ST but I just can't seem to part with those.

equetefue 08-08-2020 08:27 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
2 Attachment(s)
Just finished this AR pistol built in .300 BO. 10.5”, Aero M4E1 lower, radiant charging handle and folding stock

icehog3 08-08-2020 09:42 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by equetefue (Post 2203534)
Just finished this AR pistol built in .300 BO. 10.5”, Aero M4E1 lower, radiant charging handle and folding stock

Pretty badass, Edwin. :tu

Brian D. 08-18-2020 07:10 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Hi. Over the weekend I sold off an AR-15 that was bought as investment, back when prices bottomed out. Made some profit for sure, reinvested in an AR-10 in .308. Original owner never fired it, had buyer's remorse I guess, or maybe wanted to free up some money.

I had a chance to fire it at 50 yards, windage was fine but needed a little elevation adjustment. It's a hoot!

equetefue 08-18-2020 09:41 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 2203951)
Hi. Over the weekend I sold off an AR-15 that was bought as investment, back when prices bottomed out. Made some profit for sure, reinvested in an AR-10 in .308. Original owner never fired it, had buyer's remorse I guess, or maybe wanted to free up some money.

I had a chance to fire it at 50 yards, windage was fine but needed a little elevation adjustment. It's a hoot!

nice score :tu

Gabe215 08-20-2020 08:38 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
I’m really tempted to go behind my wife’s back this week and buy a Ruger 57. Anyone own one (or an FN 57 ?) let me know your thoughts? Thoughts of the round ect. I found one from a vendor that did gouge the price to $875 due to limited supply and extreme demand but with the election and seeing on the aftermarket they can be up to $950 Any insight is appreciated!

HK3- 08-26-2020 04:30 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Gabe215 (Post 2204114)
I’m really tempted to go behind my wife’s back this week and buy a Ruger 57. Anyone own one (or an FN 57 ?) let me know your thoughts? Thoughts of the round ect. I found one from a vendor that did gouge the price to $875 due to limited supply and extreme demand but with the election and seeing on the aftermarket they can be up to $950 Any insight is appreciated!

for sure an interesting round with little recoil. I can never get past the cost of ammo though.

equetefue 08-27-2020 02:54 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
My brother has been drooling for one for some time now, but the pricey ass ammo really makes him steer away from it. Then again all ammo is pricey as hell right now.

I am paying $1 per round on .300 AAC BLK.

Last week at the range it was

Around $35 for 80 rds of .223
Around $80 for 80 rds of .300 blk
Around $8 for 200 rds of .22LR

It adds up quick.

Gabe215 08-27-2020 04:59 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

I just went ahead and did last Sunday. I was wrong about Price of gun it was $799 out the door (transfer fee tax included ect) but you’re not lying about the rounds. Whole gun show was sold out, granted it was the last day. Found a local shop that has them in stock $50 for a 50rd box of FMJ $60 for 50rd box of FN blue tips.

equetefue 09-11-2020 12:16 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
beautiful pistol

equetefue 11-10-2020 10:49 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
1 Attachment(s)
This past week I picked up a new G19 to go along with other the G45

Brian D. 12-18-2020 11:08 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Things have gotten so overpriced and/or hard to find that in the last few weeks I've become a seller instead of buyer when going to stores, and especially shows.

Mikepd 01-17-2021 01:21 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
2 Attachment(s)
Recently I was lucky to be able to pick up a Ruger 57 and a Sig P320 M17 in 9mm at early 2020 pricing!I was even able to find some 5.7 ammo, though not too much.

G G 01-17-2021 06:16 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Ordered a Glock 45 Gen 5 yesterday. We will see if I actually get it because they have changed the Blue Label deal and disallowed EMTs and Paramedics.

Brian D. 01-18-2021 09:45 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by G G (Post 2211768)
Ordered a Glock 45 Gen 5 yesterday. We will see if I actually get it because they have changed the Blue Label deal and disallowed EMTs and Paramedics.

That's a bummer.

G G 01-30-2021 01:21 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 2211807)
That's a bummer.

I didn't get it because I no longer qualify. I wound up getting a Glock 17 Gen 5 from another place for not too bad a price.

G G 04-08-2021 06:29 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
I picked up a Glock 43X not long after the G17 Gen 5. Great little gun. It has a 10 round magazine but I have ordered these nifty magazines made by Checkmate that is the same flush fit as the 10 but hold 15 rounds. We will see how it goes. Plus both of the Glocks have Ameriglo night sights. First nightsights I have eve had, but will never buy another handgun without them.

Brian D. 04-08-2021 06:46 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Even though retired I still have a fire department photo ID. Would I still qualify for the blue label program?

G G 04-08-2021 06:57 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 2216453)
Even though retired I still have a fire department photo ID. Would I still qualify for the blue label program?

Yessir you would as long as they don't check into it. I don't think they would, but technically you are supposed to be active to get it. They took Paramedics and EMTs off the list not too long ago, but after the outcry they put them back on. For anyone that doesn't have the credentials you can join the GSSF and get a pistol purchase coupon for every year you are a member, but the price list is a little bit more than blue label. Since I didn't qualify when I bought mine I did the GSSF and got the coupon. I think it saved me about 50 or 60 bucks instead of $100.

Brian D. 04-08-2021 08:57 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Thanks for the information. I was at a Blue Label dealer this week and saw those good prices. Don't happen to be in the market right now but maybe soon.

mmblz 04-18-2021 10:43 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Have been wanting a Volquartsen Mamba-TF but haven’t gotten one so far... anyone shoot one?

n3uka 04-29-2021 10:40 AM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
1 Attachment(s)
Delivered yesterday

Attachment 19363

Steve 04-29-2021 12:25 PM

Re: Second Firearm Thread...
Very nice!

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