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BeerAdvocate 05-18-2009 03:58 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Big Sky IPA

WildBlueSooner 05-18-2009 04:24 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by TanithT (Post 387476)
I highly, highly recommend Okocim porter as a cigar beer. It is full, rich, round, smoky and deep, with the gravity and complexity of a Guinness but with more smoothness and much less bitterness.

Never heard of it but will check it out :al

fxpose 05-18-2009 05:58 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
I went through a Newcastle phase the last couple of years but now I'll drink any beer that my guests bring to PDB&G.

BeerAdvocate 05-18-2009 07:17 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
on to a Southampton Publick House IPA

BeerAdvocate 05-18-2009 08:28 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Ending the night with a New Holland Brewing Co. "The Poet" Oatmeal Stout

newcigarz 05-19-2009 04:31 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Picked up some Yuengling and Newcastle that was on sale.

Mr.Maduro 05-19-2009 09:25 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 388413)
Picked up some Yuengling and Newcastle that was on sale.

Excellent choices Tony!! I tried some Schneider's Aventinus their Dunkel Weizen. It was really good! Need to get some more of these.

newcigarz 05-19-2009 09:37 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 388678)
Excellent choices Tony!! I tried some Schneider's Aventinus their Dunkel Weizen. It was really good! Need to get some more of these.

I agree. Check out the perfect pour. Might be my next career. :rolleyes:

Mr.Maduro 05-19-2009 09:38 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by newcigarz (Post 388694)
I agree. Check out the perfect pour. Might be my next career. :rolleyes:

I was eaqually impressed with my pour (no photo...I used a stock image) ....this beer holds its head high....and tight! :al

newcigarz 05-19-2009 09:40 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 388695)
I was eaqually impressed with my pour (no photo...I used a stock image) ....this beer holds its head high....and tight! :al

That's what she said. :r

Jbailey 05-19-2009 05:36 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Trying a Long Hammer by Red Hook. tasty

BeerAdvocate 05-21-2009 06:57 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Mad Hatter IPA. I didnt enjoy it too much. Just ok

kaisersozei 05-22-2009 07:01 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
I put a big bottle of Arrogant Bastard in the frig for tonight :al

:hm Back in high school in the '80s, when the weekend rolled around I used to drink big quart bottles of Miller, Budweiser and Stroh's. Now I'm drinking big bottles of Arrogant Bastard, Three Philosophers & Allagash.

I'm still a redneck, just a more refined redneck.

dubnick 05-22-2009 05:33 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Just had a couple Left hand Saw Tooth Ale's.

Really enjoyed them. Now looking for a good Chocolate Stout for the holiday.

BeerAdvocate 05-22-2009 05:47 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
SN Torpedo

dubnick 05-22-2009 05:50 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
How was it? Almost went with one tonight.


Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 394008)
SN Torpedo

MooseHead 05-22-2009 06:24 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
24 of Moose Light!

markem 05-22-2009 06:27 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
bought more Guinness than I need for my party tomorrow. Fixing that now.

Anyone remember the old "Give me Moosehead 'til I'm Dead" promotion from the 80s. Used to have a sweatshirt with that logo.

smokeyandthebandit05 05-22-2009 10:32 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 393058)
I put a big bottle of Arrogant Bastard in the frig for tonight :al

:hm Back in high school in the '80s, when the weekend rolled around I used to drink big quart bottles of Miller, Budweiser and Stroh's. Now I'm drinking big bottles of Arrogant Bastard, Three Philosophers & Allagash.

I'm still a redneck, just a more refined redneck.

If there was a "like" button like on facebook I would push it! Im exactly the same way. Started off with cheap stuff (bud, bush, natty) and now I love Rogue, Sierra Nevada, and the like. Magic Hat is ok and I dont like many domestic macro brews, mostly imported stuff from Europe

Mikey202 05-22-2009 11:26 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by smokeyandthebandit05 (Post 394353)
If there was a "like" button like on facebook I would push it! Im exactly the same way. Started off with cheap stuff (bud, bush, natty) and now I love Rogue, Sierra Nevada, and the like. Magic Hat is ok and I dont like many domestic macro brews, mostly imported stuff from Europe

I live across the lake from Magic Hat Brewery.......Vermont beer is ok....give me a microbrew from Ny or NH anytime. I love Smuttynose. I had 2 Guiness, a Magic hat Circus Boy and 2 La Batt Blues tonight, topped of with 2 Jim Beam and Coke, feeling comfortably numb.:tu:D

kaisersozei 05-24-2009 05:43 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Last night I had a Nectar IPA while grilling up some brats, and a Stone IPA while I ate 'em. :dr

dubnick 05-24-2009 08:15 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Picked up a Left Hand Rocky Mountain Sampler, included were:

Saw Tooth Ale
Milk Stout
Black Jack Porter
Polestar Pilsner

All were very good, but the Milk Stout was amazing.

SeanGAR 05-24-2009 08:27 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 388678)
Excellent choices Tony!! I tried some Schneider's Aventinus their Dunkel Weizen. It was really good! Need to get some more of these.

One of my favorite beers and one of the few wheat beers that I really enjoy. Their weizen eisbock is also just great, although at 12% you need to tread carefully.

BeerAdvocate 05-24-2009 03:20 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
BLVD Saison w/ Brett

Cigary 05-24-2009 05:05 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Seeing as how they don't import Caffreys anymore I have had to find another great beer,,,Xingu! A great tasting Brazilian brew.

smokeyandthebandit05 05-24-2009 05:16 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by Mikey202 (Post 394402)
I live across the lake from Magic Hat Brewery.......Vermont beer is ok....give me a microbrew from Ny or NH anytime. I love Smuttynose. I had 2 Guiness, a Magic hat Circus Boy and 2 La Batt Blues tonight, topped of with 2 Jim Beam and Coke, feeling comfortably numb.:tu:D

Thats pretty cool u live across the lake from them. The magic Hat brewery seems to put out lighter beer. I love stouts, porters, and ales. I had a Sierra Nevada stout last night and was in heaven.

I have a 5 pack of Stone waiting and a 5 pack of Sierra Nevada to drink along with Pilsner Urquell, Hacker-Pschorr. Man I love tasty beer :)

BeerAdvocate 05-26-2009 06:41 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
I ended memorial day with a Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout!

smokeyandthebandit05 05-26-2009 09:04 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Pilsner Urquell, Hacker-Pschoor, Stone Pale Ale, and Stone Ruination. All were fantastic especially the Stone

BeerAdvocate 05-31-2009 06:10 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
I just enjoyed a 2009 Sierra Neveda Southern Hemisphere Fresh Hopped Ale

Pirate_Boggs 05-31-2009 07:12 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Lately its been Shock Top and Labatt Blue, but im always down for a Magic Hat #9.

WildBlueSooner 05-31-2009 08:02 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
I have heard a lot about Shock Top and Magic Hat #9...I need to find these somewhere near me...they sound great :tu

leasingthisspace 05-31-2009 08:58 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Tonight I am enjoying a Goose Island Oatmeal Stout. I am only sad becuase I only got a 6 pack.
Posted via Mobile Device

Mr.Maduro 06-01-2009 09:45 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Hoegarden.... great Summertime beer! :al

newcigarz 06-01-2009 05:48 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
I was finally able to locate some Torpedo IPA. So I stocked up! :wo

Skywalker 06-01-2009 10:19 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by BeerAdvocate (Post 405100)
I just enjoyed a 2009 Sierra Neveda Southern Hemisphere Fresh Hopped Ale

Just scored a case of this yesterday!!! I've been enjoying these for the past few weeks!!!:tu

SkinsFanLarry 06-03-2009 11:30 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
I love my Hefe Weizen....Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse (Spaten), Flying Dog In-Heat-Wheat and Shiner Bock makes a good Hefe Weizen.

Also try Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron, it's an unfiltered brown ale and weighs in at 12% alc by vol.

Hoegaarden makes a wonderful Belgian White Beer.

BeerAdvocate 06-04-2009 05:46 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 406874)
Just scored a case of this yesterday!!! I've been enjoying these for the past few weeks!!!:tu

Very nice. You better drink that Case fast. The fresher the better!

JohnnyKay5 06-04-2009 12:41 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
All of the attached...

BeerAdvocate 06-04-2009 03:52 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Anderson Valley Barney Flaats Oatmeal Stout

ahc4353 06-04-2009 03:59 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Don't drink a lot of beer anymore but, I am really into Blue Moon for some reason. :hm

Giant & 49er Fan 06-04-2009 04:19 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
:dr MADURO OATMEAL BROWN ALE by Cigar City Brewing:dr

follow link for review...


BeerAdvocate 06-05-2009 09:03 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

dubnick 06-06-2009 09:53 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Sierra Nevada

Skywalker 06-06-2009 01:25 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Deschutes Brewery Cinder Cone Red!!!:dr

BengalMan 06-06-2009 02:48 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Schlafly Bourbon Barrel Ale. Great stuff.

smokeyandthebandit05 06-06-2009 11:46 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
I had a SN Porter and Barleywine tonight along with a Stone Oak Aged Arrogant Bastard.

All 3 were really good but the Barleywine was kinda strong

BigFrank 06-07-2009 10:53 AM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
Blue Moon's, Honey Moon. Seasonal brew. Not that impressed to be honest.

dubnick 06-07-2009 01:21 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Miller Lite
Sierra Nevada
Dogfish Head 60 min. IPA
Chimay Red
Leffe Blond


Sierra Nevada

BeerAdvocate 06-07-2009 02:19 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?
BLVD Two Jokers Double Wit. New in the Smokestack series.
Great on a hot summer day!

smokeyandthebandit05 06-07-2009 04:25 PM

Re: What beers are you enjoying?

Originally Posted by BigFrank (Post 413352)
Blue Moon's, Honey Moon. Seasonal brew. Not that impressed to be honest.

I totally agree. Wat too sweet for me. The only blue moon Ive kinda liked so far is the Rising Moon

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