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OnePyroTec 02-22-2014 11:06 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by DMK (Post 1936331)
Let us know how those Drew Estates are....
I've been holding off on buying without an opinion. :tu

I'll send you some samples if you want some. I have 6 out of the current 7. NO Meat Pie...I gave that one away.

DMK 02-23-2014 03:05 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1937077)
I'll send you some samples if you want some. I have 6 out of the current 7. NO Meat Pie...I gave that one away.

pm sent.:tu

Robulous78 02-23-2014 05:17 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Bought 8 oz of H&H Vermont Meat Candy, this stuff is like crack...

Subvet642 02-28-2014 07:59 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Had a few extra bucks knocking around (rare these days) and thought I'd pick up a tin of baccy (Dunhill Nightcap, it comes with a free tool :)) along with some pipe cleaners and a cork knocker. I'd read good reviews and I hope this will help get me to smoke my pipes more often. New stuff is always fun. :noon

OnePyroTec 03-01-2014 12:07 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
IMHO you should be happy with the Nightcap. Not too many people who don't like it.

The trick with buying tobacco from reading a review is finding a reviewer who has the same smoking tastes as yours and does not make biased reviews just because of the "hype" of a certain tobacco. If you find Pipestud's reviews, his a straight forward honest reviews.

OnePyroTec 03-01-2014 12:21 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I split my order into two orders so I could score an extra calendar but I held off a couple days so as not to be greedy on the IPSD give-away by taking two of those. :tu Don't think I will be ordering much until next years IPSD.

Pipes & Cigars Calendar 2014 Pipe Calendar
Three Nuns X 3 tin
Hearth & Home Marquee Magnum O! H&H Marquee Magnum O! X 6 oz
Hearth & Home Marquee Fusilier's Ration H&H Marquee Fusilier's Ration X 3 tins
Hearth & Home Signature Larry's Blend H&H Bulk Larry's Blend X 4oz
Castleford Pipe Freshener Castleford Pipe Refresher
Paragon Pipe Wax Paragon Wax

Scotty's Milk and Honey X 4oz
Hearth & Home Marquee Cerberus H&H Marquee Cerberus X 3 tins
CORPS Monument Avenue X 3 tins
Pipes & Cigars Calendar 2014 Pipe Calendar
Hearth & Home Marquee El Nino El Nino 3 more tins (love this stuff)
John Bull Buy 1 Get 1 Free total of 4 pouches

International Pipe Smoking Day Goodie Bag International Pipe Smoking Day Giveaway~
Huck Finn Corn Cob
Pipe Tool
Capri Cleaners
1 tin Molte Dolce
1.5 oz Macbaren No. 1 Virginia
.5 oz H&H Marquee sample to be named later.
2 oz Newminster Danish Black
.25 oz Erik Stokkbeye 1897
1 tin of Edward Robinsons Aromatic
1 pouch of Captain Black Dark

And I got a couple more 10+ year old tins from PipeStud.

DaBear 03-01-2014 01:05 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Just a small pick up, eh? :r

Cleaned out Tobacconists of Cary of their Dorchester(3 tins) and grabbed tins of Dunhill Flake(already about killed the tin I grabbed not long ago), Wessex Brown Virginia Flake, Wessex Gold Brick, Wessex Campaign Dark Flake, and McClellands Blackwoods Flake. Phil threw in the remainder of his sample tins of Dorchester(about halfway gone) and Tordenskjold Virginia Flake(a few bowls left).

Subvet642 03-01-2014 02:15 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1939214)
IMHO you should be happy with the Nightcap. Not too many people who don't like it.

The trick with buying tobacco from reading a review is finding a reviewer who has the same smoking tastes as yours and does not make biased reviews just because of the "hype" of a certain tobacco. If you find Pipestud's reviews, his a straight forward honest reviews.

The Nightcap reviews sound like others that I like and I figure $8 is a small risk.

RevSmoke 03-03-2014 03:04 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1935000)
Picked up a tin of 2004 James J. Fox Dorisco Mixture & 2002 Dunhill Baby's Bottom from Pipestud's consignment site.

I never had the Baby's Bottom blend, but heard wonderful things about it. Something I have always wanted to try. I will live vicariously through your review of it.

OnePyroTec 03-04-2014 12:40 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I picked that one (Baby's Bottom) up on a whim and as expensive order filler...too bad the other tins I really wanted were already sold so this was the order that day.

I'm not sure when I would be opening the tin Rev...unless you & the Col. want to do another dueling reviews on it. Maybe even make an event out of it and 5-6 people give it a whirl???

Col. Kurtz 03-04-2014 03:56 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1940081)
I picked that one (Baby's Bottom) up on a whim and as expensive order filler...too bad the other tins I really wanted were already sold so this was the order that day.

I'm not sure when I would be opening the tin Rev...unless you & the Col. want to do another dueling reviews on it. Maybe even make an event out of it and 5-6 people give it a whirl???

I'm not expert enough to know what I'm tasting, as evidenced by our opposing reviews. However, I'm all for seeing a dueling Pyro/ReView on this one. :tu

RevSmoke 03-04-2014 10:04 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1940081)
I picked that one (Baby's Bottom) up on a whim and as expensive order filler...too bad the other tins I really wanted were already sold so this was the order that day.

I'm not sure when I would be opening the tin Rev...unless you & the Col. want to do another dueling reviews on it. Maybe even make an event out of it and 5-6 people give it a whirl???

Hey, you're the one with the tin. You open it when you want to smoke it - you review it.

stevieray 03-05-2014 04:37 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
New pipe from Boswell's arrived today. It's a rusticated shot-shell poker. I bought this sight unseen after Dan described it to me over the phone. I absolutely love this pipe.

RevSmoke 03-06-2014 09:28 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by stevieray (Post 1940528)
New pipe from Boswell's arrived today. It's a rusticated shot-shell poker. I bought this sight unseen after Dan described it to me over the phone. I absolutely love this pipe.

Nice looking pipe. How does it smoke?

OnePyroTec 03-07-2014 03:18 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
RE: Baby's Bottom tin, OK, one of these days I'll get around to popping the top.

I won't be making too many purchases this year tobacco wise because I come to realize I have a LOT of tobacco sitting here waiting to burn in small, slow, fires. I did however get a box with 10 blocks of Algerian Briar that were cut in the 50's. They feel a bit heavier than the blocks I have purchased in the past.

stevieray 03-07-2014 05:22 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1941039)
Nice looking pipe. How does it smoke?

Smokes great Rev. Better than my Peterson and Savinelli pipes that's for sure. Pretty new to pipes so I can't exactly explain why though.

DMK 03-07-2014 06:49 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1937077)
I'll send you some samples if you want some. I have 6 out of the current 7. NO Meat Pie...I gave that one away.

Arrived today. Thanks:tu
They smell delicious, can't wait for a nice day to sit outside & try them:dr

stevieray 03-07-2014 07:52 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Last pipe for a while (I think) came in today. Scott Hudson rusticated poker.

gravel 03-07-2014 09:25 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I purchased some 4Noggins blends: 4oz each of Prairie Wind, Imagine, Mojo

OnePyroTec 03-08-2014 12:07 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1941079)
RE: Baby's Bottom tin, OK, one of these days I'll get around to popping the top.

I won't be making too many purchases this year tobacco wise because I come to realize I have a LOT of tobacco sitting here waiting to burn in small, slow, fires. I did however get a box with 10 blocks of Algerian Briar that were cut in the 50's. They feel a bit heavier than the blocks I have purchased in the past.

stevieray 03-14-2014 05:14 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
My infatuation with pokers continues with this Jake Hackert that arrived today.

stevieray 03-22-2014 04:24 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Was able to grab another pipe from Jake Hackert this week. Love his pipes, such great smokers.

OnePyroTec 03-26-2014 12:32 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

The Nightcap is dated Feb. 1997 when purchased so I'm guessing it was tinned in 1996 at latest.

Sweet_Leaf_PDX 03-31-2014 09:09 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Picked up a Kaywoodie billiard estate pipe.

OnePyroTec 04-01-2014 01:08 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
TAD struck again with a couple bags of And So To Bed.

Commander Quan 05-20-2014 02:21 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I picked up this NOS MM General from ebay last week. The bowl is the same size as the current production model but the stem is quite a bit longer.

DrDubzz 06-03-2014 10:35 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by stevieray (Post 1940528)
New pipe from Boswell's arrived today. It's a rusticated shot-shell poker. I bought this sight unseen after Dan described it to me over the phone. I absolutely love this pipe.

That's a cool pipe, man!

I like those Hackerts up there too. When I used to make youtube videos about pipes, one of my friends on there was big on his pipes, would have been back in 08 or 09 :tu

DrDubzz 06-03-2014 10:36 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1946917)

The Nightcap is dated Feb. 1997 when purchased so I'm guessing it was tinned in 1996 at latest.

Great find! I have some Murray's tinned EMP and it's really really good. I won't say better, but definitely different from the more recently done stuff

CRIMPS 06-05-2014 12:04 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I am thoroughly enjoying pipe smoking. Hotreds sent me a pipe and some tobacco. I bought this and have another pipe on the way.

Down the slope, I go.

baust55 06-05-2014 12:08 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
20 of those little rubber mouth piece protectors from china on ebay about ten cents apiece .


Col. Kurtz 06-05-2014 03:41 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1966816)
I am thoroughly enjoying pipe smoking. Hotreds sent me a pipe and some tobacco. I bought this and have another pipe on the way.

Down the slope, I go.

Woo Hoo! Squadron leader is good stuff :tu Curious to see how you compare it to the Proper English.

CRIMPS 06-05-2014 03:46 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I will let you know :)

I really enjoyed Squadron Leader. That seems right up my alley.

CRIMPS 06-17-2014 09:54 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Ok, so I have hit the pipe slope with a running start. My wife has been helping as well.

I just received a new T. Polinsky pipe I won on Ebay. I snagged some pictures from the auction.

I LOVE this pipe. I think it's beautiful. I also like the oversized feel as well. The pipe also doesn't get so hot. I smoked it last night for the first time. No complaints whatsoever.

Then, for fathers day, my wife bought me some tobacco, and a new pipe lighter. Here is a pic I found on the interwebs.


stevieray 06-18-2014 05:51 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
New pipe from Rick Black came in the other day.

and these that are made by Kill Shot Pipe Tampers

Col. Kurtz 07-08-2014 07:39 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Went a little crazy when smoking pipes had their Independence Day sale.

2014 Peterson Father's Day pipe.

A pound of my favorite tobacco, G&H Louisiana Flake

Col. Kurtz 08-07-2014 07:17 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Grabbed a tin of Nightcap to see what the hoopla is about. Couldn't resist the Xikar pipeline lighter. Works like a champ so far.

RevSmoke 08-08-2014 11:33 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 1973006)
Went a little crazy when smoking pipes had their Independence Day sale.

2014 Peterson Father's Day pipe.

A pound of my favorite tobacco, G&H Louisiana Flake

Louisiana Flake? That stuff any good?

Looks like a nice pick-up.

Col. Kurtz 08-08-2014 04:32 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1979293)
Louisiana Flake? That stuff any good? ....

Not as good as the aged example I was bombed with, but it's pretty darned good. You should try a bowl sometime.

RevSmoke 08-09-2014 11:26 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 1979356)
Not as good as the aged example I was bombed with, but it's pretty darned good. You should try a bowl sometime.

Sorry, not opening any new stuff up. But, I might have to order some more to cellar, just so I do not run out later.

Peace of the Lord be with you.


sikk50 08-13-2014 12:22 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
First pipe purchase

stevieray 08-13-2014 05:53 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 1980091)

Nice! Enjoy.

OnePyroTec 09-07-2014 03:48 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1932632)

OK, what is the modification you are going to make to it?

I must say, it is a unique pipe and catches the eye.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Fixed it (finally)

WaRevo 09-07-2014 10:58 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1985090)

WOW that is BEAUTIFUL work. Someone beat me too it but I am glad to see what it could look like before I was to get it done anyway. I have a OLD Large Bulldog that I have been telling my wife now for the last 5 to 6 months that I am going to Sand Blast it and change the color. That pipe is Beautiful there. NICE work


OnePyroTec 09-09-2014 01:44 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I had sent the pipe to a pipe maker in Texas to blast. I DO make a pipe from time to time, but for what he charged compared to buying all the blasting equipment & learning how to do it, I was more than happy to pay for it to be done. I think it only cost me $20 then I had to re-stain it.

Col. Kurtz 09-16-2014 09:28 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Couldn't help myself.

Luxury twist flake, another 500g of Louisiana Flake, a pound of LNF, Beacon Extra that sounds tasty, and SP threw in a cube of gaslight.

That should get me to the playoffs. :tu

RevSmoke 09-17-2014 11:20 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 1987137)
Couldn't help myself.

Luxury twist flake, another 500g of Louisiana Flake, a pound of LNF, Beacon Extra that sounds tasty, and SP threw in a cube of gaslight.

That should get me to the playoffs. :tu

Where did you get this from?

Some good stuff there.

OnePyroTec 09-17-2014 11:36 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Picked up a 100g tin of OGS, 3 X 50g tins of D.E. Gatsby Luxury Flake, and 8oz of bulk blend your own from P&C.

Also picked up these pipes:

Unknown Calabash with flush mount cup.

Unknown metal pipe, pre-war (I think)

Had R.Santia make a replacement cob bowl for it.

WaRevo 09-17-2014 11:59 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Very nice looking pipes Wayne and nice baccy haul.


Col. Kurtz 09-17-2014 05:35 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1987222)
Where did you get this from?

Some good stuff there.

Smoking pipes in Little River. They've always had what I wanted in stock. P&c was out of stock on the Louisiana flake for a while. Best part is that I ordered Sunday and it was on my porch Tuesday. Apparently I live close enough for free overnight shipping :r

nutcracker 09-27-2014 12:28 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
I don't smoke a pipe too often, but I do like them. Picked up this large Rhodesian on eBay. A Wozniak hand made. It's huge - 6cm diameter handful. Really nicely made and presented complete with sock.

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