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Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
I suppose that's better than hearing "And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee" as I lie on the ground being stung ...
All better today, btw, thanks for asking. |
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
I don't mow the front lawn/clover field as often anymore to give the girls a chance to work the flowers (at least that's what I tell Grace when she asks why the yard looks so shaggy).
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4237/...c52437a6_z.jpg https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4233/...5d904fa9_z.jpg |
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Nice excuse!
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
I am loving this thread.....and I am JEALOUS!
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
I met the Bees! They were Buzztastic! :D
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Great thread Vin. I took up beekeeping in spring 2016. I would highly recommend having a second hive. There are so many ways you can fix one hive using resources from the other, even if the second hive is just a nuc (pronounced nuke, short for nucleus hive).
Also, check out beesource.com. It's the closest thing the beekeeping world has to Cigar Asylum. Some of the biggest names, scientists, large commercial outfit owners, and a ton of very experienced beekeepers post there. If you haven't watched them yet, check out the series called the Sustainable Apiary by Michael Palmer. It's easy to find on YouTube. I've watched it twice and plan to again. I learn more each time as I have more experience under my belt. I would also recommend joining a local beekeeper club. Mine has been a huge benefit for the costly sum of $10/year/family. If you haven't yet, you also need to do mite level checks. Powdered sugar or alcohol tests to need to be done periodically to know your mite/bee ratio. Even if you treat, you need to know your levels. Most die-offs and absconding happen due to high mite levels aka PMS. No, not that one. It stands for Parasitic Mite Syndrome. It's where the colony weakens due to various viruses introduced by high mite levels. If you ever have questions or want talk bees, please let me know. |
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Had been leaving the bees to do their thing and just before we left for vacation last week, I noticed a precipitous drop off in activity around the hive.
Returned from vacation yesterday and did a hive inspection this afternoon. The bees that are in the hive continue to be working away, but the colony as a whole seems to have plateaued. They haven't really come close to building out comb on all the frames in the second box. Consulted with some other bee keepers in the area, and they suggested a supplemental feeding to re-stimulate activity since the spring/early summer flowers in our area are now past blooming and the late summer flowers haven't come in yet to speak of. I took out two of the empty frames and replaced it with a feeder frame that holds about a gallon of sugar syrup. Will check on things later this week and add additional feed if needed. Hoping the girls are just hungry, and there's not some larger problem at play. |
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
It will bee OK, Vin. :D
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Thank you for doing your part, Vin! Do some more for me.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2...-food-macneal/ |
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Hi Vin. Two days ago I drove by a big farm by me. They have 8 hives. I thought "what do they collect this time of summer?" I haven't seen a fresh flower in a month. I think you're right on that they're hungry. (Much like Roger! Ha) Good luck!
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Did a hive inspection when we got back from vacation last week, and I continued to have some concerns about the general lack of activity in the hive. Prepared a feed solution using a 1:1 sugar to water ratio, and filled a half gallon feeder frame with it. When I checked in on it a few days later, the frame was bone dry. The girls were HUNGRY! Gave them another half gallon, and they went through that as well!
The hive activity picked up significantly since I added the sugar syrup, and on Sunday I replaced the feeder frame with regular frames in the hopes that the bees are re-energized and will ramp up the building of comb. Will check on their progress this weekend. The hope is that they build out comb sufficient that I can add a honey super in time for the upcoming fall honey flow. Fingers crossed! |
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Hoping for the best, Vin.
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Now you know: they NEED their crack, er candy!
:) |
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Good luck Vin. You want those two deeps overflowing with bees before the cold hits. You may need to get an entrance feeder if there is no room left inside.
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Entrance feeder on standby, but I really don't want to overfeed with the sugar syrup if I can avoid it. |
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
1 Attachment(s)
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Just had to share this.http://nypost.com/video/idiot-puts-b...ees-for-money/
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
Re: New Hobby: Bee Keeping
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