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Pseudosacred 04-15-2012 03:40 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Hem (Post 1616508)
Hunger Games..had to...

Got cracked by the whip?

I opened the first book of the series. Characters names were Catniss and peta.


Closed it.


CigarNut 04-16-2012 09:32 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
There was a Jaws marathon on Cable, so I watched:

- Jaws
- Jaws 2
- Jaws 3 D

I really should have skipped 2 and 3...

Skywalker 04-17-2012 08:07 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Lost in Translation

CigarNut 04-17-2012 08:19 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Mechanic (original version with Charles Bronson). Good movie but the music did not work for me.

OLS 04-17-2012 09:55 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
None of the 70s music ever did match very well.

last night I had a re-watch of something I saw in the theater over Christmas, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL.
Not sure how people generally feel about these Tom Cruise Productions, you either love him or hate him. This to me was the
film that made the series stand out. Of course I didn't see the second one, because I was not too fond of the first one.
There were times in Ghost Protocol that I thought I was watching a Bond film, the music and camera shots were SO STOLEN.
But even though it gets away a bit in the latter 3rd, I like this movie.

stevefrench 04-17-2012 08:07 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

CigarNut 04-17-2012 09:14 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Death Race (2008). Not a total waste of time...

billybarue 04-17-2012 09:47 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Breaker Morant.

Watch if every other year or so.

"The barbarities of war are seldom committed by abnormal men. The tragedy of war is that these horrors are committed by normal men in abnormal situations."

Skywalker 04-18-2012 12:38 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Brad, I just finished watching Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol!

I, too watched it in the theater. But I think number 3 remains my favorite.

maninblack 04-18-2012 01:51 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Heartbreaking.

mase 04-20-2012 01:57 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Blak Smyth 04-20-2012 01:58 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by stevefrench (Post 1618918)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

What a messed up flick that I couldn't stop watching!

mase 04-20-2012 02:05 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1621274)
What a messed up flick that I couldn't stop watching!

You should check out the Swedish version - it was cool to see the differences in the 2 movies.

Blak Smyth 04-20-2012 02:08 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1621278)
You should check out the Swedish version - it was cool to see the differences in the 2 movies.

Hmmm I think I saw that on Netflix but thought it would have subtitles so I passed. If it is in English I will watch it!

hotreds 04-20-2012 02:28 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The 3 Stooges. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!:tu

Starscream 04-20-2012 04:00 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1621293)
The 3 Stooges. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!:tu

Any good?

Starscream 04-20-2012 04:05 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1618365)
None of the 70s music ever did match very well.

I get what you're saying, but don't say NONE, Brad. Star Wars, The Godfather, The Godfather II, American Graffiti, 2001, Shaft, and many others come to mind.:tu

I agree with you that typical 70s p*rn music didn't fit in with a lot of action flicks though.

Starscream 04-20-2012 04:09 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by smitty81 (Post 1615172)
Tombstone, one of the best westerns ever made IMOP.

Val Kilmer's best role, EVER. Doc Holliday keeps him somewhat respectable, even after Batman Forever.:D

Starscream 04-20-2012 04:13 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1616870)
I really liked this movie but there is one thing I did not understand -- his daughter kept repeating the line "you're such a loser dad" in her song. At the time and in that context it did not make sense to me...

My wife didn't get it either. I think it had to do with her hearing the media reports non-stop. Even though she kept calling him a loser, it was still a positive song. I'll have to rewatch to go back and check that. The whole father/daughter part was the least favorite aspect of the film for me.

mase 04-20-2012 04:16 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1621282)
Hmmm I think I saw that on Netflix but thought it would have subtitles so I passed. If it is in English I will watch it!

It has subtitles :td

icehog3 04-20-2012 04:21 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Boogie Nights.

Starscream 04-20-2012 04:33 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1621375)
Boogie Nights.

I loved Roller Girl. Marky Mark's fake flaccid junk, not so much. And Burt is great in any film.:tu

CigarNut 04-20-2012 09:58 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1621278)
You should check out the Swedish version - it was cool to see the differences in the 2 movies.

I think the Swedish versions were very good and worth watching. If you have read the books recently then the subtitles won't be much of an issue.

Jbailey 04-21-2012 12:10 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Saw Wrath of the Titans tonight.

hotreds 04-21-2012 05:28 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1621356)
Any good?

Actually, yes! The three actors were very good, esp. in their voice qualities. In fact, a very "family" movie.

dijit 04-21-2012 05:35 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The three stooges? I just saw it too I was expecting a lot worse than what I got. Good family flick, especially for a die hard stooge like myself

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1621706)
Actually, yes! The three actors were very good, esp. in their voice qualities. In fact, a very "family" movie.

Bill86 04-21-2012 03:13 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol :td

kelmac07 04-21-2012 03:18 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol as well...wasn't impressed. Although Paula Patton was nice to look at. :D

CigarNut 04-21-2012 04:17 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Joe Dirt :tu :tu

Starscream 04-21-2012 05:23 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1621706)
Actually, yes! The three actors were very good, esp. in their voice qualities. In fact, a very "family" movie.

I'll have to check it out.:tu

kelmac07 04-21-2012 06:44 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (turned it off 45 minutes in...terrible) :td :td
Real Steel :tu

Ogre 04-21-2012 06:47 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Watching Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Great classic movie.

Bill86 04-22-2012 02:27 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1622097)
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (turned it off 45 minutes in...terrible) :td :td

Agreed and I watched the whole thing, what a bore-fest

Just finished Haywire :td

Not a great day for movies :r

Bill86 04-22-2012 04:13 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Bill86 04-22-2012 05:57 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Watching The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 2011 now.

Bill86 04-22-2012 09:28 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows

Skywalker 04-23-2012 07:27 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Conan the Barbarian (2011)

Blak Smyth 04-23-2012 07:39 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1622280)
Just finished Haywire :td

Man that sucks, I love Gina!

msobo32 04-23-2012 09:48 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Change Up ... F__kin Hilarious! :D

kaisersozei 04-23-2012 11:10 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Girl Who Played with Fire

:tu Very true to the book, with just some minor changes and a few omissions

OLS 04-23-2012 12:57 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Watched a weird one last night. All Japanese and Taiwan Aboriginal language, no subtitles.
It was pretty awesome for the first 45 minutes, and then the character development began
and people started talking about their feelings. Had to FF through it to get to something
I could get through context....Warriors of the Rainbow. (The Japanese subjugation of
Taiwan and the bloody aboriginal reaction to their tactics). If you read the Wiki entry for
"Wushe Incident" you have the plot in a nutshell. So I undertook the view. Like I said,
until people started having emotional conflict and deep convo, I was pretty impressed
with myself.

OLS 04-23-2012 12:59 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
I am not going to dislike Haywire. I am going to consider it a Cynthia Rothrock-type movie and enjoy it for what it is.

Maybe, I don't know, hell.

dave 04-23-2012 01:09 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Streamed Breaker Morant on Netflix last night. (Thanks for mentioning it, billybarue.) Very good movie.

Madman31 04-23-2012 03:26 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Gladiator - awesome movie!

stevefrench 04-23-2012 06:55 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
My Man Godfrey

Bill86 04-25-2012 08:34 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1622938)
Man that sucks, I love Gina!

Oh she looked good, the movie ...not so much. It wasn't bad, it wasn't was so-so.

It seems when they get a "non actor/actress" they refuse to give them any decent dialogue with IMHO ruins the movie.

Watching The Grey now.

Hem 04-25-2012 08:44 PM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
J. Edgar...interesting movie

Blak Smyth 04-26-2012 05:07 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
The Sitter

(Wow what a bad flick!)
The highlights where a young girl with a foul mouth:td

dave 04-26-2012 06:43 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
21 -- Much potential, but mostly a bust.

OLS 04-26-2012 07:49 AM

Re: What's the last movie you watched?
Lockout....Guy Pearce and Maggie Grace. BOTH actors improved their stock in this one.
If you watched LOST, you know Maggie Grace as the hot, spoiled blonde who get's it in
the stomach with a knife I think. Not sure if her brother fell and died first or after her.
She was 2 dimensional in LOST, here, she stills shows some lack of skill, but she carries
her part well enough.

Guy Pearce, who almost everyone loved in Memento, proves he may well be the next
John McClain-prototype...plenty of wise cracks that while they were not that well-written,
were certainly well-delivered. He really makes this movie special. Other than that it could
be Saturday night fare on SciFi Channel. One particularly annoying feature was the constant
location referencing...."White House...Washington, D.C." then over to "M-1 Maximum Security
Space Prison". I swear, EVERYTIME they went back to that location, which was half the film
or better, they CGed the location, it was hilarious. I fully expected "Broom Closet, M1 Maximum
Security Space Prison."

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