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OLS 06-03-2013 01:20 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Ahhhhhh...I totally would have guessed Michigan for some reason. I enjoyed the pics.

OLS 06-03-2013 01:33 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I had to laugh out loud, I was watching a video on a light setup by Joe McNally, and he said "for this setup,
I wanted a diffuser between the light source and the subject, so I set up a VAL....a 'voice-activated-lightstand".
A helper". (someone to hold his diffuser, lol.)
I about busted a gut when he said that. He must have surely been in the service at one time in his life.
What a very US military kind of thing to say. Voice-activated light stand, lol.

shark 06-03-2013 04:19 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Yeah they do look a lot like some areas of the Upper Peninsula. In the very last pic, the waterfall was maybe 15 or more feet high. There were a few young guys climbing UP the waterfall. One of them was barefoot.

shark 06-03-2013 04:20 PM

Re: Photography Thread

OLS 06-04-2013 10:54 AM

Re: Photography Thread
Well another pleasant surprise in the discount rack....I picked up a 35-135mm AF lens a few weeks ago for $40.
It was a complement to my 135mm prime I picked up the same day for $25 which turned out to be an epic
buy in itself, SO CRISP and bright. But the 35-135mm had yet to see the light of day, so I took it on a walk
for photo-exercise last night and it was a great buy, too. Everything I saw, I was able to shoot. I am again,
not a fan of push pull zooms, but this lens was fun to shoot with and produced some decent pics, all of which
are at home, sorry. While the 135mm prime is manual focus only, this 35-135 is more modern, with autofocus
and a really nice macro capability that I also tested. I am really glad I found two good D200s for cheap, since
they meter seamlessly with all those old lenses. I still want that D700, but I have put it away for another week
at least. Cheap lenses do not need to be strapped to a full frame sensor, and if I can shoot with whatever I want
on a D200, and have a D90 for modern lenses, I still don't need to have a full frame camera show all the weaknesses
of my lenses.

OLS 06-04-2013 05:39 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Resisted the urge almost all day, but in the end, I still had not bought a D700. I mean I went through it in my head
10 different ways, but it always came back to 'what you have is fine' which REALLY surprised me. I thought
I was surely gonna end the day 1300 dollars poorer. All the signs were pointing that way. Whew is all I can say.

It really all comes down to that miracle D90 that just HAPPENED to NOT have an actual autofocus issue. Finding it
where I did, for the $200 tag, and having the balls to say "oh well, I can always manually focus it" and place that
order it is the very root of my satiety.:D

emopunker2004 06-04-2013 10:34 PM

Re: Photography Thread
img385 by emopunker2004, on Flickr

emopunker2004 06-08-2013 12:13 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Back to life!hey brad!
img403 by emopunker2004, on Flickr

emopunker2004 06-08-2013 02:02 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Wtf! Wrong pic!

emopunker2004 06-08-2013 02:05 PM

Re: Photography Thread
This one
Untitled by emopunker2004, on Flickr

equetefue 06-08-2013 03:15 PM

Re: Photography Thread
How u like it so far. U have a 5d. How do you like it over it

emopunker2004 06-08-2013 04:50 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by equetefue (Post 1845550)
How u like it so far. U have a 5d. How do you like it over it

No 5d. I have the 60d and this. From what I've read, the 6d has better high iso performance than the 5d mkII and mkIII

OLS 06-08-2013 06:24 PM

Re: Photography Thread
"back to the life, hey Brad " what Justin?

Finally got off my a55 and went down to the farmer's market this morning.

Sunflowers by MemphisBrad, on Flickr]

Content by MemphisBrad, on Flickr]

emopunker2004 06-08-2013 06:32 PM

Re: Photography Thread
Can't wait to play with the new camera come my days off!!!

emopunker2004 06-08-2013 07:35 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1845536)


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1845600)
"back to the life, hey Brad " what Justin?

Finally got off my a55 and went down to the farmer's market this morning.

Was supposed to be a pic of my new full frame camera, the one i quoted here. Was supposed to say "Back to life thread! Hey brad look!"

emopunker2004 06-08-2013 07:48 PM

Re: Photography Thread
3 test shots just messing around. All 3 were shot at ISO 12,800!!!!! Nothing done to them. Shot RAW then converted straight to JPEG in LR4. No noise reductions. This is insane.
IMG_0025 by emopunker2004, on Flickr
IMG_0024 by emopunker2004, on Flickr
IMG_0020 by emopunker2004, on Flickr

OLS 06-08-2013 08:58 PM

Re: Photography Thread
I hate to say it but I finally had to break down myself. I had been buying all these lesser cameras, JUST like I did the
first time around, and NOT getting all that same money in a pile and just full-framing up. I had been monitoring the
situation, and with the D600 and D800 both having issues with consumers, I can tell the D700 is gonna be holding it's
value for some time. So I just got one. The cheapest one I could find, not a super smart idea, but that's the way
I think, apparently. I had convinced myself DX was fine, and it certainly IS...all my lenses were beginner material,
so DX was best and I managed to make it a better sitcho with the D90 and the D200s, I was making some good
photos with good resolution. I was ALMOST content. But I had been picking up a lot of 30-50 dollar manual focus
lenses, and I just let my mind get away rationalizing 5hit and 'fore long, I found it just too hard to keep saying no.
But now I am super-secret cash crackdown. I am just holding my breath on the shutter count. I already know
the condition, rating at least, is abysmal. But I am cambler.............see what I did there?

emopunker2004 06-08-2013 09:01 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1845647)
I hate to say it but I finally had to break down myself. I had been buying all these lesser cameras, JUST like I did the
first time around, and NOT getting all that same money in a pile and just full-framing up. I had been monitoring the
situation, and with the D600 and D800 both having issues with consumers, I can tell the D700 is gonna be holding it's
value for some time. So I just got one. The cheapest one I could find, not a super smart idea, but that's the way
I think, apparently. I had convinced myself DX was fine, and it certainly IS...all my lenses were beginner material,
so DX was best and I managed to make it a better sitcho with the D90 and the D200s, I was making some good
photos with good resolution. I was ALMOST content. But I had been picking up a lot of 30-50 dollar manual focus
lenses, and I just let my mind get away rationalizing 5hit and 'fore long, I found it just too hard to keep saying no.

:r good job Brad! Now you need some good glass. FF is gonna show you any optical flaws fo sho.

P.S. I love that ISO 25600 on the 6D is as good as ISO 3200 was on my 60D. So sad.

OLS 06-08-2013 09:03 PM

Re: Photography Thread

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1845615)
This is insane.

What?...all these GD cat pitchers? Man has a $2000 camera and shoots cats with it.


emopunker2004 06-08-2013 09:07 PM

Re: Photography Thread
:r I know I know. But It's all I had to shoot at the time. It was hard to get good pix of my cats at night, with the other camera cuz the lighting is dim.

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