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Cigarcop 02-21-2012 03:44 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by bonjing (Post 1567082)
I find myself asking the same question :sh.

I think the thing that drew me towards the 300 was the compatibility of all my mags and lowers, keeping the ar-15 profile versus going .308 ar-10 with all new mags. Although I have both a Noveske N-6 and LMT 308 sitting in peices(I have no idea why I have both). The cost of 300blk ammo is what was super enticing. just about 1/2 the cost of .308 packing almost the same punch. me I now..I love toys...but running the 300BLK w/subsonic rds is where its at :D

Blueface 02-21-2012 06:17 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Anyone deal with

After renting some guns and reading lots, I think I want a Glock 23 Gen 4 but no one seems to have it in stock online. Bud's is clean out.

Malazan 02-21-2012 08:34 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I'll share some

Gun cat sez hello

Bill86 02-21-2012 08:37 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Is that an Arsenal AK?

Malazan 02-21-2012 08:39 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1567501)
Is that an Arsenal AK?

No, it was made by Vector Arms

Volusianator 02-21-2012 08:43 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I finally made up my mind, I'm going with the Ruger LC9-LM

Poronico 02-21-2012 08:50 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1567511)
I finally made up my mind, I'm going with the Ruger LC9-LM

How are the trigger guard laser systems? I haven't had the opportunity to use one yet. I am not much of an advocate for the tactical nonsense on weapons. I understand they have their place but the average Joe has no need for anything beyond irons, if they depend on the red dot to hit their target they should probably lock that weapon up until they can hit the range.

theonlybear4CORT 02-21-2012 11:03 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Just did the paper work today for my parkerized loaded today, I will be able to pick it up after 4pm march 2nd.

Volusianator 02-21-2012 11:13 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1567523)
How are the trigger guard laser systems? I haven't had the opportunity to use one yet. I am not much of an advocate for the tactical nonsense on weapons. I understand they have their place but the average Joe has no need for anything beyond irons, if they depend on the red dot to hit their target they should probably lock that weapon up until they can hit the range.

I've not 100% decided on the LC9 or the LC9-LM (laser). I understand totally your thoughts on being able to hit a target with the sights alone, no doubt very important. My thought on the laser is simply it's a nice feature to have. The actuation on this laser is not done by trigger but rather a button forward of the trigger guard, so you actually have to bring your finger forward, depress the button then bring your finger back inside the guard. Way to much time wasted in a combat situation, but yet I don't want a trigger actuated laser either as I don't always want it on. My thought is, simple and stupid as it may be that say in your home, someone breaks in, it may be handy to have that laser on a wall for them to see from upstairs or a different room, maybe have them rethink being in my home seeing that red dot and avoid violence if possible. Again, may never happen or play out that way, but it's just my thought. Plus, it may be fun at the range.

Any advice on best ammo for practice and combat situations?

Poronico 02-22-2012 12:37 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1567709)
I've not 100% decided on the LC9 or the LC9-LM (laser). I understand totally your thoughts on being able to hit a target with the sights alone, no doubt very important. My thought on the laser is simply it's a nice feature to have. The actuation on this laser is not done by trigger but rather a button forward of the trigger guard, so you actually have to bring your finger forward, depress the button then bring your finger back inside the guard. Way to much time wasted in a combat situation, but yet I don't want a trigger actuated laser either as I don't always want it on. My thought is, simple and stupid as it may be that say in your home, someone breaks in, it may be handy to have that laser on a wall for them to see from upstairs or a different room, maybe have them rethink being in my home seeing that red dot and avoid violence if possible. Again, may never happen or play out that way, but it's just my thought. Plus, it may be fun at the range.

Any advice on best ammo for practice and combat situations?

Ammo for the range I always recommend whats cheap for shooting in mass and sighting in the firearm. I always end the day with a mag of my carry ammo just to ensure they are firing well within the range I expect the bullet to hit. As far as carry ammo I am a bit of a fan boy for the Hornady Critical Defense. I have seen many hollow points fold instead of expand because of the materials they had to pass through (heavy winter jackets vs t-shirts) The H-CD ammo has a polymer tip which forces the ammunition to expand regardless of what it is passing through. The 9mm with this ammo has amazing stopping potential, I know a lot of people knock the 9mm's stopping power but with the right ammo it is 100% effective with center mass hits. Home defense on the cheap (FMJ's) are not only ineffective but extremely dangerous due to travel through walls and invaders. 9mm FMJ will pass right through someone with a finger sized exit wound, if the hollow point actually passes through with a shoulder shot the exit wound will be much larger and more effective.


herfin'chef 02-22-2012 09:31 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
2 Attachment(s)
Here's a few from the collection...

hammondc 02-23-2012 06:36 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1567781)
Ammo for the range I always recommend whats cheap for shooting in mass and sighting in the firearm. I always end the day with a mag of my carry ammo just to ensure they are firing well within the range I expect the bullet to hit. As far as carry ammo I am a bit of a fan boy for the Hornady Critical Defense. I have seen many hollow points fold instead of expand because of the materials they had to pass through (heavy winter jackets vs t-shirts) The H-CD ammo has a polymer tip which forces the ammunition to expand regardless of what it is passing through. The 9mm with this ammo has amazing stopping potential, I know a lot of people knock the 9mm's stopping power but with the right ammo it is 100% effective with center mass hits. Home defense on the cheap (FMJ's) are not only ineffective but extremely dangerous due to travel through walls and invaders. 9mm FMJ will pass right through someone with a finger sized exit wound, if the hollow point actually passes through with a shoulder shot the exit wound will be much larger and more effective.


+1 to all of this. 9mm is plenty unless you need the extra power to shoot through a leather jacket, layer of Polo or Drakkar cologne, 3 gold chains, a cable knit 'Boss' sweater, an under shirt and then probably a wife beat under it all. :D. I'd rather have the cheaper 9mm to practice with. I figure under duress, I'd only land 6/10 shots. I feel satisfied that 6 shots will damn do it. :2, of course.

I sold (2) of .45s and my .40. Still have a Taurus .45 I am trying to get rid of. I am streamlining to 9mm in everything except 1 carry gun (.380) and .357 that I do not have yet. All the 9mm have H-CD ammo and you are right. It is nasty.

hammondc 02-23-2012 06:48 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Damn nice V-Bob, John..

Poronico 02-23-2012 07:05 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1569184)
+1 to all of this. 9mm is plenty unless you need the extra power to shoot through a leather jacket, layer of Polo or Drakkar cologne, 3 gold chains, a cable knit 'Boss' sweater, an under shirt and then probably a wife beat under it all. :D. I'd rather have the cheaper 9mm to practice with. I figure under duress, I'd only land 6/10 shots. I feel satisfied that 6 shots will damn do it. :2, of course.

I sold (2) of .45s and my .40. Still have a Taurus .45 I am trying to get rid of. I am streamlining to 9mm in everything except 1 carry gun (.380) and .357 that I do not have yet. All the 9mm have H-CD ammo and you are right. It is nasty.

I won't ever streamline my collection because when the SHTF and the Zombies come I need something for each caliber because ammo will become both VERY expensive and scarce :P at least this is how I justify buying new and interesting toys.

hammondc 02-23-2012 07:13 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1569208)
I won't ever streamline my collection because when the SHTF and the Zombies come I need something for each caliber because ammo will become both VERY expensive and scarce :P at least this is how I justify buying new and interesting toys.

Actually a fairly plausible justification.

Poronico 02-23-2012 07:26 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 1569215)
Actually a fairly plausible justification.

Plus its nice being able to take my trunk of firearms to the range and letting new shooters or people who are in the market for a firearm let a few rounds down range without having to drop a mint at the rentals. I have met some very cool people at the range and since my injury I have been kicking around the idea of becoming a firearms instructor so its good experience dealing with difference types of learners.

replicant_argent 02-23-2012 07:35 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Poronico (Post 1567523)
I am not much of an advocate for the tactical nonsense on weapons. I understand they have their place but the average Joe has no need for anything beyond irons, if they depend on the red dot to hit their target they should probably lock that weapon up until they can hit the range.

Lasers not only provide very good feedback as a training tool, helping muscle memory training and trigger control/grip, but can also have great value as aid to shooting under actual shooting conditions. (high stress/elevated heartbeat/high adrenaline)
An Average Joe is actually the BEST candidate for having a "nonsense" tool like a laser, especially when these days, they take up so little real estate and have some very ergonomic options for switching. As to the last sentence, how about being in a very scary situation with a couple of bullets in you taking you out of action and a loved one helping defend you or your family? (That person not being as highly trained and skillful in the martial arts as yourself, of course.) While I think that general competency in firearms is an admirable thing for everyone, being able to tell a person who is not as much of a "Warrior" to "take a deep breath, put the red dot on his chest and press the trigger" may just save your life and theirs.
I do not have any lasers on any of my firearms, but I would never pooh pooh anyone with one as an excuse to belittle their "Average Joe-ness."

OPTIONS are good.

Goldie 02-23-2012 05:01 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Waiting for this to land at my local FFL. I wanted something for some target shooting that wasn't going to break the bank, but still be accurate.

Marlin X7VH
26" heavy barrel
Recessed target crown
Fluted bolt
Accu-trigger rip-off

I also picked up I think 5 more guns from a family member but they have to spend the night at my parents house until I get a safe. I'll throw some pictures up when I get all of the goods here.

big a 02-23-2012 07:25 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Nice collections everyone.

I just added a Ruger LCP to my collection. Was wondering what kind of pocket holsters everyone here is using? So far i have a leather wallet style holster but have been eyeing the DeSantis Superfly.

fencefixer 02-23-2012 09:15 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Sometimes I feel like I reload more than I shoot. :D

Reloading is very addictive.

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