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bvilchez 05-17-2015 01:50 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 2035182)
Jay, where abouts are you now in SoCal and what variety of Avocado did you purchase? Is it a standard, semi-standard, or dwarf tree?

Mark, I'm in the Temecula/Lake Elsinore area....Wildomar to be exact. The avocado tree is a standard fuerte.

azar 05-17-2015 01:53 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Mark absolutely beautiful to bad we weren't closer together I would give you the patio pots I have gathered over the years. An older neighbor of ours gave us a ton of them. She moved to a nursing home.
I talked with another neighbor she is planting today. I am going to let today pass the 7 day forcast starting tomorrow seems promising at least away from the freezing mark!

MarkinAZ 05-17-2015 03:40 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by bvilchez (Post 2035207)
Mark, I'm in the Temecula/Lake Elsinore area....Wildomar to be exact. The avocado tree is a standard fuerte.

You're definitely in avocado country Jay. My parents have 104 acre's of avocado/grapefruit property in Pauma Valley (just South of your location). Your fuerte will have no problemo in surviving. You will basically have to go out of your way to kill it by not watering it.

Well, that standard tree can reach a height in excess of 25+ feet for one. At some point in time, and for convenience of harvesting, you will want to keep it trimmed low in time (maybe to around twelve feet). It will be easier to get a picking latter up into the branches that way. There are picking poles that extend with a small canvas bag on the end. You telescope the pole to the desired length, find a avocado, cut it, and it falls into the bag. However, that's some time down the road for you.

Make sure you have dug a nice size hole to plant the tree in, add the appropriate nutrients and compost and work it well into the soil, then water it all in, and plant your tree. Back fill with a mixture of the original soil and compost, and water in good. I don't know what the diameter of your tree's canopy, but your hole should be approximately the same size. When irrigating the tree, you should irrigate underneath the tree about the same diameter of the canopy. That is, the circumference of the spread out branches (hopefully that made some sort of sense). You can check out more here:



Originally Posted by azar (Post 2035208)
Mark absolutely beautiful to bad we weren't closer together I would give you the patio pots I have gathered over the years. An older neighbor of ours gave us a ton of them. She moved to a nursing home.

Thanks Mack. I'm sure someone in your area can make use of those pots...

bvilchez 05-17-2015 06:34 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Thanks for the advice Mark. The tree is in the ground already (planted by the nursery where we purchased it from) but they did add any amendments to the soil. It is starting to produce fruit though. Their guidance to us was water everyday for the first week and then 2-3x a week after that. They did make a 'well' of mulch around it and stated fill the 'well' and that will suffice for water for the tree. I will say I am somewhat fearful of adding fertilizer (too much or not enough). I have been keeping it simple by adding MiracleGro to it. Is that beneficial? BTW, thanks for the input. I will read up on those sites tonight.

MarkinAZ 05-17-2015 08:43 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by bvilchez (Post 2035226)
Thanks for the advice Mark. The tree is in the ground already (planted by the nursery where we purchased it from) but they did add any amendments to the soil. It is starting to produce fruit though. Their guidance to us was water everyday for the first week and then 2-3x a week after that. They did make a 'well' of mulch around it and stated fill the 'well' and that will suffice for water for the tree. I will say I am somewhat fearful of adding fertilizer (too much or not enough). I have been keeping it simple by adding MiracleGro to it. Is that beneficial? BTW, thanks for the input. I will read up on those sites tonight.

It sounds like you're all set there Jay. It appears that the nursery crew most likely prepared the soil prior to planting your tree. You may want to call and ask them if they did prepare your soil with fertilizer just for the fun of it. If they did, great. If they did not, there's most likely a reason. I would also ask about a fertilization program for your tree once it has established itself in your yard. The one thing you do not want to do is over fertilize and burn out your beautiful avocado tree.

Enjoy all of that guacamole Jay!

azar 05-18-2015 10:44 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
After weather this weekend Monday rolls around still over cast T* are up a little and 7 day doesn't even come close to freezing! I got up early and here are my results
Onion bed
Tomatoes/squash/and broccoli.
More tomatoes/water melon/ and celery!
Later today I will be putting in my PVC for irrigation system we went with soaker hose simply because we got the hoses for cheap and we will see how well it works.
We have had successful years in the past. The past 2 years have been very disappointing as far as gardening go weeds ate my lunch the 1st year then our city workers sprayed last year for weeds and killed my garden 1 month in!

This is my first year doing raised beds and we are looking forward to our results. I began doing home work on these almost a year ago. After talking with a couple of friends and neighbors they are trying them also.


Fordman4ever 05-21-2015 07:22 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Looks great Mack

Here's my first raised bed

Now all I have to do is fill it with dirt and plant stuff. I wont be planting anything anytime soon though, getting ready to deploy over the summer.

HK3- 05-22-2015 05:02 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Garden update- I've got more lettuce than i can eat and I'm getting tired of eating it. Broccoli is looking good and probably has a few more weeks to go. Tomatoes are plentiful but still green. Zucchini has been picked a few times and is about to be in full swing along with the cucumbers.

Had to break out the 7dust yesterday due to the caterpillars having their way with my greens.

Fordman4ever 05-22-2015 12:28 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Fried green tomatoes

I filled the bed with compost today.

azar 05-22-2015 08:25 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by HK3- (Post 2035984)
Garden update- I've got more lettuce than i can eat and I'm getting tired of eating it. Broccoli is looking good and probably has a few more weeks to go. Tomatoes are plentiful but still green. Zucchini has been picked a few times and is about to be in full swing along with the cucumbers.

Had to break out the 7dust yesterday due to the caterpillars having their way with my greens.

Hal you are killing me I want a fresh salad out of garden so bad I can taste it! Tell you what send me some up if you have to much. Even mailed to me is probably fresher then anything we get here!
Ford that is a great looking garden spot. I am sorry you won't get to try it out this year. But you will have a jump on next year's growing season.

HK3- 05-23-2015 06:12 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum


hammondc 05-29-2015 06:39 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

The lettuce--- Does it keep producing or is it a one and done type thing?

Chainsaw13 05-29-2015 07:53 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 2037334)

The lettuce--- Does it keep producing or is it a one and done type thing?

You should just be able to cut it back, leaving the root, and it'll regrow.

My tomato plants have started to take off. Seems like over night they doubled in size. Finally put the cages over them before they got too big.

HK3- 05-30-2015 04:12 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 2037334)

The lettuce--- Does it keep producing or is it a one and done type thing?

It's crazy. Some grew a second head next to the original but most grew almost three feet tall….

I harvested six heads of broccoli this morning and hacked down some of the whacked out lettuce heads. Planted a ghost, scorpion, habanero, and two Thai hot pepper plants.

Looks like the cauliflower will be ready to harvest in less than two weeks.

Maters are plentiful but still green…. Oh, I toasted a rabbit in the garden yesterday evening. One down and a few more to go. ;)

hammondc 05-31-2015 07:46 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
OK! I have a little spare room in one of my boxes. I may thrown some lettuce in there.

HK3- 06-03-2015 04:46 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Picked a handful of zucchini on Sunday along with one jalepeno and two bell peppers.

Finished removing the rest of the lettuce heads and replaced them with two carolina reapers, two okra, and one more tomato plant.

My daughter and I planted two Wee B pumpkin plants on the side hill far away from anything for it to choke out or grind up in the mower.

sigsauer 06-03-2015 06:01 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
string beans

hammondc 06-04-2015 10:51 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by sigsauer (Post 2038067)
string beans

I am going Romaine & Arugala next weekend.

azar 06-14-2015 07:54 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

The garden after I fenced it and graveled the walks.

MarkinAZ 06-14-2015 08:02 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Looks great Mack! Always nice to place some gravel in between the raised planters...

HK3- 06-22-2015 06:26 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Everything is putting out except the hot peppers. Picked up a handful of more zucchini and cucumber plants for the side hill where I planted the pumpkins.

How's everyone else's gardens doing?

Chainsaw13 06-22-2015 07:56 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
My garlic's about ready to pull. Cut off the last of the garlic scapes yesterday. Grilled up a few of them for dinner last night, plus a few extra to put into some hummus I've yet to make.

Cut down my mustard greens plant. I like wilted greens on occassion, but those plants produce way too much for me to eat. So into the compost pile it went.

My plants all have flowers on them, hoping to see something sprouting soon.

Chainsaw13 06-28-2015 04:13 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Cleaned up the garden today. thinned out the mater plants, cutting off all the sucker branches. Found lots of small tomatoes growing. :tu

Dug up all my garlic. No real huge heads this year, but all 40+ heads developed nicely.

Now I have a 4x8' raised bed that's empty. Anyone have ideas of late season plants I could get going? Or should I just wait for fall and plant cooler temps plants?

Chainsaw13 08-02-2015 06:32 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
1 Attachment(s)
Did a little picking in the garden.

hammondc 08-03-2015 10:51 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Heat has scorched most of mine. I am trying to water daily to at least keep the soil moist. Peppers are coming in and watermelons will be ready shortly.

.......AND Carolina Reapers

Chainsaw13 10-25-2015 11:41 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
1 Attachment(s)
Pulled the last of my plants and finally dug up my sunchoke plant. Holy crap that thing just kept on giving. Pulled most of the rest of my chiltepin peppers and the last few Serrano. Those I'm going to ferment and make into hot sauce.

Chainsaw13 10-25-2015 11:42 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
1 Attachment(s)

hudd 10-25-2015 02:56 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Grew orange habanero, cayenne, jalapeno, and ghost peppers this year. Critters ate my jalapeno plants. Cayennes did poorly. Ghost and habs done pretty well. Made hour sauce with some and drying the rest for powder. With all the rain early on this season it's lucky anything produced at all this year here.

8zeros 06-30-2016 10:54 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I've been busy. Not growing a lot this year. Lots of room, too much, not enough time. I was real late. I just planted a few tomatoes, cukes, peppers, beans, squash, melons. No corn or punkins.
Anyone else? I'm not talkin about your "medicine".

hudd 06-30-2016 11:16 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Put out habanero, jolokia, and cayenne plants this year to make hot sauce with. Really hope the cayenne's do well this year. Got a recipe I come up with that makes a really tasty sauce.

Chainsaw13 07-01-2016 06:03 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by hudd (Post 2093294)
Put out habanero, jolokia, and cayenne plants this year to make hot sauce with. Really hope the cayenne's do well this year. Got a recipe I come up with that makes a really tasty sauce.

I did a fermented hot sauce with Serrano and chiltepin from my garden last year. Crazy good. And pretty easy. Unfortunately no garden this year. Need the space temporarily for a new garage.

sigsauer 09-01-2016 02:03 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Mr B are the cukes curling?

Dave128 09-06-2016 07:52 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I only have a small area for planting so just did some tomatoes, eggplant and hot peppers this year. All of my hot pepper plants got eaten to the ground by a mole (I suspect), my tomatoes are OK, but seem to be rotting on the vine before they ripen and my eggplant are coming along slowly. Overall, not a great season for me. Oh yeah, I have a raised box for herbs that did pretty well. So there's that.

Chainsaw13 07-30-2022 01:28 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Did some breaking down of one of my two 4x8 planters. Both squash plants were way overgrown. Still producing, but I can only eat so much as well as my neighbors. Did pull a 6.5lb zucchini which is currently sliced up and dehydrating. Now my serrano plants have room to grow.

357 08-01-2022 06:15 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Thanks for the thread revive Bob. Once we own some dirt again a garden is on the first page of things to do. Love any and all pics and tips

Axeman 08-01-2022 10:21 AM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I need to get my photo server back up and running. This year has been amazing so far.

Axeman 08-01-2022 04:54 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 1643147)
Good stuff, Cliff.
Here's what I have so far:

Well, it looks like my old pics server is already working. That was from ten years ago. It's still about the same.

Chainsaw13 08-01-2022 07:56 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum

RobR1205 08-01-2022 11:14 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
Working on a container garden of lots of ridiculously hot chili varieties. Got ‘em all in five gallon pots on my porch to help give them a fighting chance against this summers brutal weather.

Axeman 08-02-2022 01:46 PM

Re: Gardeners in the Asylum
I love ghost, scorpion, Caribbean reds, Habs!
Tough for me to grow them. Those super hot are hard for me to eat. Anything less is not. I let my wife decide how spicy to make food.

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