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Ahbroody 11-10-2011 12:05 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
We were talking about IW on Sunday. A lot of parents are using them. I mentioned totalhockey. Because of no tax its often better for us Cali folk. IW is good though as we often can get stuff next day from them as they are a few hours south.

J0eybb 11-10-2011 12:38 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I think its time for a new stick.

Eleven 11-10-2011 06:14 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1468983)
Great pics!!!!

IW is killing my pocketbook.... 2 pants, 2 sticks in a week... That said, I've saved a chitload of money because of them....

I ended up dropping about 7 bills last week on my kid, mainly because his birthday is this week and we had the opportunity to do some shopping in Chicago.

I broke down and got him the APX, and some Eagle gloves. Before we went to Chicago we bought a pair of used X60 skates in his size, to avoid the 500-600 dollar hit for brand new ones.

Also got him some SuperFeet skate insoles for those 60's, I think we're all going to get some for our own shoes. Those things are awesome.

Ahbroody 11-13-2011 10:33 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Joe how old was that stick? Looks well loved.

Kid had too much hockey today. Had a Ice scrim in the morning for 1.5 hrs, then roller hockey practice for an hour. Then they day ended a few hours later back at the roller rink for a birthday skate which developed into a pickup game. Micah was trashed at the end. Hannah is starting to skate and be just like big brother now.

Micahs infront right behind goalies head.

Hannnah got in on the pics on the right.

Then with Sharkie
Then sweaty head

E.J. 11-15-2011 07:29 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Nice pics, Mike.... Good to see you're house had gone co-ed hockey!

J0eybb 11-15-2011 12:12 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1472890)
Joe how old was that stick? Looks well loved.

It was given to me. Looked well used when I got it. I think it was new in 2007. Reebok 5k snakegrip 2 pc.

I'm going to chop it down, flip it, and put a cheap blade on it so my daughter can shoot in the street.

E.J. 11-15-2011 06:46 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Hey, as an FYI, is having 20% off until Nov. 30th for IWin members(you can join to get the discount).... That is a SMOKING DEAL.....SMOKING!

They even are honoring purchases from IW members from the past 7 days.... Wouldn't you know it, a $374(after my 10% discount) order 8 days ago.... UGH... I am sure there is something I can find to spend money on....

Ahbroody 11-16-2011 12:08 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Saw this last night. As much as I hate to monkey has some smoking deals on roller gear that I need.for the boy. He had a growth spurt. Even his roller coach said he must have grown two inches in a month or so as his pants became floods.

He is going to play in the Thanksgiving NARCH roller event at Rollin Ice for a 6U house team his travel roller coach is putting together to compete against a travel team based out of RI and some teams coming to the event. Micahs the ringer on the team. :r. He is also participitating in a jamboree with his blackstars travel ice team that weekend. The ice jamboree is Friday and Saturday. The roller tourney is supposed to be Sunday.

J0eybb 11-16-2011 12:58 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
I bought a tron basic(1pc) and a Sherwood RM7 shaft, from a friend for $40. He put my blade on for me. The Aluminum was gifted to me from a teamate. The blade is shattered, and just fell out, so we'll see.

E.J. 11-16-2011 09:54 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Brought out the new "Whites" for the game tonight.... Kids are always excited about new jerseys. Solid win, varsity still undefeated....

Ahbroody 11-17-2011 09:53 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Why do people love scheduling tournaments on holiday weekends?
Thanksgiving weekend
He's playing ice all day friday, most of the day Saturday and it appears Narch Roller Tourney all day Sunday.

Nice pics, tell him its a mouthguard not a chew toy. Guessing he no like the one I sent?

Eleven 11-17-2011 10:09 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The only holiday tourney we've ever played is New Years in Nashville. Last year our Org had one on Halloween, but we didn't participate. But our boys play, train and travel so much anyway, our coaches look at it as if the holidays are their reprieve.

(My kid chews his mouth piece too, the more worn down it gets, the less it stays in place.)

E.J. 11-17-2011 06:39 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Little One practicing on the ice in front of me, Big One doing dry land practice with the team on the stairs behind me.... This is what we call quality family time...;)

Ahbroody 11-19-2011 12:10 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Loaded all 4 kids into the car for Micahs roller game. Now we are at the mall for a Disney event to welcome Santa. This afternoon my dads taking him to his inhouse game.

Poll question. Dec 31 there is a one day cross ice tournament. He was scheduled to play with his club team in the Mite Exhibition division. His best friends dad wants to reform the team we used in a 6U tournament last year that beat everyone badly. If given the choice he wants to play in the 7U division with his buddies. Would you make him play mite exhibition basically club level 8u or let him do a 7u team?

E.J. 11-19-2011 02:15 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1479441)
Poll question. Dec 31 there is a one day cross ice tournament. He was scheduled to play with his club team in the Mite Exhibition division. His best friends dad wants to reform the team we used in a 6U tournament last year that beat everyone badly. If given the choice he wants to play in the 7U division with his buddies. Would you make him play mite exhibition basically club level 8u or let him do a 7u team?

...and there is your answer...:tu

ahc4353 11-20-2011 02:01 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Drive by hi. Hope all is well with hockey parent life!

Headed to Ma. for Mitch's first college game Tuesday night!

Ahbroody 11-20-2011 05:49 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1480180)
Drive by hi. Hope all is well with hockey parent life!

Headed to Ma. for Mitch's first college game Tuesday night!

Tell him we wish him luck and remember "dangle, snipe, celly, repeat"

Have the boys gear in the washing machine on sanitize setting. FACK! 4-5 days a week and his gear is ripe. Take it out after every skate and let it air only does so much. The other day I had to dress him before we left. Yeah that car ride was crap.

Edit stupid phone auto correct

E.J. 11-20-2011 06:05 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1480314)
Tell him we wish him luck and remember "dangle, snipe, celly, repeat"

Have the boys gear in the washing machine on sanitize setting. FACK! 4-5 days a week and his gear is ripe. Take it out after every skate and let it air only does so much. The other day I had to dress him before we left. Yeah that car ride was crap.

Edit stupid phone auto correct

Nothing like hockey smell....ugh....

E.J. 11-20-2011 06:06 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1480180)
Headed to Ma. for Mitch's first college game Tuesday night!

Good luck to Mitch.... Travel safe and let us know how it goes!

Eleven 11-20-2011 10:11 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
One of these days I will get around to learning how to take a decent action shot. We had 2 games today at Gilmour Academy in Cleveland, both sheets of ice there had excellent lighting but I always find myself trying to watch the action with one eye and the viewfinder with the other.

I would love to take better pics, but I can't NOT watch the game!

Other than blowing kids up on the blueline, this is where my son really gets under the skin of opponents. Occasionally he'll snow-shower the goalie but he doesn't do that often. The Ref's really don't put up with that. But more than once today in this game he was bearing down hard on the goalie and forced him to cover the puck. He swears he doesn't say anything and he doesn't really linger there after the whistle but boy do they love to start pushing and shoving when he does this.

His team had a great weekend, tied the Cleveland Warriors 98's 4-4, then beat them 7-0, beat the Cleveland Lumberjacks 4-0 and beat the Western Michigan Hounds 4-3.

Here he is in one of the only good shots I got off today:

Ahbroody 11-21-2011 02:17 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by J0eybb (Post 1475801)
I bought a tron basic(1pc) and a Sherwood RM7 shaft, from a friend for $40. He put my blade on for me. The Aluminum was gifted to me from a teamate. The blade is shattered, and just fell out, so we'll see.

Let me know how the tron stick plays. Been looking at grabbing one just to fug with. People say its made by a large manufacturer just rebadged. Mid upper level sticks usually. Got a monkey order coming today. Suprisingly they had everything in stock. Normally they are horrible. Apparently its also arriving today. For instate they are using a small carrier instead of UPS as they take 5-7 days even on instate stuff.

Use that metal stick to snap someone's composite if they go game 7.

Ahbroody 11-23-2011 01:31 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
so we live across the street from the school. The delivery company delivered our package of hockey gear to the school. :sl

today Micah worked on transitions and some body position concepts after school on blades for over an hour in the garage, then went to ice practice, got home and he wanted to work on transitions and one timers in the garage. Had to force him out of the Garage to get ready for bed. Had to promise we would work on stuff tomorrow, He has the ice jamboree this weekend on Fri and Sat, and the roller tourney on Sunday and he is showing a lot of drive to try to be the best he can. Its cute to hear him talk about this weekend.

J0eybb 11-23-2011 10:29 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1480950)
Let me know how the tron stick plays.

Use that metal stick to snap someone's composite if they go game 7.

So far so good. I heard a few guys talking about them yesterday, the pro guys at roller are sponsered by them. One of them said they have been snapping like twigs. I'm two games in, and it looks like I have had it a lot longer.

I think I'll use the Aluminum one to keep my hood open... :)

E.J. 11-23-2011 04:00 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
2 exhibition games this evening. Varsity against the Jr. Grizzlies, JV against the Regulators.

Let the weekend begin!

Eleven 11-23-2011 09:30 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Our boys usually have practice on Thursday, but obviously this week it was different. The coach scheduled practice for tonight. It seems no one had ice time scheduled for the slot after our coach had, so our boys had a 2:20 practice tonight.

We thought that 1 hour and 20 minutes was a long practice, but 2 hours a 20 minutes straight? freaking insane.

Ahbroody 11-25-2011 10:43 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Up at 6am to drive 40 min to the jamboree. Just got off the ice after playing 2 games. Get to feed the kid then two more games this afternoon. Working tonight.
Tomorrow 3 games but we don't start till 11. Will post some pics, but I need a telescopic lens. Can't get any great photos.

Had my first ever **** talking parent incident. Micah and a couple of the boys are pretty good skaters and will often pull spinoramas to get around kids. This mom from Stockton ( known for its crime and violence) starts chirping apparently after her son got skinned that the boy should take up figure skating. I responded "wow mom of the year chirping a 7 year old for being a good skater." I also reminded her they were little kids and she may want to settle down. She did not appear happy with my comments, but did shut down the trash talking. Who the hell trash talks little kids? Worst of all she trash talked a kid for having great skating skill. Wasn't my kid, but it was frustrating to see.

E.J. 11-25-2011 12:35 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1483391)
Our boys usually have practice on Thursday, but obviously this week it was different. The coach scheduled practice for tonight. It seems no one had ice time scheduled for the slot after our coach had, so our boys had a 2:20 practice tonight.

We thought that 1 hour and 20 minutes was a long practice, but 2 hours a 20 minutes straight? freaking insane.

Bet the kids slept well that night....:r


Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1484251)
Up at 6am to drive 40 min to the jamboree. Just got off the ice after playing 2 games. Get to feed the kid then two more games this afternoon. Working tonight.
Tomorrow 3 games but we don't start till 11. Will post some pics, but I need a telescopic lens. Can't get any great photos.

Had my first ever **** talking parent incident. Micah and a couple of the boys are pretty good skaters and will often pull spinoramas to get around kids. This mom from Stockton ( known for its crime and violence) starts chirping apparently after her son got skinned that the boy should take up figure skating. I responded "wow mom of the year chirping a 7 year old for being a good skater." I also reminded her they were little kids and she may want to settle down. She did not appear happy with my comments, but did shut down the trash talking. Who the hell trash talks little kids? Worst of all she trash talked a kid for having great skating skill. Wasn't my kid, but it was frustrating to see.

Busy 2 days, Mike..... How are the kids doing? Unfortunately, at this point, nothing....and I mean nothing, coming out of parents mouths at youth sporting events surprises me anymore.... :td

E.J. 11-25-2011 12:36 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Just finished 1:45 of stick and puck with the kids, going through the pics from Wednesday night.... Will photo bomb shortly.....

E.J. 11-25-2011 01:19 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Because of numbers, he got a regular shift with the Varsity.....though he played forward.

JV wore the whites, but he left his dark socks on. Back to D....

The Little One gets ready to send the boys on the ice...

Slapshot in warmups...

E.J. 11-25-2011 01:24 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Getting a little love from his goalie after some solid D....

2 games and done for the night....

taltos 11-25-2011 01:43 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1480950)
Let me know how the tron stick plays. Been looking at grabbing one just to fug with. People say its made by a large manufacturer just rebadged. Mid upper level sticks usually. Got a monkey order coming today. Suprisingly they had everything in stock. Normally they are horrible. Apparently its also arriving today. For instate they are using a small carrier instead of UPS as they take 5-7 days even on instate stuff.

Use that metal stick to snap someone's composite if they go game 7.

I have been using the Tron basic goalie stick to play in an over 50 league. The stick is heavy but I like that because it has a very controlled flex which is nice when trying to control a stick save. I have had a couple shatter when hit with a very heavy slap shot or one timer. I want to try their chest protectors and leg pads, both need to be replaced and Tron seems to have very nice pricing and shipping costs. It is kind of funny that California seems to have more hockey super stores than the home of hockey in New England. The Tron sticks remind me of Koho sticks if that helps on the rebadging. Both are heavy, very well made and very flex controlled.:tu

Ahbroody 11-27-2011 08:34 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
The hockey weekend from hell ended at about 4pm today.

Today micah played Jesus on the inhouse team put together for the norcal cup roller tourney. They lost the championship 9-2. Micah had a goal and the assist on the second goal in the championship. They got smoked. Was proud of him. He knew they were going to lose and killed himself trying to keep the game competitive. The kids got to win some games and had a great time. I was proud he played a part in making kids have a good time and win. There were some big smiles out there.

Ice hockey mite jamboree Friday and Saturday. The team won the jamboree against the Stockton team mentioned before. Micah scored 3 of his teams 9 goals and had a few assists in the championship game per my dad who was there. Put the puck in the net a lot in the last 3 days.

Will see if any of the pictures from ice turned out okay.

Ahbroody 11-28-2011 01:20 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
One of the parents took this pick. Micah is off the goalies left shoulder.

E.J. 11-28-2011 01:32 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
GREAT STUFF, Mike! Tell Micah great job!

Ahbroody 11-29-2011 12:54 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Today only 20% off when u like them on Facebook. So broke so want to buy.

E.J. 11-30-2011 08:17 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Heading to the rink in 45 minutes.... These 9:15 PM games on a worknight are not my favorite....

Ahbroody 12-01-2011 01:25 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
That sucks.

Ordered the Reebok 10k backpack for the boy. Mom wants him to have a rolling back as he needs to carry his own stuff. Dad likes the backpack for rinks with stairs.

E.J. 12-02-2011 05:23 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Today - Practice Little One @ 5:00, Game Little Man @ 7:15 10 miles away. Tomorrow - Game Little One 11:30 AM, Game Little Man 12:00 120 miles away, Sunday Game Little Man 12:00..... Here we go!!!

E.J. 12-03-2011 03:14 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
1-2 in games so far..... Jr. Varsity team is REALLY struggling(2 losses).... Apparently the Little Man played a good, physical game today, but they still lost. Outscored 8-2 in their 2 games, LM is a +2....:rolleyes:

On a brighter note, the Little One found the back of the net 5 times today.... They don't keep score with the Mites, but I do.... WIN...:tu

E.J. 12-03-2011 03:15 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

E.J. 12-04-2011 10:18 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1466229)
EJ how did your son do at state high school select tryout?

Was waiting to respond until they actually played a game... But he made the team and they play their first exhibition today.... Have NO IDEA what to expect....

Truth be told, it has been a less than stellar experience so far. VERY POORLY run so far from the administration aspect.... Close to zero communication(worst I've had in all my years of sports with the kids), schedule set and then cancelled completely to start from scratch.... LM is excited to be out there, but it has been a bit of a clusterpuck @ best....

So I guess we will go to the rink and see what happens. Prepare to be picture bombed....:r

E.J. 12-04-2011 06:04 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
First day with the Utah High School Select Team.... No practice, no skate...just show up and play. Matched up with the Regulators and beat them everywhere but the score board(3-3)..... It was fun and regardless of what I said above, besides the off ice stuff, the on ice is going to be fun with these guys.... Give them a few games....

E.J. 12-04-2011 06:05 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

E.J. 12-05-2011 09:18 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Just ordered the RBK Chicago "Red" and Ottawa "Black" socks.... I can't have him going out looking like that....:r

Added a few stocking stuffers.... Tis the Season....:tu

Ahbroody 12-05-2011 07:34 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
$hit that reminds me. In the mail tomorrow.

Ahbroody 12-07-2011 10:30 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Boy got recruited to play for this unofficial roller team formed from
Basically its all 6 year olds that are supposed to play mite 7-8 year old players. I said maybe. They want to go play in some tourney like 1.5 hrs away next week. Not so sure.

He's currently trying to do a between the legs Michigan on roller. hoping he will be able to pull it on ice by mid summer. He is obsessed with trick shots. I showed him this video and he says he wants to learn all this. I think roller is awesome for learning puck skills.

E.J. 12-11-2011 12:29 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Took a beating on the ice today with the Select Team.... The team looked a mix of tired and disinterested. Jackson spent 3 separate occasions in the box(cross check, elbowing, high stick)...the last giving them a hat trick worth of kids in the box(pictured)....

All that said, it was ice time and the parents seem to be a nice it wasn't a total loss.

E.J. 12-11-2011 12:30 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
New mouth guard courtesy of Mike(ahbroody)... He says he really likes it and most important, he has it in his mouth....

Ahbroody 12-11-2011 08:01 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
There is something missing from the pictures. Hes missing his chew toy hanging out the front.

Eleven 12-11-2011 08:45 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1499274)
There is something missing from the pictures. Hes missing his chew toy hanging out the front.


I am on the board for my son's league, and this weekend the rink was packed with games from house, select travel and my son's team hosted 2 AAA teams for a round-robin weekend.

Saturday night I got an email from the board, there was some incident with a select travel game. Apparently a bunch of kids from one team didn't have mouth guards and they got warned. A parent went to the pro shop and bought enough for all the players but the coach refused to make them wear them.

Then it got out of hand. In the end, the coach got enough penalties that he cannot coach again until there is a hearing.

I don't know 100 percent of the details, because there was even more issues with another game. In this one, the Refs were berating the parents working the clock, even using derogatory language towards the players.

Oh the wonderful world of Youth Hockey!

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