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Starscream 01-16-2012 08:30 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Savor the Stick (Post 1532601)
I feel for you Andy...been there, done that. I'm looking to get my system and---up and running in the next month or 2.
We could make our own "Special Education Squad"---S.E.S. for specially challenged players. :r

Does this look like a good deal? Here

Thanks for any advice.

PS3 here myself, but if you go with the XBox 360, you're gonna want to get something bigger than 4GB. I'd either spend the extra money and get the 250 GB, or you can get the 160GB PS3 for about the same price as the 4GB XBox 360.
If you buy the 4 GB, you're gonna spend a lot of money buying memory cards for it.

ucubed 01-16-2012 08:46 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1532593)
There needs to be lobbies for crappy players only, such as myself. I'm tired of getting my @ss handed to me by guys who are on there third prestige and up. I've improved my KDR from .13 to .21 over the last few days, but I still suck. I get so mad, but it's too addictive to put down.

High prestige just means they play enough to get a lot of points. You can always check the lobby KD/Win ratios (Barraks, Leaderboards, *insert type*, filter, group-lobby members) so you can back out if it really bothers you.


Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1532607)
PS3 here myself, but if you go with the XBox 360, you're gonna want to get something bigger than 4GB. I'd either spend the extra money and get the 250 GB, or you can get the 160GB PS3 for about the same price as the 4GB XBox 360.
If you buy the 4 GB, you're gonna spend a lot of money buying memory cards for it.

I have the original FAT 60GB PS3 and is doing just fine. If you go XBox then definitely get more than 4GB. I'm just saying good luck with it, out of everyone I know only 1 person hasn't had to replace their XBox at least once (maybe people on the boards have better luck). The ps3 is just too useful.

colinb913 01-16-2012 08:54 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I have both the xbox and ps3.. Heres my 0.02...

The xbox is my favorite gaming console. For those nights of playing hours on end, the controller has amazing ergonomics. The player base on the xbox far out weighs that of the PS3. The xbox in my opinion is a better GAMING console.

The PS3 serves as my media hub. Like ucubed said, it is the only console that can stream in at 1080 (but the NEW xbox has that capability as well) With my setup- old xbox new PS3, the PS3 has better graphics. So from a streaming media standpoint, the PS3 is the better console..

You just have to weigh your options, what are you looking for? A media hub with gaming, or a gaming console with media?

Xbox Gamertag: Ixx iClutch xxI if anyone wants to play.

ucubed 01-16-2012 09:23 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by colinb913 (Post 1532619)
I have both the xbox and ps3.. Heres my 0.02...

The xbox is my favorite gaming console. For those nights of playing hours on end, the controller has amazing ergonomics. The player base on the xbox far out weighs that of the PS3. The xbox in my opinion is a better GAMING console.

The PS3 serves as my media hub. Like ucubed said, it is the only console that can stream in at 1080 (but the NEW xbox has that capability as well) With my setup- old xbox new PS3, the PS3 has better graphics. So from a streaming media standpoint, the PS3 is the better console..

You just have to weigh your options, what are you looking for? A media hub with gaming, or a gaming console with media?

Xbox Gamertag: Ixx iClutch xxI if anyone wants to play.

I never liked the bulky XBox controllers...

montecristo#2 01-16-2012 09:37 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
After 24+ hours of playing, I think I am finally getting the hang of this. I still suck, but not as bad.

I now know what perks I want to use and have two favorite guns for small and larger maps. I am almost to level 31 on my sniper rifle.

I am definitely better at some maps, whereas for others i suck big time.

I don't run around as much as other guys. I did have my best game ever this morning going 9-1 on Dome. This map is a snipers paradise.

My kdr is still way below 1, but I am getting more competitive and am just happy to have games where my kdr = 1.

This game is addicting.

I go by calfusion on xbox if anyone wants to play sometime.

Starscream 01-16-2012 09:48 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1532615)
High prestige just means they play enough to get a lot of points. You can always check the lobby KD/Win ratios (Barraks, Leaderboards, *insert type*, filter, group-lobby members) so you can back out if it really bothers you.

I have the original FAT 60GB PS3 and is doing just fine. If you go XBox then definitely get more than 4GB. I'm just saying good luck with it, out of everyone I know only 1 person hasn't had to replace their XBox at least once (maybe people on the boards have better luck). The ps3 is just too useful.

I do that frequently. I find that later in the evening, the easier the lobbies get and I back out less frequently. I tend to back out of lobbies that have a bunch of players with a 2+ KDR.

Agreed. I'm a Nintendo fanboy, so I don't have a dog in the XBOX vs. PS fight, (although I have all three Playstations and never owned an XBOX:D) but 4GB is just not enough space for saves and downloads on a console. If you do decide to go with the XBOX over the PS3, make sure you get one with more storage.

Starscream 01-16-2012 09:49 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by montecristo#2 (Post 1532646)
After 24+ hours of playing, I think I am finally getting the hang of this. I still suck, but not as bad.

I now know what perks I want to use and have two favorite guns for small and larger maps. I am almost to level 31 on my sniper rifle.

I am definitely better at some maps, whereas for others i suck big time.

I don't run around as much as other guys. I did have my best game ever this morning going 9-1 on Dome. This map is a snipers paradise.

My kdr is still way below 1, but I am getting more competitive and am just happy to have games where my kdr = 1.

This game is addicting.

I go by calfusion on xbox if anyone wants to play sometime.

I'm terrible on the Dome map. Dome and Carbon are the two maps that I absolutely HATE.:(

Zeuceone 01-16-2012 10:24 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1532655)
I'm terrible on the Dome map. Dome and Carbon are the two maps that I absolutely HATE.:(

I Like both of those maps. Got a 80-22 with a third round in demolition for Dome last time I played.

montecristo#2 01-16-2012 11:18 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Starscream (Post 1532655)
I'm terrible on the Dome map. Dome and Carbon are the two maps that I absolutely HATE.:(

Dome is really good for camping. You can often align yourself with the openings where the other team has to come out and just sit there and fire.

My favorite maps - these are all good for snipers
Interchange - sometimes I use an assault rifle instead

Maps that are growing on me - I typically use an assault rifle on these (G36C)

Not a huge fan of these maps:
Seatown - I either have really good or really bad games

Least Favorite as I suck on these

ucubed 01-17-2012 12:07 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Least favorite is underground... I don't mind the rest

ucubed 01-17-2012 12:29 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I lied it's downturn that I don't like!

montecristo#2 01-17-2012 12:43 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by ucubed (Post 1532712)
I lied it's downturn that I don't like!

A lot of people complain about this one or at least that is what i have seen on some COD MW3 forums.

I forgot to add that one to my list, not the worst, but not a huge fan either.

Blak Smyth 01-17-2012 04:53 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Savor the Stick (Post 1532601)
I feel for you Andy...been there, done that. I'm looking to get my system and---up and running in the next month or 2.
We could make our own "Special Education Squad"---S.E.S. for specially challenged players. :r

Does this look like a good deal? Here

Thanks for any advice.

If you do get an Xbox, you can run with me and Andrew when he is able.:tu I think 357 is my friend now too.

Alot of people are bashing dome, and I understand why but that map is great for run'n'gun style. Yesterday on a game of Team Tactical TDM I went 44-10 and never stopped moving, it was fun because run'n'gun is not my typical play style.
I don't know why but COD Elite doesn't seem to show your kills if they where in the kill cam. It shows 42 but it was actually 44 (Double kill in the kill cam wasn't counted on Eilte).

elderboy02 01-17-2012 04:56 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
I hate Outpost and Downturn. My favorite is Lockdown. When I play that map, I usually always have a 2:1 K:D ratio.

357 01-18-2012 07:52 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1532764)
If you do get an Xbox, you can run with me and Andrew when he is able.:tu I think 357 is my friend now too.

Alot of people are bashing dome, and I understand why but that map is great for run'n'gun style. Yesterday on a game of Team Tactical TDM I went 44-10 and never stopped moving, it was fun because run'n'gun is not my typical play style.
I don't know why but COD Elite doesn't seem to show your kills if they where in the kill cam. It shows 42 but it was actually 44 (Double kill in the kill cam wasn't counted on Eilte).

Yep, I added a bunch of CA inmates as Xbox Live friends. MY Live ID is M3a5g7. It's blend of 357 Mag as I couldn't find any other derivative of 357 that wasn't taken.

I jumped into a couple games you were in. I remember you killing me a few times. I still suck. I'm such a run-n-gunner. I'm trying to learn. I had one of my best nights a couple days ago.

Blak Smyth 01-18-2012 07:57 PM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1534452)
Yep, I added a bunch of CA inmates as Xbox Live friends. MY Live ID is M3a5g7. It's blend of 357 Mag as I couldn't find any other derivative of 357 that wasn't taken.

I jumped into a couple games you were in. I remember you killing me a few times. I still suck. I'm such a run-n-gunner. I'm trying to learn. I had one of my best nights a couple days ago.

I didn't even notice. I can't really focus on things like enemy names while playing. I played a game the other night against Andrew and didn't realize it was him until the very last kill.
Like I always say, it's not about how good of a player you are, it's about how good of a team player you are that matters.

DPD6030 01-21-2012 10:03 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1534462)
I didn't even notice. I can't really focus on things like enemy names while playing. I played a game the other night against Andrew and didn't realize it was him until the very last kill.
Like I always say, it's not about how good of a player you are, it's about how good of a team player you are that matters.

Way to bash me :r On a side note it's Saturday and I'll be on sometime after 9pm when my son and parents head to bed. Get a little trigger time and hopefully on the same team so you down own me :D

I did jump in one the other day and went 5-1 before the match ended. So I'm slightly improving. I seem to do better when I take things slower and don't just rush in and get shot.

Best a team, move as a team, shoot as a team and win as a team. Run and gun as a team is also + :2

LasciviousXXX 01-21-2012 10:35 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Partied too hard last night so I'll be staying home and chilling this evening. I'll be on tonight around 7pm AZ time with my nephew if anyone wants to get a game or two in.

PS3 - Lascivious777

Blak Smyth 01-21-2012 10:39 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3
Wish you where on Xbox!

Andrew, might see you on tonight. Got a few inches of snow here so I think I'm staying in tonight.

Zeuceone 01-21-2012 11:02 AM

Re: Modern Warfare 3

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1536782)
Partied too hard last night so I'll be staying home and chilling this evening. I'll be on tonight around 7pm AZ time with my nephew if anyone wants to get a game or two in.

PS3 - Lascivious777

ill add you.

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