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irratebass 11-15-2011 01:08 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 (Post 1474661)
In Andrea's case, I think she was just trying to make a strong, independent decision and show "the boys" that she is not a weak dependent like the other women of the group have been so far

I agree, also she was trying to prove her point about being able to handle the gun and proving she can do it.

icehog3 11-15-2011 01:11 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I love all the discussion about logic, reality,'s a Zombie show, Friends. :lr

Blak Smyth 11-15-2011 01:12 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I actually enjoyed the last episode, although the love triangle has become more compex and she is pregnant, makes me gag a little bit. The rest was entertaining. I love how Darryl woke up with a zombie knawing on his boot. I wish they had let that blonde kill herself though, she annoys me!!! I think Darryl should have died when she shot him or he should turn into a zombie after we find out the zombie bit his toe through the boots.

Powers 11-15-2011 01:13 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1474674)
I love all the discussion about logic, reality,'s a Zombie show, Friends. :lr

It can happen, Tom!! But don't worry, zombies will eat all the Georgia and FSU fans first :D

icehog3 11-15-2011 01:14 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 (Post 1474681)
It can happen, Tom!! But don't worry, zombies will eat all the Georgia and FSU fans first :D

Then bring on the freakin' Apocolypse!! :D

colinb913 11-15-2011 01:14 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I think they over played Daryle in the woods alot. It kind of got boring, but him seeing his brother was pretty neat, I wasn't expecting that. Do you guys think they are going to continue the search, or just call it quits soon? I agree it is using alot of their man power, and spreading them pretty thin.

1. When do you think they'll get the boot from the house?
2. What will become of the zombies in the barn?
3. Will they find the girl A)dead B)alive or C) stop looking for her?

Blak Smyth 11-15-2011 01:17 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by colinb913 (Post 1474684)
I think they over played Daryle in the woods alot. It kind of got boring, but him seeing his brother was pretty neat, I wasn't expecting that. Do you guys think they are going to continue the search, or just call it quits soon? I agree it is using alot of their man power, and spreading them pretty thin.

1. When do you think they'll get the boot from the house?
2. What will become of the zombies in the barn?
3. Will they find the girl A)dead B)alive or C) stop looking for her?

I think he is collecting the zombies in hope of saving them once a cure is developed. I would like to see the girl find them at the farm as a zombie.

Lonely Raven 11-15-2011 01:29 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1474674)
I love all the discussion about logic, reality,'s a Zombie show, Friends. :lr

Again, it's about the people. The zombies are just the background.

icehog3 11-15-2011 01:32 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Lonely Raven (Post 1474708)
Again, it's about the people. The zombies are just the background.

You miss my point. ;)

ucla695 11-15-2011 01:59 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1474688)
I think he is collecting the zombies in hope of saving them once a cure is developed. I would like to see the girl find them at the farm as a zombie.

My thoughts too. I wouldn't be surprised if some of their firends/family are among the walkers.

I think it'd be great to find the girl in the barn too.

Blak Smyth 11-15-2011 02:01 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 1474746)
My thoughts too. I wouldn't be surprised if some of their firends/family are among the walkers.

I think it'd be great to find the girl in the barn too.

Oh I like the girl in the barn concept, yah I thought it was just gonna be the farmers wife at first and then I saw all of them in there!

manny 11-15-2011 06:25 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I just saw episode 1. I did it in a day. Im going to catch up with season 2 . Really neat show...

OLS 11-16-2011 08:50 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I am leaning in the direction you guys have presented. Add the knowing look between Herschel and his daughter
over "finding the lost girl" and this new revelation that there is a herd of zombies in the barn and you really would
have to blind not to see that the girl is in that barn shambling around. That's precisely why they cut the episdode
off RIGHT THERE. This goes hand in hand with the idea that this is a $hi+ or get off the pot moment. They will not
just keep wandering around the woods looking for Hansel and Gretel, they are going to move on/get the boot. What
better timing than to see the girl zombiefied? The mother grieves in horror, STAYS on at the farm with her baby,
the rest of the band is forced to move on.

The Shane thing just grates my nerves like nails on a chalkboard or ME in the SEC thread. He is such a doofus-
a$$ redneck. "Ahm a certified firearms instructor, I will teech U how to shoot, kid." You will not handle a weapon,
you are just a kid." The redneck drawl just pours out of him is such an irritating manner.

ade06 11-16-2011 11:19 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
When does this show come on TV? I've been watching the show on Netflix and now via DVR, but I don't know when the new episodes are scheduled.


kelmac07 11-16-2011 11:20 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Sundays on AMC at 2100-2200.

ade06 11-16-2011 11:33 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1475736)
Sundays on AMC at 2100-2200.


kickerb 11-16-2011 11:37 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1474513)
I really enjoyed the last episode and particularly the dynamics w/Merle and Daryl. We're all different :r


Originally Posted by w squared (Post 1474649)
I think that episode 5 (the last one) was a big step up from episodes 3 and 4. Merle was a nice touch...


Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1474661)
I agree on both regards. Daryle has really evolved over the past two episodes, I initially pegged him as an abusive and selfish guy (like Merle) but when you consider the stories he told about him as child combined w/his dedication to finding Sophia, Daryle is a victim of his upbringing and finding Sophia is a way for him to come to terms w/his own past.

In Andrea's case, I think she was just trying to make a strong, independent decision and show "the boys" that she is not a weak dependent like the other women of the group have been so far

These are my thoughts exactly. This episode was great!

kickerb 11-16-2011 11:59 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I think the Greene family is keeping the walkers simply because they don't know what to do with them. Hershel being the religious man that he is cannot justify killing the walkers. In his heart that is the wrong thing to do. Also, the last episode when they split the well walker in two, did you see Maggie's reaction to that? It was very hard for her to witness that. These people have not yet experienced the killing for survival aspect.

I am still curious about that look Hershel gave Maggie last episode. The walkers in the barn really did not explain that previous interchange between them. We may find out that is something more devious going on. Also, at the end when Maggie said, "you weren't supposed to see that." Other than the safety precautions obviously, why should Rick and his crew be concerned with that?

The Daryl scenes were fantastic, I loved every second of it. Again, it just shows you the dynamic. A flesh wound can seriously result in your death. We think of small injuries in life like no big deal. But that is not the case for these folks. The conversations with Merle are really going to impact Daryl's character. I cannot wait to see how this develops.

Andrea was trying so hard to prove herself. Most people around her are out trying to be a hero and being the strong one of the group. This was finally her chance to do that same. Not to mention these people HATE the walkers for the circumstances they are in. You see this come out in a scene or two this season. These folks are having some small joy in killing the walkers.

Did anyone catch that wonderful comic relief in the scene with Maggie and Glenn?? It was so needed, and enjoyed.

So, for you folks commenting on this thread about the episodes/season not being good for whatever reason, please tell me what you think would make it better. Layout an episode, I'm curious to know what you want to see happen.

irratebass 11-16-2011 12:42 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1475622)
I am leaning in the direction you guys have presented. Add the knowing look between Herschel and his daughter
over "finding the lost girl" and this new revelation that there is a herd of zombies in the barn and you really would
have to blind not to see that the girl is in that barn shambling around. That's precisely why they cut the episdode
off RIGHT THERE. This goes hand in hand with the idea that this is a $hi+ or get off the pot moment. They will not
just keep wandering around the woods looking for Hansel and Gretel, they are going to move on/get the boot. What
better timing than to see the girl zombiefied? The mother grieves in horror, STAYS on at the farm with her baby,
the rest of the band is forced to move on.

I am loving this idea!


Originally Posted by kickerb (Post 1475762)
So, for you folks commenting on this thread about the episodes/season not being good for whatever reason, please tell me what you think would make it better. Layout an episode, I'm curious to know what you want to see happen.

More "walkers" for starters would be nice.

OLS 11-16-2011 12:43 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I am one that said in the FUTURE they may trouble keeping my interest since there is only so much you can do with
the premise. I have been told that is incorrect, but there you go. I have not really said that they are not GOOD, but
I have been in the group that says that there seems to be too much dragging along with the lost little girl storyline and
also that I thought the Good Old Home Boys Retirement Home idea was too patronizing for the level of quality the show
had become known for. A little too Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids for me. The Waltons was a show for teaching
moral lessons, not a zombie drama. But it is their show and if I don't like it I need only change the channel.

Haha, Irrate wants more zombies. He is in group B. That is the group that thinks everytime the hero or heroine is framed
up right of center, then a zombie needs to enter the frame from the left side, and vice-versa. Everytime a door is closed
with a mirror on it, there needs to be a zombie behind the person reflected in it. Classic horror setups. Me, again, I like
the way the show is. There is always a chance that there is going to be a zombie encounter, but it is far from certain.
I think the scenario itself is horrifying enough, just the prospect of a future where this is the sitcho everyday is really
messed up to contemplate.

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