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J0eybb 01-17-2011 11:26 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1135435)
Yes, Utah Grizzlies:tu

83 penalty minutes last night for the Grizz last night....66 for the Thunder. Everyone in the starting line-up for both teams dropped the gloves 2 seconds into the game last night....and it didn't end there.

Still have 1 point on the Wranglers, but not for long if they don't start playing better.

I'd love to see that. 149PIM WOO HOOO.

Eleven 01-17-2011 07:25 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Boy them Grizzlies are a crazy bunch!

Coaches Gone Wild

E.J. 01-21-2011 08:41 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Going to drink a few celebratory(took down the team we are tied with in 3rd) beers downstairs, but I hope to post a pic tonight that will make up for all my doting on the kids....:r

E.J. 01-21-2011 10:51 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Better keep your head up Little Man....

Ahbroody 01-21-2011 11:23 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Did anyone get the license plate of that truck?

E.J. 01-21-2011 11:35 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1143530)
Did anyone get the license plate of that truck?

I hear ya Mike....:r

I actually ask him if he cared if I posted for all the friends to see(FB), he laughed and said, why not.... Spend any time out there and this is going to happen,....biggest problem was, Dad had the shutter moving...

Great game. 2 fairly evenly matched teams going at it for 1.5 hours...not a bad way to spend an evening. I had the added bonus that the Little Man was playing....:tu

Ahbroody 01-22-2011 12:10 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Cut and paste from one of his youtube videos, but Micah hit this kid pretty good for some reason. I think he thought it was this one kid he doesnt like much . :r

Ahbroody 01-22-2011 01:10 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Micahs goal streak ended. :(
He played well had some good chances, but didnt convert.
Had a big hit again :r

E.J. 01-22-2011 01:38 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
"OH NO" on the goal streak..... "NICE" on the big hit!

Tell Micah streaks always come to an end, but it's time to start another...:tu

ahc4353 01-22-2011 02:23 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
No points?!! Bench him!! Bag him!! This is not about fun it's about winning!!!!


Alina left for PA to see Jr. and now headed to Mitch's game. I'l watch him from home on Not the best video but for seven bucks it beats not seeing it at all.

Ahbroody 01-22-2011 11:40 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Hell no. He got a hug and a kiss on the head after the game same as always brother. :tu Went to the net as usual, skated with his head up all game, set up shop infront of the net looking for the feeds. Love watching him use his brain out there and not be a mindless puck chaser. The only time I ever talk to him if he isnt moving his feet. Even then I always try to put it in positive terms.

End of game was classic he stayed back as they were winning by one. I was proud to see him do that without anyone saying anything. When I asked him, he said the goalie needed help. One of their kids gets a mini break and starts skating towards him. coach is yelling clear the puck. Micah decides to be a human bowling ball and takes out the kid. Hit him pretty good. :r Puck goes to the wall game ends. I love that he loves to hit already, but pretty soon I think he may take a penalty. I think he gets away with a little more cause the kids that ref the game seem to like him.

Al I was watching a PSU game on last night while at work. I think they stream most the games. I could only watch for a few minutes then got some calls for service.

E.J. 01-23-2011 09:33 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Few pics from the County Rec game last night... Had a goal and an assist. The team actually played really well and had a shot at taking out the #1 team in the league. In the end, it was not to be. Fun game all the same.

He breaks down the ice in this, takes it into the corner and sends a really nice pass to a kid going to the net, who puts it in. Then the celebratory hugs at the end....

Camped in front, kid in the back threw him the puck and he had the wide open net as you can see....then a thank you.

J0eybb 01-25-2011 06:37 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1135435)
Yes, Utah Grizzlies:tu

83 penalty minutes last night for the Grizz last night....66 for the Thunder. Everyone in the starting line-up for both teams dropped the gloves 2 seconds into the game last night....and it didn't end there.

Still have 1 point on the Wranglers, but not for long if they don't start playing better.

Totally forgot, my daughters favorite player, Hugo Carpentier, now plays for Utah. When they came to Vegas he picked a few PIM, and we got to chant "Hugo Sucks". My daughter just about cried. I laughed at her.

Ahbroody 01-26-2011 05:26 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
New rig for the little man. Dont even know why I grabbed ot as its discontinued. He tried it at lax yesterday and liked it.

E.J. 01-27-2011 11:06 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Looking good, Mike!

E.J. 01-28-2011 10:21 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Tough loss to a BAD team.... Not so sure it will actually go down as a loss, as the game was called with 2.5 minutes to go with us done 2-1. We had a 3 on 5 w/ 2:30(1:45 to go in the penalty), but there was a throwdown, with kids coming out of the box(not off the bench) and they called the game.

What do you do....??? Gave the LM a hug(he was REALLY upset about his shifts in the 3rd) and gave him the drink he ask for before the game.... He is still disappointed about his shifts in the 3rd.......

Ahbroody 01-29-2011 09:09 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
So I am guessing the kids that fought will be suspended?
Guessing it was a pretty big fight for them to call the game.

Micah got a goal today, but more importantly played super hard. Buzzed around the ice, involved in everything. Had some good scoring chances. Was glad to see because this on monday at practice I had to talk to him about being disruptive during drills and half aszing everything. Mainly the disruptive thing pissed me off. Its my job on the ice to wrangle the $hitheads during practice. I was definitely upset I had to talk to him on more than one occasion about being a $hit disturber. Something I never have to do. He definitely seemed to respond to what I said.

He wants to skate and shoot everyday. I am in discussion with my wife on how to address this. I dont want to burn him out. As it is we take some of the boys to a little 25x50 sheet for a private little kid gretzky hour on Sunday for an hour, Monday he has practice, every other thursday I take him to a 1/2hour small group skating class and Saturday he plays games. He skates atleast 3 days a week. Sometimes he rollerblades in the garage. He asks to everyday, but I tell him no somedays. I know up North many kids skate everyday. His favorite thing to do is play games. There is a small rink 15 minutes from our house that has a little 9 and under inhouse league, very informal. They practice friday nights and play sunday mornings. You can join anytime. I think if given the choice this would be his first option. I would pull him out of the pond skate on sundays and his skate class every other thursday if I did this. Its cheap. The ice isnt great, but he would like it. Guess I am looking for some feedback from some older dads who have already been here. I dont know that he should be skating more than 4 days a week at this age.

ahc4353 01-30-2011 07:16 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
If he wants to be on the ice I say give him all he wants as long as it's fun and he wants to be there.

BTW Mike, the fish bowl is going to cause mental problems down the road. All the churping he's going to have to deal with is going to cause some serious issues. :D

E.J. 01-30-2011 08:58 AM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 1154509)
If he wants to be on the ice I say give him all he wants as long as it's fun and he wants to be there.

X 2


Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1154247)
So I am guessing the kids that fought will be suspended?
Guessing it was a pretty big fight for them to call the game.

Yes, we lost 4 kids....

3 games in 24 hours... 1-1-1

Going through the pics now...

E.J. 01-30-2011 12:21 PM

Re: Being a Hockey Parent
Few from the first game yesterday.

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