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yourchoice 10-31-2009 01:41 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 625772)
Well, you say C.C. won't be playing against the Angels, when it seems obvious that your guys have yet to realize they are not playing Tampa Bay either.

Not sure how Tampa Bay fits into the CC on 3 days discussion, but whatever.

VirtualSmitty 10-31-2009 01:54 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
CC will be fine with three days rest. He hasn't done it much this year and when he has he's been very effective. Last year with the Brewers he pitched on short rest almost all of september, after that stint I think a few games here and there won't be a big deal.

We'll see how Cole Hamels is today. So far he hasn't been that good this post season. Should be a good match up tonight! And off topic, Hamels did an ad which made me LoL! (NSFW)

The Poet 10-31-2009 01:55 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
It's the general tenor of the Phillie fan posts here, Joel. No offense, but you all seem to give the Yankees no props and no chance. It's one thing to pull for your team - it's quite another to "diss" the opposition. As for myself, I know very well that the games will be played on the field, not on this keyboard.

You want an example? Well, you attempted to dismiss C.C. on short rest with one example, yet you guys are counting on "the real Cole Hamels" to show up tonight - against one of the most successful post-season pitchers ever. Have you considered the possibility that last year's Hamels was the fluke, and the '09 version IS the real one? History is replete with young pitchers who have shown great early promise, yet quickly became so-so footnotes. Hey, I'm not saying the Phils can't win tonight, or can't win it all - I know they can. I just don't think they will. I have yet to see any Phillie fan on here be anything but certain that they will beat the Yankees, and easily. As a Yankee fan, I don't agree. As a baseball fan, I find that thinking dangerous - one dare not anger the baseball gods.

yourchoice 10-31-2009 01:56 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Hamels is the big question mark on the staff. If he doesn't pitch well tonight and/or later in the series the Phils chances are greatly (very greatly) reduced.

The Poet 10-31-2009 02:23 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
There's light sprinkles here up the Trunpike - what's the weather in Philly?

Blueface 10-31-2009 03:07 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Hey, Yankees fellows, hold the fort.
I have a greater calling this evening.
Yeah, in spite of how much it will bother me to not watch the game's initial innings, my grandson and Halloween have first dibs.
Let's hope for a great game, with a Yankees win as the outcome.

pnoon 10-31-2009 03:19 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 625849)
Hey, Yankees fellows, hold the fort.
I have a greater calling this evening.
Yeah, in spite of how much it will bother me to not watch the game's initial innings, my grandson and Halloween have first dibs.
Let's hope for a great game, with a Yankees win as the outcome.

I'll hold down the fort, Carlos.

Made some chili today and some fresh jalapeno rolls to enjoy while the Yankees take a 2-1 lead.

yourchoice 10-31-2009 05:42 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 625849)
Hey, Yankees fellows, hold the fort.
I have a greater calling this evening.
Yeah, in spite of how much it will bother me to not watch the game's initial innings, my grandson and Halloween have first dibs.
Let's hope for a great game, with a Yankees win as the outcome.

Enjoy the time with your grandson Carlos! I just got back from Trick-or-Treating with my two daughters (6 and 3). They had a blast. Now it's time to load them up with chocolate and sugar and see how long it takes them to go to sleep. :r

yourchoice 10-31-2009 06:56 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 625789)
It's the general tenor of the Phillie fan posts here, Joel. No offense, but you all seem to give the Yankees no props and no chance. It's one thing to pull for your team - it's quite another to "diss" the opposition. As for myself, I know very well that the games will be played on the field, not on this keyboard.

You want an example? Well, you attempted to dismiss C.C. on short rest with one example, yet you guys are counting on "the real Cole Hamels" to show up tonight - against one of the most successful post-season pitchers ever. Have you considered the possibility that last year's Hamels was the fluke, and the '09 version IS the real one? History is replete with young pitchers who have shown great early promise, yet quickly became so-so footnotes. Hey, I'm not saying the Phils can't win tonight, or can't win it all - I know they can. I just don't think they will. I have yet to see any Phillie fan on here be anything but certain that they will beat the Yankees, and easily. As a Yankee fan, I don't agree. As a baseball fan, I find that thinking dangerous - one dare not anger the baseball gods.

I don't want to get into a pissing match with you or anyone else. I consider you all BOTL's...key the "B". I'm truly typing each post with a smile on my face and am considering it friendly banter. The only time I don't is when someone gets overly emotional with one of my posts, which is not my intent.
Back on topic, I've seen a lot of examples of pitchers not performing well on 3 days. Would they have pitched better with regular rest? I don't know. Obviously, there are also plenty of examples of pitchers pitching well on three days. FWIW, I didn't "diss" CC. I said it would be interesting to see how he performs on 3-days (no diss IMO). My next post was just a retort to the praise given. For many examples I give, I am sure there are others refuting mine. No biggie.

Like I said earlier in the thread, I truly believe the best two teams in baseball are playing in the WS. It's not my intent to diss the Yankees. But if the Phillies are dissed, I will defend them if, and when merited.

If anything I have said in the thread has been "dissing" the Yankees, I apologize. I will not apologize for calling their pen "suspect" (other than Rivera obviously). It's my opinion it is and I do not consider it a diss. I will not apologize for predicting Phillies in 5. It was a prediction...admittedly bold and a better chance to be wrong than right, as any prediction of 4 or 5 games would have been with either team winning. Aside from those two things, I am not sure where it could be considered that I dissed them.

Am I certain the Phillies will win the series? Oh God no! I think I said either in another thread or another forum altogether that while I predicted Phils in 5, I could see it being anywhere from Phils in 5 to Yanks in 5. Based on the "tenor" of this thread, I can see why I didn't say that here. I did say

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 618170)
If someone predicted the Yankees in 5 I wouldn't be insulted. I wouldn't be shocked by any outcome in this series.

And please don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't like my "tenor"....too bad. The "tenor" by some Yankee fans in thread has been ....entertaining.... but they are fans of them, so it's kind of expected and I actually enjoy it. Don't believe me? Reread some of the thread and try to read it from a Phillies fan's perspective. I'd truly be surprised if you didn't see it this way. Want an example? Since it doesn't bother me, I won't single anyone else out except for the accuser. :)

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 618284)
...Yet anyone who looks at it objectively must admit the Yankees have the edge in - well, in everything, really.

Did someone order a diss at this table? :r <--- said in jest, please don't take offense.

Now I'm going to go grab a cigar and a Scotch and wait this rain delay out. It's going to be a late night. Luckily we gain an hour tonight. :sleep:

yourchoice 10-31-2009 06:59 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty (Post 625788)
And off topic, Hamels did an ad which made me LoL! (NSFW)

Aw man, the video was taken down!

VirtualSmitty 10-31-2009 07:15 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 626032)
Aw man, the video was taken down!

It's been getting pulled over something controversial at the end.

Starscream 10-31-2009 07:30 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 618284)
Yet anyone who looks at it objectively must admit the Yankees have the edge in - well, in everything, really.

That's what the A's said in 1990, yet the Reds swept 'em.;)

VirtualSmitty 10-31-2009 09:09 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Well, the real Cole Hamels showed up tonight.

MedicCook 10-31-2009 09:36 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Good game so far. Took a couple innings for the Yankees to find a groove.

MedicCook 10-31-2009 09:50 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
7-4 Yankees after a Posada RBI single.

ScottieM 10-31-2009 10:07 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Matsuiiiii!!!!! What a Shot!

Scottw 10-31-2009 10:12 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by ScottieM (Post 626224)
Matsuiiiii!!!!! What a Shot!

Great PH Home Run by Godzilla!

ScottieM 10-31-2009 10:15 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Man does Ryan Howard look bad or what? And I'm not talking about his nose.:D

MedicCook 10-31-2009 10:17 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
He has 9K's now in 3 games I think.

MedicCook 10-31-2009 10:33 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Yankees are 3 outs from taking a 2-1 series lead.

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