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Bruins Fan 06-10-2011 09:01 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Tuff loss,just could not get traffic in front of Luongo to pressure him.
I did not understand some of the personnel moves Julien made,the PP killed us and the B's were just not sharp tonight.
Backs against the wall,I'm going to miss the rest of the series leaving on camping trip Sunday.

kugie 06-10-2011 09:12 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by Bruins Fan (Post 1291839)
Tuff loss,just could not get traffic in front of Luongo to pressure him.
I did not understand some of the personnel moves Julien made,the PP killed us and the B's were just not sharp tonight.
Backs against the wall,I'm going to miss the rest of the series leaving on camping trip Sunday.

I agree, no real pressure on Luongo he was relaxed tonight no-one got in his face and pressured him.
He made some really good saves tonight but they were too and far between.
I can't wait for Monday

Let's GO BRUINS!!!!!!

You have to lose 3 to WIN in SEVEN!!!

yourchoice 06-10-2011 09:39 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Bruins seemed to suffer from too much reaching and not enough skating tonight. At this time of year, I hope it was being tired, not lazy. Looked tired to me. The extra day off before game 6 may serve them well.

Burrows is a punk...but the type of player that if he were on the team you root for, you'd love him (except for the biting). The embellishing would get old (like it does for me with Carcillo), but he takes a lot of pressure off his teammates. Reminds me in some ways of Barnaby (who I hated! :r).

Really hoping for a game 7. This series has been great theater and a game 7 would be the icing on the cake.

icehog3 06-10-2011 11:26 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Awesome game by both goalies tonight...Luongo was just one better. Bruins gotta bring it Monday.

Burrows is a joke. The fake trip is just a slap in the face to all the players who played, and play, the game the way it was meant to be played. I would be pissed if the Hawks ever gave him the Indian Head. :2

Ahbroody 06-11-2011 01:04 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Must be taking lessons from Laflopier.

taltos 06-11-2011 07:07 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1291972)
Awesome game by both goalies tonight...Luongo was just one better. Bruins gotta bring it Monday.

Burrows is a joke. The fake trip is just a slap in the face to all the players who played, and play, the game the way it was meant to be played. I would be pissed if the Hawks ever gave him the Indian Head. :2

Just what I expect of the divers from Montreal West.

mosesbotbol 06-11-2011 07:39 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
The B's fizzled out after the 1st period.

yourchoice 06-11-2011 08:40 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1291972)
Burrows is a joke. The fake trip is just a slap in the face to all the players who played, and play, the game the way it was meant to be played. I would be pissed if the Hawks ever gave him the Indian Head. :2

He is an ass, no doubt. I think if the league called embellishment penalties without the trip or hook being called every time (seems like every time to me)players like him would ease off the embellishing.

Don't get me wrong...I can't stand the guy! But there is value to the way he plays for the Canucks, specifically for the twins.

What did you think of Barnaby, Tom? (and Domi for that matter...another punk-ass! :r)

icehog3 06-11-2011 09:09 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I wasn't a big fan of either, Joel.

Tie Domi was on the road in Montreal and went into a hat store. He told the clerk that he would like to see a hat in his size. The clerk said, "yeah, I'd like to see that too!"

Bigwaved 06-11-2011 09:12 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Agreed. They need to leave that crap to the soccer players of the world.

Sawyer 06-11-2011 09:14 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
I guess it doesn't matter that you can score 12 goals in Boston if you can't score even one in Vancouver.


icehog3 06-12-2011 11:22 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
The home team has won every game so far in the series.

Hope that continues for one more game.

Let's Go Bruins!!

kugie 06-13-2011 11:32 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
They have to pull it off tonight to extend the Season.

Let's go Bruins!

If they Keep it close and pull off the win it may just be enough to put them over the top to take the Canucks out in Game 7.

But the Bruins Right now are in a one and done scenario. This is major gut check time and I think they have it in them.

6.5 hours to go


agctribefan 06-13-2011 11:40 AM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Bruins have to pull out all the stops tonight. Send it to seven. Nothing better than a stanley cup finals game seven!

Ahbroody 06-13-2011 02:49 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Been a good series.
Will be sad if the Bs dont win it.

TheLostGringo 06-13-2011 06:32 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
Nice start

TheLostGringo 06-13-2011 06:34 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by TheLostGringo (Post 1295564)
Nice start

Make that even a better start! 2-0

TheLostGringo 06-13-2011 06:42 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by TheLostGringo (Post 1295567)
Make that even a better start! 2-0

Just fun to watch, 3-0!!

TheLostGringo 06-13-2011 06:45 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread

Originally Posted by TheLostGringo (Post 1295584)
Just fun to watch, 3-0!!

I am getting tired typing, 4-0!!!!

Ahbroody 06-13-2011 06:46 PM

Re: NHL '10 - '11 Thread
That dude is a Focking headcase. Given the Hook already in a game you can win the cup you $hit and piss your pants.
I want them to fail so bad so he stays a headcase.

OOOOOO snap 4-0

How great is that video of the fans in Vancouver.

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