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Mr.Maduro 01-18-2013 07:04 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
The Airborne Toxic Event this past Tuesday at Webster Hall, NYC. :banger

EricF 01-18-2013 07:34 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
I saw Paul Rodgers doing a solo show on Wednesday at The HardRock Live

AdamJoshua 02-14-2013 10:41 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
The Scorpions in SD 2nd row. Amazing show.

jjefrey 02-14-2013 10:45 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
The Who, about 7 years ago.

hazydat620 02-14-2013 11:36 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
lets see, last five years the G/F has dragged me to Brad Paisley, Alan Jackson,and Miranda Lambert. I actually had a pretty good time at all of them. She also took me to see Fleetwood Mac for my bday a few years back cause they're my favorite all time.

Barcode 02-14-2013 11:45 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Going to see Big Bad Voodoo Daddy tomorrow night

MajorCaptSilly 02-18-2013 04:45 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Saw Sons Of Bill in Richmond VA on Friday. We were visiting my daughter who is a couple hours north in Herndon. They announced the show 3 days after we purchased our airline tickets. My daughter, wife, and daughter's boyfriend were not all that excited about the show. They are all Sons Of Bill converts now. These guys are hard to classify. I would go with Uncle Tupelo meets REM meets Radiohead. These guys are gonna be big!


Bondo 287 02-18-2013 05:32 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
T.S.O. / Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Disappointing, actually.

hazydat620 03-03-2013 09:27 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Great day being a dad, Mom and I took the son to his first concert, Yo Gabba Gabba Live, he sat there in a trance just soaking them up. He absolutely loves them, I've grown fond of them also, Heck even Biz Markie made an appearance. If you have kids, you should definitely check it out.

Don Fernando 03-12-2013 10:56 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
saw Living Colour 2 days in a row with Skip McDonald as support. Simply fantastic

14holestogie 03-12-2013 11:01 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Caught Bob Seger in Green Bay last Thursday. He may not be able to hit all the notes anymore, but the voice was strong and the band was kickin'.

racerX 04-10-2013 08:37 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Soundgarden a couple months ago in Portland. Great show but bad seats.
Got my Steve miller 5th row tic for Edgefield this summer - best venue ever.
Got my prince tic for later this month- make fun of me but that little mofo can play guitar.
Thinking about pulling the trigger on iron maiden Vegas tix.

ColdCuts 04-10-2013 11:47 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

It was last month in North Bethesda, Maryland with my brother. We're both long-time fans so I bought him his ticket for Christmas last year. I took Amtrak down for a change, which I really enjoyed. The show was amazing. Great seats, great set, great company, great memories.

dman4505 04-11-2013 07:56 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Sept. 28, 2012 — Dwight Yoakam
Stir Concert Cove Harrah's Casino Hotel, Council Bluffs IA
It's where I work so I get paid to attend/work the concerts

And so far this is the lineup for this year:

May 23: Bush

May 24: Cheap Trick

May 31: LL Cool J w/ Ice Cube, Public Enemy, De La Soul

June 1: The Black Crowes

June 4: Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros

June 7: Trace Adkins

June 27: She & Him

June 28: Billy Idol

July 3: The Avett Brothers

July 13: Alice Cooper

July 19: Sugar Ray, Smash Mouth, Gin Blossoms, Vertical Horizon, Fastball

Aug. 2: Darius Rucker

Aug. 9: Doobie Brothers

Aug. 17: Peter Frampton and B.B. King

Aug. 30: Chicago

Mr.Maduro 04-12-2013 10:20 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Just seen Bill Frisell with The Bad Plus at Jazz @ Lincoln Center (Columbus Circle)

Talk about orgasms for your ears!! It was freaking incredible!!

ChicagoWhiteSox 04-12-2013 10:23 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 1820744)
Just seen Bill Frisell with The Bad Plus at Jazz @ Lincoln Center (Columbus Circle)

Talk about orgasms for your ears!! It was freaking incredible!!

Jelly about The Bad Plus, must have been awesome!

Chainsaw13 04-13-2013 05:41 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Saw Living Colour last night. They played the entire Vivid album to celebrate its 25th anny. Awesome show. Corey Glover can still bring it. Well worth seeing if they're coming to your area.

mosesbotbol 04-15-2013 06:07 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
I saw ABBA the Concert last night at Wilbur Theater. What a performance. Looked like ABBA, from Sweeden and all top performers. A must see is you love ABBA like I do!

ABBA the Concert

cobra03 04-15-2013 08:45 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Saw Steve Aoki last night. Not by choice, I was working it. Thumping techno isn't my cup of tea but he put on one hell of an interesting stage show. Especially if you like watching people get hit in the face with sheet cakes.

shade 05-07-2013 08:52 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Earth, Wind, & Fire tonight. They were incredible. I thought they'd be good, but I was blown away how good. Funk, soul, and R&B at it's best.

Phillip Bailey can still bring it!!

Mr.Maduro 05-14-2013 09:49 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Just got back from seeing The Killers @ MSG. Best show I've seen in a very long time.

massphatness 05-15-2013 05:12 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Saw the Massabesic High School Spring Band Concert last night. My daughter's last concert as a high-schooler ended with a rousing rendition of Stars & Stripes Forever.

Amazing to watch the progression over a few short years from a bunch of kids making random noise with instruments to an actual band performing music.

racerX 09-23-2013 11:08 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Kid Rock - Puyallup fair. He smoked a cigar during his turntable jam. Sometimes I like going to the symphony. But yesterday I raised my hands in the air and said hey hey. Nothing like eating fair food (bacon wrapped hot dog) looking at pigs and goats then a nice dose of kid rock. Next up Metallica concert imax movie then Saxon then Danny elfman with an orchestra if I can get work schudle synced.

stearns 09-23-2013 11:12 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
cought steely dan on friday, the venue was almost empty but we had a great time, lots of old timey jammin :banger

Mr.Maduro 11-10-2015 10:07 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Just got back from seeing the Toadies at a Wine Bar in NYC. They still of my favorite bands of all time. I'm kinda happy they never really hit it big because I get to see them in awesome little venues now.

They did an amazing cover if Psyco Killer by The Talking Heads!!

Remo 11-11-2015 05:18 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Bob Seger, Kenny Chesney, Shania Twain and Garth Brooks :tu

hudd 11-11-2015 05:26 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Last concert I went to was Kid Rock back in August. He had Foreigner open. It was a great show.

irratebass 11-11-2015 07:15 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by hudd (Post 2060892)
Last concert I went to was Kid Rock back in August. He had Foreigner open. It was a great show.

Wifey was at that show.....she was drunk and texting me "Foreignerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!" Lol she is a big Foreigner fan.

My last show was Goatwhore

Next show will probably be Goatsnake.......haven't decided yet though.

stearns 11-11-2015 08:40 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Dead and company and MSG last weekend :tu

Brian D. 11-12-2015 11:46 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Aerosmith circa 1978, at the same venue the tragedy with The Who took place a few months later.

Yes I DO get out a lot, thanks, just not to concerts. :D

irratebass 11-12-2015 12:50 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2060912)
MSG last weekend :tu

Nice :banger

dave 11-12-2015 01:02 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2060912)
Dead and company and MSG last weekend :tu

Never figured you for a fan of the Mad Axeman, Ben.


Would love to see MSG.

stearns 11-12-2015 01:10 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
err... meant that to be Madison Square Garden.. and meant it say "at" not "and"


dave 11-12-2015 01:28 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
shoot....Michael's getting old anyway...and its hard to imagine anyone replacing Cozy Powell on On and On.

I liked the Dead, too. Just different substance abuse periods of my life....:)

nayslayer 11-12-2015 01:31 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
RUSH June 2015

AdamJoshua 11-12-2015 01:37 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Foo Fighters with Icehog3, Pnoon and Goatlocker here in SD.

irratebass 11-12-2015 02:08 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 2061087)
err... meant that to be Madison Square Garden.. and meant it say "at" not "and"



Mr.Maduro 11-13-2015 05:08 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Last night it was Local H at the Mercury Lounge in NYC for $15.!!

They were awesome as usual!!

icehog3 11-13-2015 05:20 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Local H, they are from just north of here, Patrick. Still have one of there songs on my gym list that I play during most workouts (High Fivin' MF).

Mr.Maduro 11-14-2015 09:06 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2061229)
Local H, they are from just north of here, Patrick. Still have one of there songs on my gym list that I play during most workouts (High Fivin' MF).

They actually closed the show with that one with a little bit of Peter Gabriel's "Shock the Monkey" mixed in. You can find their cover of Shock the Monkey on YouTube. In the video, Scott is wearing the same gorilla suit top that he wore when I seen them in CBGB's in 2001. :banger

Here's the video...

icehog3 11-14-2015 10:46 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 2061274)
Here's the video...

Nice! :banger:

Mr.Maduro 11-20-2015 01:10 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2061283)
Nice! :banger:

They're coming your way on Fridayb11/27 @ Dirty Nellies... :banger

Mr.Maduro 05-03-2016 10:15 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Local H in the Bowery Ballroom tonight. They had two drum kits onstage and brought out Joe D (the original drummer) to play the whole "As Good As Dead" album. (20th Anniversary). I will post a video or two tomorrow for icehog

icehog3 05-03-2016 11:46 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 2085785)
Local H in the Bowery Ballroom tonight. They had two drum kits onstage and brought out Joe D (the original drummer) to play the whole "As Good As Dead" album. (20th Anniversary). I will post a video or two tomorrow for icehog

Awesome, Patrick. :tu

I still listen to "High Fiving MF" on my gym list all the time.

Porch Dweller 05-03-2016 11:55 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
My wife and I just returned from seeing Disturbed and Rob Zombie, with Pop Evil as opening act. I'm not that familiar with Pop Evil, but they did a good set despite technical difficulties with the rhythm guitarist. I was excited to see Rob Zombie just because John 5 is an monster guitarist.
Disturbed killed it with a great set which included an eclectic medley ***spoiler alert for folks that might be seeing them this tour but want to be surprised*** that went from 'Closer' by NIN to U2's 'Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' to 'Baba O'Reilly' by The Who into 'Killing in the Name' by RATM. And they did play 'Sounds of Silence' and absolutely knocked it out of the park.

mosesbotbol 05-04-2016 11:50 AM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
I saw The Cult 3 weeks ago and Duran Duran with Chic two weeks ago. Both were utterly amazing concerts.

Mr.Maduro 05-04-2016 01:20 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2085792)
Awesome, Patrick. :tu

I still listen to "High Fiving MF" on my gym list all the time.

And here's one with both drummers killing it in sync'

jjirons69 05-04-2016 01:43 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?
Saw Alownation and Fall Out Boy with my 12 year-old daughter back in March. LOUD!!

icehog3 05-04-2016 02:49 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 2085863)
I saw The Cult 3 weeks ago and Duran Duran with Chic two weeks ago. Both were utterly amazing concerts.

I saw the Cult at House of Blues a couple years back, they were excellent live. :tu

AdamJoshua 05-08-2016 10:26 PM

Re: What is the last concert you've seen?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2085878)
I saw the Cult at House of Blues a couple years back, they were excellent live. :tu

Ian's voice had some of the same qualities of Freddie Mercury, some songs he really sounded like him.

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