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icehog3 12-19-2010 07:43 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
I totally understand Ryan. I would love to see the scammers get their due.

Don Fernando 12-20-2010 06:37 AM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1099487)
I get almost instant email notifications of ANY charges to my card.
Have not seen anything to date.

that's what you said at the SFL herf, no mails but when we got to your place we both saw the bags full of baby stuff your wife bought with your cc that day :D

waffle 12-21-2010 10:08 AM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
Well, I can confirm this happened to me as well. I just got a call from my CC company and they told me that there had been a $1,080 charge to Dell they had declined due to shipping address and that they had several requests from "foreign sources" for charges to my card. They have cancelled the card and will be shipping me a new card in the next two days... All I have to do on my end is send a fraud report, which they'll mail me and I simply sign and return. I guess I got lucky...

Starz26 12-21-2010 12:40 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
Its good to know that the services ensuring that the site is secure and verified actually care about it...NOT

I contacted both ****** and McAfee yet it seems they still feel the need to keep their logo associated with this site...

Just proves those seals mean nothing and it is all about the money they make of providing those seals....

bobarian 12-21-2010 12:46 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by Starz26 (Post 1099452)
FYI, if you ordered from this deal please watch your credit cards. Everyone I know over on the other forums that ordered this deal has had fradulant charges appear.

I Just got a call from Amex Fraud. Nailed for $3,000 charge to Luftansa and a 40.00 charge to Air asia.

Thankfully Amex is very good at detecting this stuff and stopped them in their tracks.

I have no doubt that the use of Schnoops was the culprit either through a direct fraud by the website or and indirect hacking into their database.


Originally Posted by Starz26 (Post 1101902)
Its good to know that the services ensuring that the site is secure and verified actually care about it...NOT

I contacted both ****** and McAfee yet it seems they still feel the need to keep their logo associated with this site...

Just proves those seals mean nothing and it is all about the money they make of providing those seals....

Did you lose money? "Everyone", that's a lot of people. I see only Amex people who have encountered these charges. What about the "Everyone" who use PP, Visa or MC? What proof do you have that the account number was not grabbed in the transaction between the third party biller and Amex?
Seems like an Amex issue and not the vendor? From every one who has posted I see 100% satisfaction in the product provided.

Blueface 12-21-2010 01:00 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1101909)
Did you lose money? "Everyone", that's a lot of people. I see only Amex people who have encountered these charges. What about the "Everyone" who use PP, Visa or MC? What proof do you have that the account number was not grabbed in the transaction between the third party biller and Amex?
Seems like an Amex issue and not the vendor? From every one who has posted I see 100% satisfaction in the product provided.

Hard to argue with this point.
I used Visa and to date, still no issues.
I can't see it being the vendor as they would not be selective in the fraud process.
If fraud is the intent, they would have nailed all of us.

markem 12-21-2010 01:08 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by Starz26 (Post 1101902)
Its good to know that the services ensuring that the site is secure and verified actually care about it...NOT

I contacted both ****** and McAfee yet it seems they still feel the need to keep their logo associated with this site...

Just proves those seals mean nothing and it is all about the money they make of providing those seals....

Dude, let it go. The financial model fits with the less-than-perfect credit card model. Trust me, I consult and teach grad school in this area.

At this point, you risk looking silly, vindictive, clueless, or maybe just like someone peed on your Cheerios. Dunno, but you've crossed the line of reasonableness.

If you do a search in the site, you can find a short but basically accurate post I made about how CC fraud actually occurs.

waffle 12-21-2010 01:08 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
I apologize I should have specified my CC was in fact a Visa. I am satisfied with the product and having said that, this is why I continue to use my CC when making online purchases, they are very good about ensuring that if someone manages to get my card number to right the issue before it gets out of hand.

elderboy02 12-21-2010 01:11 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
I used a one-time use secure online acct number thru Discover and nothing fraudulent has been charged. I love Discover's one-time use #'s :)

Blueface 12-21-2010 01:13 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1101926)
If you do a search in the site, you can find a short but basically accurate post I made about how CC fraud actually occurs.

Can I suggest you attach that to this thread for anyone wanting to further explore that and may not be aware of that elusive "search" feature?

jitzy 12-21-2010 01:26 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1101921)
Hard to argue with this point.
I used Visa and to date, still no issues.
I can't see it being the vendor as they would not be selective in the fraud process.
If fraud is the intent, they would have nailed all of us.

Sure you can Waffle used Visa and was compromised. I think its funny someone is trying to look out for guys and he's now turned into the vilian.

Blueface 12-21-2010 01:34 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by jitzy (Post 1101976)
Sure you can Waffle used Visa and was compromised. I think its funny someone is trying to look out for guys and he's now turned into the vilian.

I sure as heck can't be quoted anywhere here on this thread making him out to be a villain.
While they may in fact be, I just think there is clearly insufficient evidence to conclude the vendor is at fault here and make that assertion.
While EVERYONE at that other site is purported to have been defrauded, EVERYONE on this thread hasn't. In fact, almost all have not.
Personally, I appreciate the heads up. However, the sky isn't falling here. Credit card fraud is a daily, every minute thing.
I have yet to be charged anything other than $15 and just checked again to make sure.

I would recommend anyone concerned activate email notification of any and all activity to their account. Amazing how much better one sleeps when you get notified on your smart phone of any and all charges.

icehog3 12-21-2010 01:38 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by jitzy (Post 1101976)
Sure you can Waffle used Visa and was compromised. I think its funny someone is trying to look out for guys and he's now turned into the vilian.

Who's turning him into a villian? :confused:

14holestogie 12-21-2010 01:43 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 1101994)
I sure as heck can't be quoted anywhere here on this thread making him out to be a villain.
While they may in fact be, I just think there is clearly insufficient evidence to conclude the vendor is at fault here and make that assertion.
While EVERYONE at that other site is purported to have been defrauded, EVERYONE on this thread hasn't. In fact, almost all have not.
Personally, I appreciate the heads up. However, the sky isn't falling here. Credit card fraud is a daily, every minute thing.
I have yet to be charged anything other than $15 and just checked again to make sure.

I would recommend anyone concerned activate email notification of any and all activity to their account. Amazing how much better one sleeps when you get notified on your smart phone of any and all charges.

Just checked again for the third or fourth time since this began, and nothing out of the ordinary on Discover.

I will say this for the 2 cards I use regularly. Discover has been compromised a couple years ago, but their fraud department contacted me asking if I had ordered a laptop. After telling them I hadn't, the card was deactivated and a new one was in the mail to me in a couple days.

The other I use for my "import" purposes contacts me just about every time I order with suspicious activity detected. I get a little ticked off having to tell them on a monthly basis that yes, that's my order. Let it go. :D

T.G 12-21-2010 01:50 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
I propose that we coin a new term, anytime your CC is compromised, "you've been Shnooped".

ripper 12-21-2010 02:08 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
My VISA card was Shnooped. Credit card company called today with unuauthorized charge overseas. I've never been across the ocean.
They have blocked my accounts, and issued new numbers.
Stupidness. Should have known better.

Starz26 12-21-2010 02:22 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1101926)
Dude, let it go.

At this point, you risk looking silly, vindictive, clueless, or maybe just like someone peed on your Cheerios. Dunno, but you've crossed the line of reasonableness.

Let it go, clueless, silly, vindictive?? Sure, then next time I will just sit back and say the hell with it. It did not affect me let everyone else figure it out for themselves.

Take it for what you will, Here, BOTL, Cigarfamily, etc...It is happening to "a lot" (everyone was an incorrect label.) of people. All of us have one thing in common, shnoop.

****** says they have not been compromised - Check
Site security is verified by Mcafee and godady - check
The seal was removed on Monday - check

Not sure who is at fault but i do know that by placing and order on the site you risk your CC being compromised.

T.G 12-21-2010 02:24 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10
There's really no way anyone could have known that CC #s going through this vendor on that day were going to get hit at some point along the way or if it was even in the vendors transmissions/control. Could have happened exterior to the vendor.

Probably every internet transaction involving a CC # runs the risk of being compromised in one fashion or the other.

Heck, you can get compromised going out to dinner and paying with a cc. Unscrupulous restaurant employee copies down your CC # and the CCID on the back while they have your card and you are at the table waiting for them to return with the charge sheets to sign.

jitzy 12-21-2010 02:53 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1102001)
Who's turning him into a villian? :confused:

Ok maybe villain was the wrong word but guys are kinda giving him crap it seams for bringing this to peoples attention. I don't know what board he is talking about when he says "everyone" but who knows maybe they have. Personally I used Pp and seam to be fine. Just surprises me someone tries to point out something that happened and he was made to look bad. If blueface didn't mean it like that than I apologize but the way it reads it does sound like that.

Don Fernando 12-21-2010 03:05 PM

Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by ripper (Post 1102055)
I've never been across the ocean.

You should, the Wooden Shoe Crew would love to herf with you someday.

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