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Ahbroody 07-22-2010 06:49 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Bought it at best buy with their insurance so I will get a new one.:r. A buddy had his replaced.

Scottastic 07-27-2010 09:48 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 923157)
Getting back, I got mine on Friday and activated it on Saturday AM. So far it is great! Really speedy. The Motoblur lite or whatever you want to call it is decent and pretty unobtrusive - if you don't want it just pull off the widgets. The dialer is really snappy and fast and the browsing experience is compelling. Battery was acting goofy but Moto put out an OTA update already which helped a lot. Really looking forward to FroYo now. :D

I was pretty dead set on keeping my Eris as a backup phone but I see they are selling for upwards of and over $200 and mine is in super condition with a bunch of extras. Going to have to think about this one...I could use the dough...

Download an app in the Market called LauncherPro. It's a home launcher replacement that operates similar to stock 2.2 (Froyo) but is actually far improved. I use it on my Nexus One, and I love it.

AD720 07-27-2010 11:15 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by Scottastic (Post 930339)
Download an app in the Market called LauncherPro. It's a home launcher replacement that operates similar to stock 2.2 (Froyo) but is actually far improved. I use it on my Nexus One, and I love it.

I am familiar with Launcher Pro, I actually don't mind the Moto launcher, it's not too bad. Have you tried ADW Launcher?

AD720 07-27-2010 11:23 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 930461)
I am familiar with Launcher Pro, I actually don't mind the Moto launcher, it's not too bad. Have you tried ADW Launcher?

Also you can install a program called "homeswitcher" and switch between any Launcher you have installed.

Scottastic 07-27-2010 11:33 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
I have both of those, yes! I really prefer launcherpro for it's sheer speed. You should check out QuickDesk, I use it constantly for my toggle widgets.

AD720 07-27-2010 12:41 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by Scottastic (Post 930483)
I have both of those, yes! I really prefer launcherpro for it's sheer speed. You should check out QuickDesk, I use it constantly for my toggle widgets.

I'll look up Quickdesk, I use SwitchPro. I've been fooling around with LauncherPro. I do like the customizable dock and the quick preview of all the screens (missed that, I had it on my Eris).

AD720 07-28-2010 09:58 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Reports are showing that a lucky few have received FroYo on their Incredible and Droid X. This bodes well for the August 6th rumor of a FroYo release on DInc, X and Droid!

AD720 08-22-2010 03:36 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Awesome Words With Friends like game for Android!

klipsch 09-24-2010 04:10 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
WOW!!! HTC listened to their customers. I just DL the latest OTA Update (not root) for my EVO, and now the graphics are a blazing 53 FPS. All running on a 4G network to boot. What's not to love?

Ahbroody 09-24-2010 11:54 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Just did the update need to play with it now.
Sporadic 4g where I am

klipsch 09-25-2010 10:53 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 1000106)
Just did the update need to play with it now.
Sporadic 4g where I am

Same here with the 4G in RI. But what began around downtown and the hospital district has spread out to reach me in my apartment (RI's not that big)...though I always have the Wi-Fi turned on when I'm at home. I was playing Air Control last night and the frame rate was steady 54+ at all times. Angry Birds Beta runs and sounds better. Popped Asphalt on just for a minute and saw obvious improvement as well.
The only reason I was going to root my phone was to remove the 30 FPS cap. Now there's no need for the moment. :tu

Eleven 09-25-2010 11:09 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Just ordered the Droid X yesterday. Can't wait!

AD720 09-25-2010 02:26 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1000376)
Just ordered the Droid X yesterday. Can't wait!

Now with 2.2 it's even better. :tu

AD720 09-25-2010 02:40 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 961886)
Awesome Words With Friends like game for Android!

Anyone on word feud?

klipsch 10-04-2010 02:06 PM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
Just installed Exzeus on my EVO. Absolutely sick graphics!

techdetects 06-06-2020 05:04 AM

Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?
I am also facing a similar issue. Do let me know as well if you find out any helpful guide.

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