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BigAsh 10-30-2009 12:39 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 624260)
I heard it... It went something like this.

1st Base Ump: "Oh shiit, big arss Howard blocked my view of the ball. I don't want to blow this call. You know everyone at home is watching the replay in slow motion."

The rest of the Umps: "Dude you were like 15 feet away from the play, if you didn't see it, how in the hell are we supposed to?" Here you go again, making us overpaid umps blow another play. Well let's all stand around sratching our butts, so we look like were taking this seriously."

1st Base Ump: "I got it, let's just throw a coin up in the air, heads the ball was caught on the fly, tails the ball one hopped. It's a 50/50 chance of making the right call."

Home plate Ump: "Sounds like a plan to me. Since I've been blowing calls all series, 50% sure sounds good to me."

The rest of the Umps: "Ok, now who has a coin... No one responds..."

1st Base Ump: "Man F this, Howard is a big dude and I'm not going back there and reversing my call. I'll take the 50% chance that I got the call right. It's only game #2 and neither team will remember the call when its all said and done."

The rest of the Umps: "Agreed!"

:r:r.....hahaha....Damn, I wish I could type....that's classic!

kelmac07 10-30-2009 12:43 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by BigAsh (Post 624297)
:r:r.....hahaha....Damn, I wish I could type....that's classic!

:tpd: LOL!!

VirtualSmitty 10-30-2009 12:56 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 624260)
I heard it... It went something like this.

1st Base Ump: "Oh shiit, big arss Howard blocked my view of the ball. I don't want to blow this call. You know everyone at home is watching the replay in slow motion."

The rest of the Umps: "Dude you were like 15 feet away from the play, if you didn't see it, how in the hell are we supposed to?" Here you go again, making us overpaid umps blow another play. Well let's all stand around sratching our butts, so we look like were taking this seriously."

1st Base Ump: "I got it, let's just throw a coin up in the air, heads the ball was caught on the fly, tails the ball one hopped. It's a 50/50 chance of making the right call."

Home plate Ump: "Sounds like a plan to me. Since I've been blowing calls all series, 50% sure sounds good to me."

The rest of the Umps: "Ok, now who has a coin... No one responds..."

1st Base Ump: "Man F this, Howard is a big dude and I'm not going back there and reversing my call. I'll take the 50% chance that I got the call right. It's only game #2 and neither team will remember the call when its all said and done."

The rest of the Umps: "Agreed!"

:r I bet the conversation did sound something like that.

Blueface 10-30-2009 01:20 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 624260)
I heard it... It went something like this.

1st Base Ump: "Oh shiit, big arss Howard blocked my view of the ball. I don't want to blow this call. You know everyone at home is watching the replay in slow motion."

The rest of the Umps: "Dude you were like 15 feet away from the play, if you didn't see it, how in the hell are we supposed to?" Here you go again, making us overpaid umps blow another play. Well let's all stand around sratching our butts, so we look like were taking this seriously."

1st Base Ump: "I got it, let's just throw a coin up in the air, heads the ball was caught on the fly, tails the ball one hopped. It's a 50/50 chance of making the right call."

Home plate Ump: "Sounds like a plan to me. Since I've been blowing calls all series, 50% sure sounds good to me."

The rest of the Umps: "Ok, now who has a coin... No one responds..."

1st Base Ump: "Man F this, Howard is a big dude and I'm not going back there and reversing my call. I'll take the 50% chance that I got the call right. It's only game #2 and neither team will remember the call when its all said and done."

The rest of the Umps: "Agreed!"

Man I swear that is exactly how I envisioned it going.

The Poet 10-30-2009 02:24 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Well, that game last night played out pretty much as I forsaw it, except that A.J managed to keep his focus and not have that one crappy inning. As for Pedro - well, he was Pedro against the Yanks, as usual. He kept them off-balance for the most part, made a couple of mistakes he hasn't the stuff to get away with, and was done after 100 pitches. Hey, that's him - unless he gets squeezed, when he then gives up 5 or 6 runs after 3 innings. Well, nobody got squeezed last night - I swear, that plate was about 22 inches wide, for both sides.

Speaking of both sides, the "double play" in the bottom of the 7th was offset by the "double play" in the top of the 8th, and was a wash. As for the Phillies figuring out Mo, I believe they have - come up, take weak hacks and hope to make contact and get some bleeders, raise their false hopes, then go back to the dugout as losers. :r

Blueface 10-31-2009 09:55 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Game 3......8 hours and counting.

MedicCook 10-31-2009 10:13 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Let's Go Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Poet 10-31-2009 10:15 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Yeah, let's - and let's hope the weather's not too bad.

MedicCook 10-31-2009 10:17 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Cliff Lee was pushed back to game 5.

The Poet 10-31-2009 10:25 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
I noticed yesterday they were starting Blanton game 4 - against I presume C.C.? Hey, if Andy wins tonight, and the Phils are looking at possibly going down 3-1, will they stick with that plan?

MedicCook 10-31-2009 10:29 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Cliff Lee has never picthed on 3 days rest and they don't want to experiment in the World Series.

The Poet 10-31-2009 10:34 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 625587)
Cliff Lee has never picthed on 3 days rest and they don't want to experiment in the World Series.

Yeah, OK, but still - jeez.

MedicCook 10-31-2009 10:46 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
He should be ok to pitch game 7 if needed they said since that would be his throw day. I am still saying Yankees in 6 so it will be a non-factor.

yourchoice 10-31-2009 10:52 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
I like that they don't throw their guys on short rest. Never did it last year, although they (the media) were contemplating it in the first series with the Brewers. Pitchers in this era aren't used to it, and most are nowhere near as effective as they are on regular rest. I agree with the decision, regardless of where the series stands. It will be interesting to see how effective Sabathia is with 3 days, assuming he pitches game 4 (is that definite?).

Of course, if there's a 7th game, everyone is available to pitch, but I don't think it will go that long...Phillies will finish the job before then.

The Poet 10-31-2009 11:48 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Yeah, C.C. was lousy on 3 days rest against the Angels - 8 innings, 5 hits, 1 run, 2 walks, 5 Ks, and 1 win.

Blueface 10-31-2009 11:50 AM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 625662)
Yeah, C.C. was lousy on 3 days rest against the Angels - 8 innings, 5 hits, 1 run, 2 walks, 5 Ks, and 1 win.

Yeah, totally sucked.:r

Kidding aside, not his best that we have seen but certainly got the job done, and good enough for the win.
If that is C.C. not doing well with three days rest, bring him on!!!

yourchoice 10-31-2009 12:38 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 625662)
Yeah, C.C. was lousy on 3 days rest against the Angels - 8 innings, 5 hits, 1 run, 2 walks, 5 Ks, and 1 win.

Problem is he won't be playing against the Angels.... Here's his line from last year on 3 days against the Phils in the NLDS:

3 2/3 innings, 6 hits, 5 runs, 5 earned, 4 walks, 5 Ks, 2.727 WHIP and 1 loss. :ss

The Poet 10-31-2009 01:01 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009
Yeah, Joel, you're absolutely right - the Yankees just might as well not even show up for the games at all. The Phillies are gods, and the Yanks are slobs.

yourchoice 10-31-2009 01:20 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 625723)
Yeah, Joel, you're absolutely right - the Yankees just might as well not even show up for the games at all. The Phillies are gods, and the Yanks are slobs.


The Poet 10-31-2009 01:38 PM

Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 625747)

Well, you say C.C. won't be playing against the Angels, when it seems obvious that your guys have yet to realize they are not playing Tampa Bay either.

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