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lightning9191 06-30-2010 07:52 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by MortonMilo (Post 903987)
As a followup to my above question, I still cant seem to get the humidity right! I still have my drain plugged, and have the condensation that is collecting draining into a bowl of heartfelt beads at the bottom. Beyond that I have 2 lbs of heartfelt beads and a pound of shilala beads spread throughout. Still trying to find a way to fix another condensation issue....condensation now collects on the bottom of the dish I use to collect it from the drain! Will keep working to solve that one...

Any suggestions on how I can fix the humidity issue?! Despite all my efforts, its still holding steady at 58%!

What is the temp of the room that your wine cooler is in? If it is too hot, then your wine cooler will run often keeping the humidity low. Did you try turning the temp of the wine cooler up to see if that helps?

saru22 07-08-2010 01:28 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Hey guys another quick question. Is there any way to tell if a wood is spanish cedar or not? Do you just have to take a manufacturers word for it? Thanks again.

T.G 07-08-2010 05:09 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by saru22 (Post 910624)
Hey guys another quick question. Is there any way to tell if a wood is spanish cedar or not? Do you just have to take a manufacturers word for it? Thanks again.

Examine it closely & observe the grain.

This is Spanish Cedar:
More info:

This is Western Red Cedar (best avoided):
More info:

This is Aromatic Red Cedar (You really don't want this - this what they line closets with):
More info:

Another wood sometimes seen in humidor lining use is Mahogany, which is great for humidor use (possibly even superior to SC), it just doesn't have an aroma and it costs a lot more than SC, hence why it's not as common. Why Mahogany you ask? Well, Spanish Cedar is not actually a softwood cedar, but rather it's in same family of trees as Mahogany hardwood, but it has a cedar like aroma, hence how it got it's name.

You can look up what mahogany grain looks like here:
(should be immediately evident that it's almost the same as SC grain)

Oh, and when in doubt...

Big_Ern 07-08-2010 05:29 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
great answer. I have wondered that a lot myself. thanks for the cut and clear answer.

saru22 07-09-2010 02:03 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Seriously that was a great answer. Thank You. I'm curious to go home and compare my humi to those pics now..

markem 07-09-2010 02:42 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by volfan (Post 911789)
also, spanish cedar is actually a kind of mahogany and not even in the same family as cedar.

Scottie knows!

T.G 07-09-2010 02:52 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by volfan (Post 911789)
also, spanish cedar is actually a kind of mahogany and not even in the same family as cedar.

that is why some older humidors are actually lined with mahogany.



Originally Posted by markem (Post 911797)

Knows, yet didn't read two posts up! ;)


Originally Posted by T.G (Post 910833)
Another wood sometimes seen in humidor lining use is Mahogany, which is great for humidor use (possibly even superior to SC), it just doesn't have an aroma and it costs a lot more than SC, hence why it's not as common. Why Mahogany you ask? Well, Spanish Cedar is not actually a softwood cedar, but rather it's in same family of trees as Mahogany hardwood, but it has a cedar like aroma, hence how it got it's name.

T.G 07-09-2010 03:22 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by volfan (Post 911818)
sorry for the re-iteration, and nice comment

No need to apologize bro. To be honest, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, I was just taking the opportunity to flip you some chit over it, hence the " ;) ".

saru22 07-26-2010 04:31 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Hey Guys, Was wondering... If you have a cigar that has bloomed, are you supposed to wipe it off before smoking? Or is it desirable to smoke with the bloom on.. never had or seen one with bloom, but was just discussing with a buddy and we didnt know the answer... THANKS.

BTW got my first Nic-sickness the other day. First thing I did was search this site. man that saved my life.. or at least saved my dinner. =P

NCRadioMan 07-26-2010 04:37 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by saru22 (Post 929466)
Hey Guys, Was wondering... If you have a cigar that has bloomed, are you supposed to wipe it off before smoking? Or is it desirable to smoke with the bloom on.. never had or seen one with bloom, but was just discussing with a buddy and we didnt know the answer... THANKS.

BTW got my first Nic-sickness the other day. First thing I did was search this site. man that saved my life.. or at least saved my dinner. =P

You can but you don't have to wipe plume/bloom off to smoke them. It neither adds nor takes away from the cigars flavor. It's just a sign of good storage, that's it.

In my experience, plume is not as common as most think as they misjudge mold for it.


longknocker 07-26-2010 04:40 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by saru22 (Post 929466)
Hey Guys, Was wondering... If you have a cigar that has bloomed, are you supposed to wipe it off before smoking? Or is it desirable to smoke with the bloom on.. never had or seen one with bloom, but was just discussing with a buddy and we didnt know the answer... THANKS.

BTW got my first Nic-sickness the other day. First thing I did was search this site. man that saved my life.. or at least saved my dinner. =P

If It's "Truly Bloom", I leave it on. I've only had one stick like that in 3 years, though. Make Sure It's Bloom or "Plume" as I prefer to call it.:):tu

saru22 07-28-2010 11:36 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Great thanks guys.. I've never had a bloom/plume but was just curious...

Bill86 08-12-2010 01:57 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
A few questions now that I have my humidor....

1. What do you fill the humidifiers with?
2. Does it matter how much distilled water sits in while you season your humidor? The site says a "large bowl" my instructions it came with says a shot glass.....what's the deal there is quite the different in the amounts of water you are supposed to place here.

Chingas 08-12-2010 02:24 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 950095)
A few questions now that I have my humidor....

1. What do you fill the humidifiers with? Distilled Water

2. Does it matter how much distilled water sits in while you season your humidor? Just enough to not have to keep filling it back up. A bowl is fine or a few shot glasses or small bowls thruout.

Hope that helps you out.

Bill86 08-12-2010 02:29 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)
Oh ok just distilled water then nice. Got it so there is never too much just don't hassle yourself filling it up everyday. Thanks for answering the questions, love the help I'm getting from this place :D

Ok so I have a crappy analog and a NICE $40 digital. They both read DEAD on 51, so I figure there's no need for calibration. Also inside my digital's box that it came in it said it's "of very high quality and their is no calibration required". So it's good to know they both work 100%

Let's just see how long it takes to bump that humidity up 17-18 points.

Also do the humidifiers need to be in there while seasoning or after? Probably with right? That's where the humidity comes in correct?

Chingas 08-12-2010 02:31 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 950100)

Also do the humidifiers need to be in there while seasoning or after? Probably with right? That's where the humidity comes in correct?

You can throw the analog one in the garbage. It'll fail soon enough.

Yes you keep the humidifiers in before, during and after the seasoning.

Bill86 08-12-2010 02:36 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Chingas (Post 950103)
You can throw the analog one in the garbage. It'll fail soon enough.

Yes you keep the humidifiers in before, during and after the seasoning.

Got ya, thanks...yeah that analog one came shipped with a cracked glass I should probably thank them for cracking it forcing me to purchase a nice digital one.

longknocker 08-12-2010 04:16 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 950104)
Got ya, thanks...yeah that analog one came shipped with a cracked glass I should probably thank them for cracking it forcing me to purchase a nice digital one.


CigarNut 08-12-2010 07:43 AM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 950122)

Could not agree more!

Just because both hygrometers read the same does not mean that they are in any way correct.

Bill86 08-12-2010 01:05 PM

Re: Beginner Questions (Ask Them Here!)

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 950122)

Not even sure what that is O_O, I just figure....2 reading the exact same thing would lead me to believe they are correct or at least VERY correctISH.

So I left a glass of distilled water and filled the humidifiers, the hygrometer started at 51, they are now 69 after like 10 hours. Is my humidor really ready to put cigars in? Or should I take the glass of water out and see if it's still holding the same humidity.

EDIT wow your sticky says 7-14 days of this O_O.

EDIT also those humidifiers yeah that sticky stuff they put on the back....worthless mine fall all the time randomly. I pushed them on good and all but ...nothing they fall every couple hours

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