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DPD6030 07-13-2009 09:39 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Very cool to add the ring gauge tool Ken. Too bad it won't work on my ipod touch

kelmac07 07-13-2009 09:51 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by DPD6030 (Post 462854)
Very cool to add the ring gauge tool Ken. Too bad it won't work on my ipod touch

is there a way to get all the good stuff from this app to work with Ipod touch? I update mine every few days and it still looks the same as when I originally purchased this app.

troutbreath 07-14-2009 03:38 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 462886)
is there a way to get all the good stuff from this app to work with Ipod touch? I update mine every few days and it still looks the same as when I originally purchased this app.

Why wouldn't it work for your ipod touch? You can update the software on your ipod to v3.0 for about $10. I should have all the same capabilities as the iphone, without the calls, of course.

If you are in the app window in itunes, click the "check updates" button at the bottom. That should put the latest changes on your ipod. You may have to update your software, as noted above, for some apps.

longknocker 07-14-2009 04:08 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Awesome, Ken! Thanks so much for the update, especially the RG Tool!:tu:)

KenS 07-14-2009 05:27 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 462886)
is there a way to get all the good stuff from this app to work with Ipod touch? I update mine every few days and it still looks the same as when I originally purchased this app.

:confused: Everything in this app will work on the iPod Touch just the same as the iPhone, as long as you are running OS 3.0. I'm not using any special features of the phone.

Seems like the review process for apps is running about 2 weeks these days, so we still have to wait for Apple to post the new Mobile Stogie version. But you'll be notified automatically when it is available.

aich75013 07-14-2009 01:11 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Great App

I just bought it and will begin adding my cigars.

( Just noticed that this is my first Post. I came from Club Stogie, but didn't care for Puff. )

troutbreath 07-14-2009 01:31 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

KenS 07-14-2009 02:03 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by aich75013 (Post 463805)
Great App

I just bought it and will begin adding my cigars.

( Just noticed that this is my first Post. I came from Club Stogie, but didn't care for Puff. ) sure to stop by the new inmate processing area and introduce yourself.

DPD6030 07-14-2009 05:00 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Great job Ken. Glad I updated to OS 3.0 and can't wait to use the new features. :tu

kelmac07 07-14-2009 05:12 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Thank for the help guys...guess I'm updating to OS 3.0.

Mirrorlure7m 07-14-2009 08:40 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
KenS : when are you going to add the "update" function ? So all we will have to do is press the update button and it will connect to a server and will do all the updates as far as the database goes.

csbrewfisher 07-15-2009 01:12 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Thought you guys and gals might enjoy this.

KenS 07-15-2009 01:57 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by csbrewfisher (Post 465351)
Thought you guys and gals might enjoy this.

whew! I was afraid I'd find Mobile Stogie on that list! :r

GoldnGT 07-15-2009 02:11 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
I'm a new poster to CA, but have been trolling for a while, and couldn't resist posting to this thread.

I've been enjoying your app for a few weeks Ken. Great Stuff! I may have missed it while reading, but have you got a list of things you are adding to the next version? I've got a few things while messing around with it that I wish it did, and I didn't know if you wanted a PM, posted here, or emailed to you.. but of course you could already be working on those things so i didn't wanna waste your time w/o seeing a list =)

Thanks for creating the best cigar app for the iPhone =D

troutbreath 07-15-2009 03:15 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
You know what would be great, Ken (and I'm not sure if this is a "you" thing or an Apple thing) -- an export option. How great would it be to offload your Mobile Stogie data into Excel so you could email it, or print your inventory?

aich75013 07-15-2009 10:27 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Maybe I am misssing something, but when I look at My Cigars I can see the Brand and Name of a cigar, but not the shape. Can that be added to what is seen when I look at My Cigars.
Currently I have been adding that in the name area, but it would be nice to see the shape there. I just started usin this so I may be looking at it wrong.


KenS 07-16-2009 05:00 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by aich75013 (Post 466112)
Maybe I am misssing something, but when I look at My Cigars I can see the Brand and Name of a cigar, but not the shape. Can that be added to what is seen when I look at My Cigars.
Currently I have been adding that in the name area, but it would be nice to see the shape there. I just started usin this so I may be looking at it wrong.


Yep, right now all of that information is in the reference section (shape, length, ring gauge, etc.). How much of the reference info is needed in the My Cigars section? I have toyed around with having a button to "flip" the screen to toggle between the My Cigars info and the Reference info. Would it be better to just list more of the info directly on that My Cigars detail page?

What do you guys think?

KenS 07-16-2009 05:03 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by troutbreath (Post 465508)
You know what would be great, Ken (and I'm not sure if this is a "you" thing or an Apple thing) -- an export option. How great would it be to offload your Mobile Stogie data into Excel so you could email it, or print your inventory?

A direct 'export' thing not simple, as there are a lot of limitations in the filesystem that apple doesn't allow certain actions. Likewise, when emailing, I don't think they allow attachments. However, I could create a full table of inventory data in the body of an email message, which you could address to anybody (including yourself). Would that be useful?

By the way, you are on your own if you accidently email your inventory to your wife :r:r

KenS 07-16-2009 05:06 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by GoldnGT (Post 465417)
I'm a new poster to CA, but have been trolling for a while, and couldn't resist posting to this thread.

I've been enjoying your app for a few weeks Ken. Great Stuff! I may have missed it while reading, but have you got a list of things you are adding to the next version? I've got a few things while messing around with it that I wish it did, and I didn't know if you wanted a PM, posted here, or emailed to you.. but of course you could already be working on those things so i didn't wanna waste your time w/o seeing a list =)

Thanks for creating the best cigar app for the iPhone =D

Best way to provide feedback is to email me at the address in the app. I keep all of the feedback organized in a 'wish list' of ideas people have provided, so can track better that way.

if you go back a page or two in this thread, you'll see the main updates that are coming with version 1.5.0 (still in review at apple at the moment). Hopefully that will post to the app store within a week or so.

aich75013 07-16-2009 11:34 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 466434)
Yep, right now all of that information is in the reference section (shape, length, ring gauge, etc.). How much of the reference info is needed in the My Cigars section? I have toyed around with having a button to "flip" the screen to toggle between the My Cigars info and the Reference info. Would it be better to just list more of the info directly on that My Cigars detail page?

What do you guys think?

I there are two cigars with the same brand and name won't they gt added together. If the shape was added they would be separate. This is why I was asking for shape. Not a big deal.
This is the only extra thing I think would be nice to see. Mainly to separate the sizes. I realize you are probably trying to keep the info displayed to a minimum for space real estate.

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