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rebelknight 01-24-2013 03:37 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Hitch 22 by Christoper Hitchens

DTM 01-24-2013 05:28 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Just started Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

jledou 01-25-2013 06:34 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Finished up Old Man's War by John Scalzi and The Covert Element by John Betcher.

tsolomon 01-25-2013 06:47 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Just finished a Memory of Light and now back to reading a Storm of Swords.

CigarNut 01-25-2013 08:26 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Battlefield Earth by L. Ron Hubbard

dman4505 01-25-2013 08:30 AM

Re: What are you reading?
The Teeth of the Tiger by Tom Clancy


Gabe215 01-31-2013 04:42 AM

Re: What are you reading?
How to be Richer, Smarter, and better looking than your parents, by Zac Bisonette (really good finance book for people my age, 20s)

Just ordered American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis after watching the movie

ksknnr 01-31-2013 06:33 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Just finished reading Brewing up a Business by Sam Calagione. He is the founder of Dogfish Head Brewery. Very interesting book about his life and getting into craft brewing.

BigCat 01-31-2013 07:03 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Finished Life of Pi and now on to Last Lion - Defender of the Realm. It's part three in a Churchill biographical trilogy.

timj219 02-01-2013 06:03 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 training guide. It's not as exciting as it sounds.

Gophernut 02-01-2013 09:19 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Game of Thrones

CigarNut 02-01-2013 05:29 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Wool 2 - Proper Gauge a kindle short story by Hugh Howey

coffeemonkey 02-04-2013 06:05 PM

Re: What are you reading?
In a moment of weakness I committed to reading an unabridged version of Don Quixote. My guess is that book will take about 53 cigars to read.

CigarNut 02-04-2013 07:43 PM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by coffeemonkey (Post 1791227)
In a moment of weakness I committed to reading an unabridged version of Don Quixote. My guess is that book will take about 53 cigars to read.

Sounds like a great book! :)

riverdawg 02-05-2013 03:57 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Ivan Doig, "The Bartenders Tale"

bruceolee 02-05-2013 04:06 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Last man on the moon by Gene Cernan. I've always been in love with the space program (although not so much lately thanks to a lack of human exploration beyond low earth orbit) and the Apollo program was the peak of the programs history.

Audio book: Game of thrones a clash of kings :tu

Ranger_B 02-05-2013 04:12 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Sua Sponte: The Forging of a Modern American Ranger . Reminiscing of the old days. Man this retirement is not as cool as I hoped. I am so looking forward to school starting in the Fall.

Back to the book. Its been a great read so far. It is nice to see how even though some things have changed the standards are still there.

CigarNut 02-05-2013 05:31 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Wool 3 - Casting Off a kindle short story by Hugh Howey

MACS 02-06-2013 03:11 AM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by tsolomon (Post 1786715)
Just finished a Memory of Light and now back to reading a Storm of Swords.

If you liked Jordan and you haven't read Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series, I highly recommend it.

After about 7 or 8 of Jordan's books, I was thinking "Good Lord, end it already", and quit reading them, although I enjoyed them tremendously up to that point.

With Goodkind, I read all 11 and was so bummed when I read the last page of the last book. Still trying to find another good series...

INT 02-06-2013 08:04 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Recent reads I recommend:

Silence was a weapon
Edicts of Ares
On Strategy: Critical analysis of the Vietnam war
American Sniper
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Soon getting some of Ikes biographies. My favorite president

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