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tengel78 02-20-2012 08:00 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Great episode yesterday. I finally caught up on all of the episodes last week. I'm ready to see them get on the road again as well.

jsnake 02-20-2012 08:35 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I have to say this new stuff is back on track. Good stuff.

Skywalker 02-21-2012 12:14 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1566223)
I might be reading too much into it but I think the show captures an old school conservative Southern patriarchal society. All the male characters pretty much call the shots with the women as domestic help, although Lori and Andrea are starting to brake the mold. Yet it does kinda grate my nerves that according to the show, all Southerners drive mostly old vehicles etc. If you watch closely you'll notice that the TV in Hershel's home looks like its black and white from the 70s :2

I did notice the the TV set, yet the kitchen appliances were modern!:sh

OLS 02-21-2012 06:32 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
In my experience, they DO all drive old vehicles in the South....or maybe just in Memphis.
They all drive so bad that to get a good vehicle would just invite trouble. It's a lot like
washing your car before a rainstorm.

Blak Smyth 02-21-2012 06:42 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I'm bored, this show is starting to feel soo stretched out, like they only have enough material for one season but they need to make it last for three. I think I am done going out of my way to watch.

ucla695 02-21-2012 07:34 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I enjoyed this weeks episode. There was some nice, gratuitous gore! Some decent action. Can't wait for them to get mobile.

Blak Smyth 02-21-2012 07:41 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I wish the lady in the love triangle was bit in that car accident and it was noticed when she was getting naked in the tent.

Powers 02-21-2012 07:49 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1566700)
I'm bored, this show is starting to feel soo stretched out, like they only have enough material for one season but they need to make it last for three. I think I am done going out of my way to watch.


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1566738)
I wish the lady in the love triangle was bit in that car accident and it was noticed when she was getting naked in the tent.

If you don't know the characters' names by now I can see how you don't like it :r ;)

Blak Smyth 02-21-2012 07:58 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1566743)
If you don't know the characters' names by now I can see how you don't like it :r ;)

I am bad with names, haha. I don't have enough interest anymore although I have watched every episode intently and this last one was the when I realised I am not into it anymore. I will admit it, I can't take so much drama, AADD I guess. I loved season one, maybe I will go watch it again. Season two is 90% boring IMO with a few interesting parts.

I am not bashing this show, it has many followers. Just not for me anymore.

I remember Shane's name :r and Carl. I was thinking here name was Lori but it doesn't sound right in my head.

Skywalker 02-21-2012 08:24 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Gophernut 02-21-2012 10:37 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1566738)
I wish the lady in the love triangle was bit in that car accident and it was noticed when she was getting naked in the tent.

I kept thinking that too. Especially since they kind of dragged that scene out a little bit.
There were definitely some tense moments in last night's episode. I didn't see it coming when Rick got that kid off of the fence. Yuck. The gore quotient seems to have gone up this year. I find my self having to watch each episode with a pillow in my arms so I can cover my eyes. Of course I never could watch ER due to the gore, and certainly there were times in M*A*S*H* that I had to turn away too... Maybe I'm a wuss.

kaisersozei 02-21-2012 10:42 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Gophernut (Post 1566896)
Maybe I'm a wuss.



irratebass 02-21-2012 11:09 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Sounds like it heh

OLS 02-21-2012 02:31 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1557786)
Best line from last night, "Ya' got any cooze?" as the guy stands pissing on the floor of the bar.

This was totally messed up to me. Granted, it's the zombie apocolypse and all, but come ON.
People might want to go back in there one day for liquor or even to hang out once they basically
kill all the zombies in that town, which COULD happen. Now it smells like pi55 and dead guys. :td

MikeyC 02-21-2012 03:24 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I thought the most recent episode was great. Things are starting to liven up I think.

OLS 02-21-2012 06:46 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I will keep this thread jack to a minimum, but I had a great big laugh the other night, I was watching The Mist,
which in the end was a bit of a waste of time, but it was great, within 5 minutes of film, THREE actors from The
Walking Dead appeared in the cast. First Carol, then Andrea, then Dale. What was a trip was that Carol still
had her same cancer-survivor hairdo.

Skywalker 02-22-2012 08:27 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1567357)
I will keep this thread jack to a minimum, but I had a great big laugh the other night, I was watching The Mist,
which in the end was a bit of a waste of time, but it was great, within 5 minutes of film, THREE actors from The
Walking Dead appeared in the cast. First Carol, then Andrea, then Dale. What was a trip was that Carol still
had her same cancer-survivor hairdo.

The director of The Mist, Frank Darabont is an executive producer/developer of The Walking Dead.

Malazan 02-25-2012 07:08 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
My favorite show on right now

icehog3 02-26-2012 09:57 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
So was that enough walker action for y'all? :lr

icehog3 02-26-2012 09:58 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Anyone else been entering the contest?

Skywalker 02-27-2012 12:22 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1572968)
So was that enough walker action for y'all? :lr

I loved the Zombie waterfall!!!:tu

Hem 02-27-2012 02:30 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Bout time things got interesting again!

Skywalker 02-27-2012 08:24 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
The zombie sandwich was also fun!:D

Powers 02-27-2012 08:47 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1572972)
Anyone else been entering the contest?

I did the first one a couple weeks back, had to DVR the past two weeks though. It be awesome to go out to LA for the season 3 premier, I'd try to holla at Maggie :D

mase 02-27-2012 09:10 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1573245)
The zombie sandwich was also fun!:D


mase 02-27-2012 09:14 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I must admit I'm getting pretty tired of the Rick vs. Shane dynamic. It's stalling the show.

maninblack 02-27-2012 10:02 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I agree Kevin. The action is great but Shane and Rick need to get it over with. Rick needs to take out Shane or Shane just needs to leave and go out on his own. With that blonde chick I can't stand.

kelmac07 02-27-2012 10:56 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Great epsiode last night. Why in the hell did Rick come back for Shane? After all that sh@t, I'd have left him for Zombie Food. And Andrea is getting on my is Lori...someone needs to get bit and turn. Why is Daryl hiding out in the outskirts collecting ears? And why does Carol keep bugging Daryl, like she wants him. MORE ZOMBIES!! Loved the zombie sandwhich and the zombie waterfall. "We need to use our knives more". :tu :tu

OLS 02-27-2012 11:05 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Darryl is likely just now having the time to digest the vision he had while he was arrow-stuck.
His brother appeared to him and chastised him pretty good for being everyone's be+ch.
I would imagine this was bound to happen.

Carol is coming down after her big loss and the finality of it to remembering him kind of rubbin
up against her a little bit during the search. She has seen the good side of him and he is RIGHT,
she IS ALONE and she does want to try and hook up with him because she is scared and alone.
I think it might still happen.At least in the episode RIGHT before his brother returns.

As for Shane, I agree, there is no way I would make the block and pick up Shane, he made his
bed. But this is just Rick again, he SEES both sides. Before the ZA, he worked with Shane,
likely was a bit turned off by the whole super-jock machismo, but thought, you know, that's
just HIM. We work together, that's my friend, I will have to just live with what I don't like.
It's all part of Rick's character. He knows HE IS RIGHT and he needs to give Shane time to
come around. At this point it is hard to SAY who is right. Or who's management style keeps
the group safest.

Powers 02-27-2012 11:45 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1573320)
I must admit I'm getting pretty tired of the Rick vs. Shane dynamic. It's stalling the show.

I enjoy the Rick and Shane tension. It'd been under the surface for the entire show and they finally cleared the air a bit. To me they represent what the show is really trying to get at: pragmatism vs. humanity


Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1573514)
Darryl is likely just now having the time to digest the vision he had while he was arrow-stuck.
His brother appeared to him and chastised him pretty good for being everyone's be+ch.
I would imagine this was bound to happen.

Carol is coming down after her big loss and the finality of it to remembering him kind of rubbin
up against her a little bit during the search. She has seen the good side of him and he is RIGHT,
she IS ALONE and she does want to try and hook up with him because she is scared and alone.
I think it might still happen.At least in the episode RIGHT before his brother returns.

As for Shane, I agree, there is no way I would make the block and pick up Shane, he made his
bed. But this is just Rick again, he SEES both sides. Before the ZA, he worked with Shane,
likely was a bit turned off by the whole super-jock machismo, but thought, you know, that's
just HIM. We work together, that's my friend, I will have to just live with what I don't like.
It's all part of Rick's character. He knows HE IS RIGHT and he needs to give Shane time to
come around. At this point it is hard to SAY who is right. Or who's management style keeps
the group safest.

AMC does a "Behind the episode" after each one with the actors delving into their characters actions in each episode. I at first agreed with you, Brad, that Rick should've left his @ss, but the actors who play Shane and Rick address why Rick needs Shane and couldn't leave him and their points made sense to me. Rather than rehash it myself, here's the link:

OLS 02-27-2012 01:35 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1573550)
To me they represent what the show is really trying to get at: pragmatism vs. humanity

Damn college graduates......;)


Haha, I liked it. I checked out the video and they basically said what I thought.
Rick wants to leave him, knows he deserves to BE LEFT, but the white side is
nothing without the black, he loves Shane because of what he was when they
were just buddies, he needs Shane to make whatever he is fighting for worth
having in the end.

icehog3 02-27-2012 02:40 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Powers (Post 1573550)
I enjoy the Rick and Shane tension. It'd been under the surface for the entire show and they finally cleared the air a bit.

I agree, Michael. :tu

MikeyC 02-27-2012 03:29 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Last night's episode was GREAT! Blond haired lady was annoying. I think Rick saw the two dead zombies in uniform on his way out of there and it reminded him of he and Shane which changed his mind about leaving him behind.

mosesbotbol 02-27-2012 03:55 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Tension is getting thick. They both need each other as they are best fighters. Loving this season!

OLS 02-27-2012 05:08 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I am going to watch it here in a bit...glad to hear there are lots of zombies about.
I also want to curb some of my enthusiasm from earlier in this thread. In defense of
why they don't pick up MP5s or M-16s that are lying here and there, I said "hey, the
zombies are not sprinters, they shamble everywhere...if you had bullets in your gun,
you would not be over-run." I guess I was mistaken. Lately they seem to have been
training or something. They can chase you pretty fast. I need to go back and re-watch
the seasons and see if they have altered the physics of zombiehood some or I was just
not noticing it. Seems they are speeding up, though. Anyone else seem to notice this?

Malazan 02-27-2012 05:11 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
In the Graphic Novel, Little Carl kills Shane at the Resevoir area they are camped at in Season one. Shane goes to shoot Rick and Carl shoots Shane through the neck.

I wonder if they will have Carl bump Shane off in the Series

icehog3 02-27-2012 05:22 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Malazan (Post 1573910)
In the Graphic Novel, Little Carl kills Shane at the Resevoir area they are camped at in Season one. Shane goes to shoot Rick and Carl shoots Shane through the neck.

I wonder if they will have Carl bump Shane off in the Series

Anything else you can spoil for me while you're here?

;) :lr

Malazan 02-27-2012 05:28 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1573922)
Anything else you can spoil for me while you're here?

;) :lr


The TV Series differs a lot from the Graphic Novel, so I'm not saying they are gonna do it:D

In the books, Sophia is still alive, and her mother dead, where as, in the TV show, they killed Sophia off:sh

Skywalker 02-27-2012 08:22 PM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Hershel is really Shane's father (and Rick's second cousin, on his mother's side)!;s


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1573922)
Anything else you can spoil for me while you're here?

;) :lr

kugie 02-28-2012 04:35 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 1573245)
The zombie sandwich was also fun!:D

That was Awesome!
And the they showed the barrel of the gun sticking out the back of the Zombie head. :tu

massphatness 02-28-2012 04:56 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1573904)
Seems they are speeding up, though. Anyone else seem to notice this?



Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1443317)
Are the zombies faster this year?

So while "Sprinting Dead" doesn't quite roll off the tongue, "Walking Dead" is a bit of a misnomer.

OLS 02-28-2012 06:38 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
To me it makes a viewer wonder....IS THERE a chance that these people are going to "wake up" from all this carnage
and zombie-ism? Maybe they are speeding up as they become more human. I mean I seriously doubt it, as do
all of you. But I thought it was my imagination, but maybe they are really being told to move faster to ramp up
the fear factor. Although we have had requests to stop with the references to the comic, I can tell now just
how SLOW this train is moving from having exposure to both the show and the comics. After having a major chunk
of my life stolen by that sham of a show "LOST", I can tell they are taking their sweet time over moving out of the
Greene Family Farm and getting to this other place they need to get to for the plotline. A much more secure spot. ;)
But you know they are going to try and make that location last a whole season like this farm BS. I still like the show,
if I had NO EXPOSURE to the comic, I would still think the farm series is boring me to tears, but the show is still
worth watching for now. I enjoyed the last episode I watched last night, they seem to be over way too fast for me,
though. I am just getting my Zombie boner and they go to black for the last time.

Blak Smyth 02-28-2012 06:43 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I have only watched the first few minutes of the most recent episode and I gotta admit, the talking to with Shane in the intesection was just what I needed to see. I think I am ready to get back into the series. I am excited to watch the rest of the episode now.

mase 02-28-2012 06:50 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1573491)
Great epsiode last night. Why in the hell did Rick come back for Shane?

Remember the scene where Rick is looking at the 2 recently re-killed zombie officers laying on the ground. He must be thinking that he can't leave his partner behind. Than he goes back and saves Shane.

mase 02-28-2012 06:56 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?

Powers 02-28-2012 07:51 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1574423)
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?

If you remember what they pulled into was a Public Works facility. I think it got into the water supply

icehog3 02-28-2012 08:30 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1574423)
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?

I am thinking the virus has gone airborne, and direct contact might no longer be necessary for some humans to become zombified.

Powers 02-28-2012 09:21 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1574487)
I am thinking the virus has gone airborne, and direct contact might no longer be necessary for some humans to become zombified.

Or its being transferred thru the internet!! :tf :eek:

mosesbotbol 02-28-2012 09:35 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2

Originally Posted by mase (Post 1574423)
There was a point when Shane was examining one of the re-dead zombie officers looking for a bit mark. Rick says they were probably infected by a scratch. What do you make of this? Do you think the "infection" spread through some other means?

I thought they were just shot "murdered" before they became zombies perhaps.

OLS 02-28-2012 10:00 AM

Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I am going with water supply. When it happened I did not pay much mind to it. The rate this show travels at,
before it becomes an actual plot device I will be long dead myself. So it will not matter.

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