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nater 08-17-2010 09:22 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Just picked up a new Ardor, fresh from New Orleans:

Can anyone point me to what shape this might be?

SaltyMcGee 08-17-2010 09:42 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Not sure what shape it is but that's a SWEET pipe! :pi

MarkinAZ 08-18-2010 12:04 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nater (Post 957359)
Just picked up a new Ardor, fresh from New Orleans: Can anyone point me to what shape this might be?

I don't know what shape it is, but its a nice looker Nate...:tu

TheTraveler 08-18-2010 05:58 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Nice, that's a very interesting pipe. :)

Mister Moo 08-18-2010 01:09 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Been waiting for the right one to show up for a couple of years. Not sure what possessed me to get the thin-walled ultra-light old-style Pete army mount barrel, the one with a history of cracking or burning out, but they've always called my name - just never got lined up with the right one at the right price at the right time. Bingo, Ebay! For only a few bucks more than a new, unappealing, discounted non-army version - poof - it's here. Unsmoked and fishtail, not Pfui-Lip, bit; one tiny ounce...

Perfect with MacBarens Navy Flake. I am liking this little guy for sipping a sweet 30-min+ smoke.

Slow Triathlete 08-18-2010 01:40 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
1 Attachment(s)
Snagged this ST Dupont Zulu off of smokingpipes last week.

Apparently it was part of Aaron Spelling's estate (creepy looking guy who produced Dynasty, Beverly Hills 90210, Melrose Place and TJ Hooker).

Smoked a bowl of Black Parrot in there last night and it was sweet.

Commander Quan 08-18-2010 02:13 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Nice pickup Scott, but I have to ask. Why didn't you spring for the rest of the estate?

MarkinAZ 08-18-2010 05:50 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Mister Moo (Post 958229)
Not sure what possessed me to get the thin-walled ultra-light old-style Pete army mount barrel, the one with a history of cracking or burning out, but they've always called my name...

Hopefully, you have a back-up pipe Dan if the above occurs;):D

Nice purchase BTW...

thebayratt 08-18-2010 06:21 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Just starting the Pipe thing so I got a inexpensive pipe for $13 (wholesale cost).
Im not too sure what it is or who makes it. The only markings on it are ""Made in Greece", so its probly an elcheapo. But thats what I was looking for. I didn't and couldn't spend a whole lot of money right off the bat.

Any help on this would be appreciateve.

Commander Quan 08-19-2010 09:35 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
My first meerschaum finally arrived in the mail from Turkey. An IMP XXL. This thing even dwarfs my Savinelli Hercules.

Emjaysmash 08-19-2010 09:36 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Nice!! Beautiful Meerschaum!

That University Flake aint bad at all, either!

DropTheE 08-20-2010 08:54 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 959964)
Nice!! Beautiful Meerschaum!

That University Flake aint bad at all, either!


DropTheE 08-20-2010 08:57 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
[quote=nater;957359]Just picked up a new Ardor, fresh from New Orleans:

That is a great looking pipe!!! Nice pickup!!

nater 08-20-2010 03:13 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by nater (Post 957359)
Just picked up a new Ardor, fresh from New Orleans:

That is a great looking pipe!!! Nice pickup!!

Thank you everyone for the compliments... Its my first ardor, and I am loving it. The guy who runs my local Tinderbox picked it up while in New Orleans at the trade show, and I fell in love..

MrPlatypus 08-21-2010 12:01 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
My second pipe is just a simple cheap little corn cob, but it's going to survive a lot longer than the last little pipe I had (it only survived two weeks til it got broke.) I'm thinking of getting a churchwarden made, and if I do, I'll post up pictures up when I get it.

Emjaysmash 08-21-2010 03:47 AM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by DropTheE (Post 960244)

Thank you everyone for the compliments... Its my first ardor, and I am loving it. The guy who runs my local Tinderbox picked it up while in New Orleans at the trade show, and I fell in love..

Very nice! Ardor is a pipe brand I'm interested in trying out.

Yardgnome 08-21-2010 12:55 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
So I stopped by a B&M I had heard about and noticed they had a lot of pipes and decided to give one a try.

This was the tobacco that they recommended:
Barrister – We’ve improved the traditional English blend! You’ll still get the natural “woodsy” taste of Latakia, but not its unpopular aroma thanks to just a touch of the perfect aromatic flavoring. This is a perfect fusion blend or the smoker on the fence between aromatic and non-aromatic blends.

BigFrank 08-21-2010 08:42 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Where ya live at Tom? I stop in to Fader's at least once a month. I'm down in Dundalk.

MarkinAZ 08-21-2010 08:49 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread

Originally Posted by Yardgnome (Post 961236)
So I stopped by a B&M I had heard about and noticed they had a lot of pipes and decided to give one a try...

Nice pick-up Tom and hope you enjoy the tobaccy...:tu

Emjaysmash 08-21-2010 09:57 PM

Re: Latest Pipe-Related Purchase Thread
Is it me or do other get excited for people when the purchase new pipes, or get thier first pipe and pipe tobacco?

I just really love this hobby!!

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