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emopunker2004 02-22-2013 12:50 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1798630)
I'm not too up on the current models. Was using 5D's and 30D's for years... got a 5D mk3 last year, was in freakin heaven, but it's gettin sold down in venezeuela. Lots of import regulations regarding how much cash I can bring into the country (it's damned small)... but a professional photographer traveling with his gear..... ;)

Ah i see. Well the 60d is obviously an advancement to the 30d, 40d, and 50d. :r
i'll need a computer too. My netbook sucks for anything but web surfing.

spectrrr 02-22-2013 01:03 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1798632)
Ah i see. Well the 60d is obviously an advancement to the 30d, 40d, and 50d. :r
i'll need a computer too. My netbook sucks for anything but web surfing.

:fu :tg

ouch, yeah photo editing on a netbook is.... *grimace*

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 01:21 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Yeh. :td
Money Money Money. The PC is last on my list though.

spectrrr 02-22-2013 01:28 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1798636)
Yeh. :td
Money Money Money. The PC is last on my list though.

if you're willing to get a desktop, you can build something powerful enough for short enough money...

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 01:39 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
The guy that works here told me that as long as i had at least 4gb ram, dual core processor of some type, and 750gb HD i'd be ok. He got a small acer from Walmart for $300 that he uses for his editing.

spectrrr 02-22-2013 01:48 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
DONT get 4gb. not enough. you need 8gb.
4gb chokes and crashes photoshop if you have a large enough file and its got a crap ton of layers. been there, done that. and the 18mp files from the 60D would do it.

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 01:52 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1798642)
DONT get 4gb. not enough. you need 8gb.
4gb chokes and crashes photoshop if you have a large enough file and its got a crap ton of layers. been there, done that. and the 18mp files from the 60D would do it.

He's does photography as a side job and uses the 60D and his PC has those specs. Think 4gb would be ok for now if it has space for 8gb? I really don't want Win 8

spectrrr 02-22-2013 02:05 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1798643)
He's does photography as a side job and uses the 60D and his PC has those specs. Think 4gb would be ok for now if it has space for 8gb? I really don't want Win 8

What does Windows 8 have to do with it (and yeah, I don't want that sh!t either). Even windows 7 home basic x64 will allow up to 8gb of RAM.

And yeah, 4gb is enough for now, long as you have space for 8gb.

My guess is that he's never created a really layer intensive file, or tried to open 5+ images at once. You can't imagine the frustration when you work on a file for 20 minutes, got a bunch of layers, and then try to save it and photoshop says that it doesn't have enough memory to save the file. :bh

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 02:10 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I dunno. Win 8 has to deal with i'm limited in my choices by the operating system installed on it too. Alot more choices with win 8 than win 7 right now

spectrrr 02-22-2013 02:12 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1798645)
I dunno. Win 8 has to deal with i'm limited in my choices by the operating system installed on it too. Alot more choices with win 8 than win 7 right now

err yeah... or just build one yourself ;) :tg

There also are a number of system builders that offer models without an operating system preinstalled.

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 02:19 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
yeh but then i gotta pay for an OS. I'm on a very small budget son!

spectrrr 02-22-2013 03:17 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1798647)
yeh but then i gotta pay for an OS. I'm on a very small budget son!

true dat..

derp... just checked my old AR lower that I'm selling (the one I picked up early December)... hammer spring is backwards. Never noticed it before, didn't take that bit apart to clean before...

spectrrr 02-22-2013 03:20 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
now that I suddenly ended up with a complete RED X upper I wasn't expecting to ever show up, I'm thinking I may mate it with that lower and wander down to the gun show Saturday, see if someone wants to give me $1200 for it......

It's this upper, looks pretty nice in person. THICK Bull barrel makes it a little front heavy, but honestly not that bad, especially considering that there was no optic on it to help balance the weight rearward. I'd keep it, but a heavy 16" that s only a carbine gas is not quite my cup of tea. Prefer middy gas in a 16", and a threaded barrel.

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 03:34 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Heck, try for more than $1200. Thats what I got for mine plus about $200 worth of shotgun shells too.

spectrrr 02-22-2013 03:41 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
might be your area... I was having no luck a few weeks ago trying to get $1500 for a 20" tricked out AR, complete with scope, bipod, etc. Granted it was a cheap scope, rail, etc... but still, it looked the part, which is usually enough to hook a sucker or two at a show.

This one... I might have to put my sightmark red dot tub on it in order to "complete the look".

big pete 02-22-2013 10:18 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Think I'm going to the local shop to see how their AR stock is (they had 7-10 two weeks ago). If their stock is low, I may put my gun up for consignment and see if I can get 1600-1700 for it.

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 11:16 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
And poof im poor! Got the 60d kit w/ 18-135mm lens and got a 16gb sdhc card

MurphysLaw 02-22-2013 11:29 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Never heard of that kind of gun :sh

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 11:31 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
:sl stfu we were talking about it last night. Gun related cuz I sold a gun to fund it

spectrrr 02-22-2013 05:55 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Here's a quick pic of the extra children I think I'll try selling tomorrow at the show.


Red-X upper, 16" carbine, 5.56, twist fluted stainless bull barrel, 1/9 (new)
Red-X Auto BCG & Tactical charging handle (new)
CMT TAC billet lower, Firefly/Serenity engraved (new)
Umbrella Corp grip (new)
Core-5 LPK, commercial buffer
VLTOR light carbine stock w/ battery compartments (used)

--Might swap out the umbrella grip for a stock grip. I like the angled look a little better... but figure the umbrella name might carry some weight for a purchaser. Particularly paired with the Serenity lower...

PSA M4 Premium Madness, 16'' CMV CL, 5.56, carbine gas, 1/7 (new)
AR-15 BCG and standard charging handle (lightly used)
Doublestar lower, unknown LPK, commercial buffer (lightly used)
standard grip (new)
Core-5 standard carbine stock, fits a little loose (new)

--Might throw a lightly used carry handle on the PSA upper to give it a full sight picture... and I don't need the handle anyway.
(click for larger)

big pete 02-22-2013 08:11 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Dropped off my AR to the local shop to sell. If it sells, it'll net me a $500 profit that I'll use toward a new build.

They had 5-6 ARs on cosignment but the people were asking a rediculous prices ($3500 and up). The shop said those will be hard to sell

spectrrr 02-22-2013 08:41 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Couple more pics of that RED-X upper:

spectrrr 02-22-2013 08:43 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by big pete (Post 1798977)
Dropped off my AR to the local shop to sell. If it sells, it'll net me a $500 profit that I'll use toward a new build.

They had 5-6 ARs on cosignment but the people were asking a rediculous prices ($3500 and up). The shop said those will be hard to sell

Nice, hope it sells in your area! My area prices have dropped below $1500 for normal AR's now :(

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 09:18 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Nice guns Francis. Like the looks of that Red-X upper.

Well Camera and Lens should be here on Tuesday, just in time for my 2 days off :noon

spectrrr 02-22-2013 09:32 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
nice nice, plenty of time to get to know her :tu

yeah, that red-x upper is pretty nice looking. Funny thing is, if I parted it out and sold each one on gunbroker as parts, the PSA gun would fetch a couple hundred more!!

spectrrr 02-22-2013 09:36 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
That redx upper is brand spankin new.... not sure whether I should run a clip through it in the morning and sell a "tested working" gun... or leave it be and sell a brand new gun....

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 09:37 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
leave it NIB

Chainsaw13 02-22-2013 09:55 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Kentucky Gun Co has the 100rd AR mags in stock. $200

jluck 02-22-2013 09:56 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
I have a trade offer for my S&W.460 mag XVR revolver (with 100 rounds) for a 20" double-star 6.5 Grendel upper with 350 rounds of ammo,five mags, Nikon one piece scope mount and a cheap scope.

A good friend of mine and myself are planning on building grendels for hunting purposes (Four legged) anyway, this sounds like a good load testing and general fun upper.

Your thoughts? would you trade a 1K revolver for the package?

spectrrr 02-22-2013 10:07 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Thinking I'll sell my MINI 14 as well.... keep the mags, sell the gun. Two AR's in the house will be enough for now, and I can always buy another mini later... but it will be nice to have the cash in reserve while I'm in south America.

Don't feel like lugging that around on my should tomorrow though... two ARs will be enough.... I'll probably just post it on gunbroker. Easier to post a mini14 online than it is to post a parts gun.

spectrrr 02-22-2013 10:13 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Crap.. just noticed that both ears on my dog (Lab) are full of pus... trip to the vet in the morning may be in order rather than the gun show.....

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 10:15 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Francis, ever get your ammo shipped?

Sorry bout your dag

spectrrr 02-22-2013 10:21 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
yeah, got the ammo shipped finally. he spent a few minutes looking up regs, and finally took it. had my hand poised on the speedial :)

emopunker2004 02-22-2013 10:34 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1799042)
yeah, got the ammo shipped finally. he spent a few minutes looking up regs, and finally took it. had my hand poised on the speedial :)


spectrrr 02-23-2013 07:37 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
yep, vet scheduled for 11:45, and gun show is an hour away, so no show today! And I've learned that the Sunday show is USELESS for selling... Another show in 2 weeks, but that's an eternity in this market... So possibly off to gunbroker with the parts.

larryinlc 02-23-2013 10:24 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Has anyone here ordered a Henry rifle lately? A friend and myself ordered two 17 hmr Golden Boys last October 6th and they're still not here. I know they were having some production problems with tooling for the 17 hmr and then the hurricane hit, but 5 months seems like a long time. Just wondering if anybody has tried to order anything through Henry lately.


emopunker2004 02-23-2013 11:29 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Is the dag going south with u?

spectrrr 02-23-2013 11:56 AM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
NO.... the dog is a presently a huge problem. He was mom's dog (although I grew up with him), but she was forced to go to assisted living last year. He's a healthy farm raised 12 year old dog, no major health problems (today was his first ever ear infection). Best damned dog I've ever had, well trained, not an ounce of aggression in him. And even at 12 he's still got an 18 hour bladder. Breaks my heart to see him go, but I've got to find him a home. A REAL home, where he'll be loved.

emopunker2004 02-23-2013 12:16 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
That sux bro. I know it's gotta be hard.

fissure 02-23-2013 12:41 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1798994)

Sorry to hear about your dog:(

Beautiful gun. Never looked in to building one and probably never will. What does it cost at non gouger prices to put something like that together? Bought my neighbors DPMS 243 after he passed away at a great price, but might want to get a 223 eventually.

fissure 02-23-2013 12:46 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Did end up picking this up around the first of the year.

MurphysLaw 02-23-2013 03:07 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
New mags finally arrived from Midway

Bondo 287 02-23-2013 03:45 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Sweet ! :tu

dunng 02-23-2013 05:21 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by MurphysLaw (Post 1799307)
New mags finally arrived from Midway

Sweet! Too bad no one can ship them to MA... :MH

spectrrr 02-23-2013 05:39 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by fissure (Post 1799251)
Sorry to hear about your dog:(

Beautiful gun. Never looked in to building one and probably never will. What does it cost at non gouger prices to put something like that together? Bought my neighbors DPMS 243 after he passed away at a great price, but might want to get a 223 eventually.

well, PARTS on that gun were about $1000.
The upper, despite its slick looks which I hope will allow it to tell for a high price, really didn't cost me any more than a normal looking upper.

putting together and upper receiver can be a little tricky from the perspective that it requires a few specific tools. But the lowers are easy to put together without any tools, except maybe a cheap butt stock wrench. you may also want to spend the extra $15 on a "bolt catch pin punch" from brownells... I'm very glad I did for mine, saves you from scratching your new receiver.

elderboy02 02-23-2013 06:29 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
Did a trade yesterday. I met a guy and traded my Remington 700 .22-250 for a Sig P226 9mm :)

spectrrr 02-23-2013 07:16 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.
nice :tu

Wideners had some police trade in P225's for $425 last month... I almost picked up one. Sure it's used, but its a P226! :)

Brian D. 02-23-2013 09:03 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 1799402)
nice :tu

Wideners had some police trade in P225's for $425 last month... I almost picked up one. Sure it's used, but its a P226! :)

Dunno if you made a typo there, but the P225 and P226 are not the same gun. The 225 has a single column magazine, the 226 uses double stack.

If that wasn't a typo chances, are I'm not telling you anything you didn't know already.

emopunker2004 02-23-2013 09:36 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1799443)
Dunno if you made a typo there, but the P225 and P226 are not the same gun. The 225 has a single column magazine, the 226 uses double stack.

If that wasn't a typo chances, are I'm not telling you anything you didn't know already.

I think Wideners did have the 225. It's the same gun pretty much, but as your stated single stack. I believe all the 225s you see for sale used are German police trade-ins.

spectrrr 02-23-2013 10:12 PM

Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Brian D. (Post 1799443)
Dunno if you made a typo there, but the P225 and P226 are not the same gun. The 225 has a single column magazine, the 226 uses double stack.

If that wasn't a typo chances, are I'm not telling you anything you didn't know already.

TYPO. It was a P226 :)

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