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MarkinAZ 03-20-2016 05:52 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Genetic Defect (Post 2080156)

Great looking beef ribs Perry:dr Job well done brother:tu

Genetic Defect 03-20-2016 06:42 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Thank you Mark :)

bugmenot 03-20-2016 06:55 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Smoking a corned beef right now, didn't get to soak it as long as I wanted. The tri tip is gone with no pic...

Genetic Defect 03-20-2016 08:10 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Brisket is ready to go :)

jonumberone 03-21-2016 06:29 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Beef ribs look great! As does the brisket.

Genetic Defect 03-21-2016 12:24 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Thanks Dom:)

Genetic Defect 04-16-2016 08:27 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Burgers and steak getting ready for the smoker

Chainsaw13 04-16-2016 08:37 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I've got a spatchcocked turkey dry brining in the fridge that'll meet the smoker tomorrow.

Genetic Defect 04-16-2016 08:57 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Got a duck and chicken going in tomorrow

Genetic Defect 04-16-2016 09:03 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
1/4 beef franks, duck breast, 1/4 angus pub burgers and 29 oz NY strip steak.

Genetic Defect 04-16-2016 09:04 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Forgot to get pics of the yuengling beer brats

dijit 04-17-2016 04:59 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I think next weekend I introduce the smoker to duck.

Damn I love this channel! 24 hour food p**n :noon

A fat mans fantasy, dream, nightmare.

Chainsaw13 04-17-2016 04:38 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
1 Attachment(s)
Turkey just shy of 7lbs. Spatchcocked and cooked at 225°F for 2:45. :dr

Porch Dweller 04-17-2016 05:05 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Looks tasty!

Genetic Defect 04-17-2016 05:36 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Chicken and duck tried something different with wood.

MarkinAZ 05-22-2016 04:52 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Decided to get the Weber cranked-up and smoke some Tri Tip @ 3:00PST...

jonumberone 05-23-2016 06:52 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Looks good, Mark.

I can't wait for spring to finally get here. :td

Porch Dweller 05-23-2016 03:58 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Maple-mustard ribs.

pnoon 05-23-2016 04:47 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2088907)

Those look great, James.
How about posting up the rub/marinade in the Recipe sub-forum?

Porch Dweller 05-23-2016 06:21 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 2088921)
Those look great, James.
How about posting up the rub/marinade in the Recipe sub-forum?

Thanks, they were delicious. They're a nice alternative to the "standard" rib recipes.

I posted the recipe here.

pnoon 05-23-2016 07:58 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2088931)
Thanks, they were delicious. They're a nice alternative to the "standard" rib recipes.

I posted the recipe here.


Chainsaw13 05-29-2016 06:58 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
1 Attachment(s)
Wild pig shoulder pre-smoke.

Chainsaw13 05-29-2016 06:59 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
1 Attachment(s)
Post smoke.

Genetic Defect 05-29-2016 09:55 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 2089856)
Post smoke.

Looks good and only 1 minute of smoking

Genetic Defect 05-29-2016 11:43 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Spare ribs for today

mosesbotbol 05-30-2016 07:20 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
4 rib single piece of short rib. Put on WSM with Joe Beef Montreal seasoning. No water pan with metal bowl under meat to catch fat. Ran it at 300ish. Came out great.

bugmenot 05-30-2016 09:00 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
1 Attachment(s)
Pork baby backs today.

MarkinAZ 05-30-2016 09:13 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Well, after a review of the last two pages, I think I'm full;)

Good looking BBQ':dr

bugmenot 05-30-2016 05:31 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
1 Attachment(s)
And all ready to go!

Chainsaw13 06-05-2016 05:52 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
1 Attachment(s)
Hot links almost to temp.

G G 06-05-2016 06:03 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I don't have pics, but. I had a friend tell me a while back about grilling London Broil. Looked up some info on it, and tried it on Memorial day. Bought two of them about 2.5 to 3 pounds each. I marinated them with Dales Steak Seasoning for about 16 hours. Bought two cause the wife doesn't like rare or medium rare, so I figured I would cook one a little more than the other. Cooked them on my Pit Barrel Cooker using it as a grill, with Kingsford hickory charcoal, using a chimney to get it going good and hot. Took them off and sliced then thin against the grain and it was a pretty good meal. I will def cook it again for a cheap meal, very tasty.

Commander Quan 06-06-2016 04:49 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Smoked some canadian bacon over the weekend. I also did meatloaf and mac & cheese on the smoker but didn't grab a pic.

tsolomon 06-12-2016 07:36 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
The local Giant had pork shoulder on sale for $0.89 a pound, so this went on the Traeger today. At 10 lbs., it will be the largest one I have smoked. Got pellets at Costco yesterday and they have a new pellet mixture they call the Gourmet Blend of Maple, Hickory and Cherry. It's a 33 pound zip lock bag for $19.95, so I'm giving it try. We will freeze and use the leftovers for tacos and the picadillo for chili relleno. :D

Genetic Defect 07-03-2016 11:49 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Spareribs and beef ribs.

Chainsaw13 07-04-2016 04:43 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Wow Perry, that looks good. :dr :tu

Thawing some wild boar belly, destined for the smoker. Going to make a char sui sauce for it.

Genetic Defect 07-04-2016 07:14 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Chainsaw13 (Post 2093622)
Wow Perry, that looks good. :dr :tu

Thawing some wild boar belly, destined for the smoker. Going to make a char sui sauce for it.

Thanks Bob, made plenty of sauce this time :noon

Chainsaw13 07-04-2016 08:41 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Nice! :tu

Pork belly marinating. Not quite a char sui sauce, but enough good flavors of soy, garlic, five spice. Was at the store for a few things. They had St. Louis cut ribs on sale. Grabbed a couple slabs. One done in five spice and the other traditional BBQ rub. Plan is to fire up the pellet grill around noon, throw on the meat and drink beer, smoke cigars.

Genetic Defect 07-11-2016 03:44 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

pnoon 07-11-2016 04:09 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

AdamJoshua 07-11-2016 09:44 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 2094424)


T.G 09-05-2016 10:10 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
3 Attachment(s)
Was kind of busy yesterday so I didn't have time to fire up and tend to the Santa Maria pit for tri-tip, so instead I smashed up some mesquite lump charcoal and mixed it in with the pellets on my pellet grill. About 30-35% charcoal, the rest Lumberjack Oak-Hickory-Cherry pellets.

Tossed the tri-tip on at 175ish w/ smoke to an IT of 140 (about 4-1/2 hours). Quick finish with the searzall and holy crap, this came out way better than I was expecting.

(the camera in my phone isn't that great, the color is off in the photos, the meat was actually pink, not brown.)

MarkinAZ 09-05-2016 10:46 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
^^^^ Looks delicious and juicy Adam. Big time yum:dr

Dave128 09-06-2016 08:09 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
That looks awesome.

jonumberone 09-07-2016 06:29 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Tri tip looks great, Adam. Interesting idea with the charcoal.
Was it worth the effort? I wonder how much ash the charcoal generated? Enough to worry about it snuffing out the fire on a long cook? Enough that the ash in the cooker would need to be cleaned out after each use?

T.G 09-07-2016 08:22 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Dom, those are solid questions, so here goes...

Worth the effort? I think it was under the circumstances. I wanted the unique gritty flavor that charcoals produce. It wasn't intense like I could get on a webber kettle or burning lump on my santa maria, but it was there. The work involved in making the mix wasn't that much, I had the tail ends of a bag of Lazzari mesquite lump handy and most of what's left in the bag at that point is really small. But there are some extra things to deal with, it's not just as simple as dumping them together. I'll probably do it again, but wouldn't do it for everything.

How much ash... a lot of fine, light ash that gets blown out of the fire cup and all over the bottom of the grill. Smashed up kingsford might be different, this was natural lump.

Snuffing out fire on long cook... Not sure, maybe. There was definately more ash. Might blow enough around that some starts ending up in the bark too.

Cleaned out after every use... Yes. I typically vacuum out my pellet grill after every run anyway, sometimes I skip, but this was definitely a "don't skip the cleanup".

Caveats... If you get a piece of lump that isn't fully charcoal, and has some wood fiber left, and you crush it and it splinters, if one of these splinters works it's way between the auger screw and the auger tube, it could jam the auger. This could result in a blown motor or gearset, in addition to likely ruined food.

Caveats 2... Charcoal doesn't go out that easily. When the pellet grill goes into shutdown mode, it cuts the fuel auger and cranks up the combustion air. The preset time that air runs for is based on tests of how long it takes to burn out pellets. Charcoal on the other hand, might not burn that fast. To shut the grill down and not risk a flameback through the auger tube, I allow it to burn off everything that is in the auger tube. I empty the pellet hopper while it is still running and after I take the food off, I crank the temp to max so that it goes to high feed rate and let it go until it flames out.

jonumberone 09-08-2016 05:45 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Thanks for the insight, Adam.
A little ash on the bark never hurt no one. :D

Chainsaw13 09-14-2016 07:33 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Good deal on charcoal if you need it.

jonumberone 09-19-2016 05:28 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Pushed the capacity limits of the Traeger this weekend.

I've done many whole pigs in the past but never on a smoker.
I did some things right, did some things wrong.
It came out tasty, but there is some room for improvement.

Chainsaw13 09-19-2016 07:20 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Nom, nom, nom....:dr

Porch Dweller 09-19-2016 07:48 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

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