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theycallmedan'lboone 01-12-2009 04:25 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
mastershogun! when the hell did you get here! and who let you in so we can have him flogged!

theycallmedan'lboone 01-13-2009 08:08 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
So if United wins it's next two matches it will be top of the table for the first time this season... way to screw it up rafa.

Don Fernando 01-13-2009 08:14 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Fernando Torres announched that he thinks United will win the league.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-13-2009 08:32 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Torres said united were FAVORED to win the league. geez bloody dutch.

Jason 01-13-2009 12:15 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Pato's 2nd goal aginst Roma Sunday
bird's eye crap quality
closer/tighter at end of run:

The best striker in the world is 18 :D

aldukes 01-13-2009 12:22 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Jason (Post 166450)
Pato's 2nd goal aginst Roma Sunday
bird's eye crap quality
closer/tighter at end of run:

The best striker in the world is 18 :D

thats poor goal keeping. Kitson is the best striker in the world:

and yes, its because we sorta look alike.

Jason 01-13-2009 12:32 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by aldukes (Post 166463)
thats poor goal keeping.

That was my first impression when I saw how he was closed down, then I realized the small hole the kid squeezed the ball through. The impressive part of the goal however is the speed on display, unbelievable. He's gonna be something else, one of the best 18 year olds I've seen

Mr.Italy 01-13-2009 12:37 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
This is a great post. Guys what do you think of Mourinho?

Don Fernando 01-13-2009 12:57 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I got 3 letters for Mourinho ---> ass

theycallmedan'lboone 01-13-2009 01:21 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
aldukey, wouldn't kitson be better if he ever scored?

Mourinho is an incredible coach, but is too hyped in my opinion.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-14-2009 06:20 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Jason (Post 166450)
Pato's 2nd goal aginst Roma Sunday
bird's eye crap quality
closer/tighter at end of run:

The best striker in the world is 18 :D

jason, that angle is insane, at first I was like, seriously? thats not hard at all...then I saw the angle from the left...

Mr.Italy 01-14-2009 07:31 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Pato's goal is exclusively goalkeeper folk. He shoul dnot go down but just stay and wait.

Give alook to IBRAcadabra's goal last night in TIM cup. check at 1.35 minute

Don Fernando 01-14-2009 08:03 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I liked this goal better, but then again I am biased as he scored that goal for Ajax Amsterdam.

Mr.Italy 01-14-2009 09:35 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Impressive.... I look forward to see something like that against manchester United .

theycallmedan'lboone 01-14-2009 09:49 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Fantasy Update:
JDB and I are trying to run away and make it a two Scouse race, as brother pnoon has slipped into the relegation zone(as he predicted).. St Lou Stu is less than 100 points out and Jason just over 100 points off the top. Next season I'll have to not use up all my transfers before February.

osition Team Name Manager Score Info
1 Jdbwolverines Jdbwolverines 814
3 Heritage St. Lou Stu 727
4 SOS FC yayson 699
5 Lakeland Wednesday T. Tripoli 650
6 CS Scousers P NOON 606
7 aldukes aldukes 594
8 Buckeye's Bashers reggiebuckeye 552
9 Leeds Ga. Aracos 522
10 Trudy Tours TTOURS 460

Jason 01-14-2009 10:27 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
noone's seeing the speed up to that goal? just inside 40 yards he pushes the ball WAY too far out in front of him to catch but he does catch it, then does it again. Leaving Mexes for dead on both bursts.

The shot itself is ordinary in comparison, even though I doubt half the strikers at the same level could score from that angle with a keeper making himself large a foot or two in front of them.

Mr Italy, who's your team? It would be just my luck to have a Serie A follower here finally... that supports inter

pnoon 01-14-2009 10:31 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 168558)
Fantasy Update:
. . . as brother pnoon has slipped into the relegation zone(as he predicted)..

Relegation zone already?
How many teams drop down? :D

Don Fernando 01-14-2009 12:28 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Mr.Italy (Post 168537)
Impressive.... I look forward to see something like that against manchester United .

I don't, no matter how much I love Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Cristian Chivu, I hate Italian football and am a Man U fan.

Don Fernando 01-14-2009 12:29 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Jason (Post 168639)

Mr Italy, who's your team? It would be just my luck to have a Serie A follower here finally... that supports inter

I think he is an Inter supporter.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-14-2009 12:55 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
yup jason you have a fellow inter man... and I've been really nice to him so far...

pnoon everybody but the top guy drops...

Jason 01-14-2009 02:17 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 169049)
yup jason you have a fellow inter man... and I've been really nice to him so far...

pnoon everybody but the top guy drops...

fellow? never. Inter are ****

theycallmedan'lboone 01-14-2009 02:45 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I'm glad we agreed somewhere:D

pnoon 01-14-2009 03:07 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 169049)

pnoon everybody but the top guy drops...


theycallmedan'lboone 01-14-2009 07:42 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
seeing as how we're bringing up great goals... guess who?

jason what thinkest thou about 100 million to play for man city?

aldukes 01-14-2009 07:45 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 170098)
seeing as how we're bringing up great goals... guess who?

keep living in the past...

Jason 01-14-2009 08:59 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 170098)
jason what thinkest thou about 100 million to play for man city?

If you can swing me that deal I'll give you half. I scored the first three goals tonight to keep all the Mexican teams rotating off the court, screamers the lot! I look good in sky blue as well.

aldukes 01-14-2009 09:45 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Jason (Post 170341)
If you can swing me that deal I'll give you half. I scored the first three goals tonight to keep all the Mexican teams rotating off the court, screamers the lot! I look good in sky blue as well.

Nice work jason. City will offer you at least 40 mil.

My game was canceled due to the field being frozen. Lambeau it is not.

funnymantrip 01-14-2009 10:12 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
United is in 2nd.. Will be in first by the time Pool draws this weekend. Shocker of the day though, Rooney is out for a bit, and it's not a toe. I hope my faith in Tevez will be rewarded in the next few weeks.

good new commerical for this group.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-15-2009 09:16 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by aldukes (Post 170424)
Nice work jason. City will offer you at least 40 mil.

My game was canceled due to the field being frozen. Lambeau it is not.


My new squad had their first practice last night. IN a few hours I'll post a contest similar to yours sir.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-15-2009 11:11 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Joe, I see you hangin around say somethin useful.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-15-2009 11:39 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
So when Robbie Fowler plays for the Chicago fire, who wants to go watch him play with me?

The Legend Robbie Fowler in My country?!

Jdbwolverines 01-15-2009 01:27 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 171550)
So when Robbie Fowler plays for the Chicago fire, who wants to go watch him play with me?

The Legend Robbie Fowler in My country?!

Given the fact that I live about an hour from Chicago, you can definitely count me in.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-15-2009 01:59 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
sweet, we're crashing at Joes place.

Jason 01-15-2009 04:18 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I'm there if you can assure me an invite to the player party after. I love cocaine.

Mr.Italy 01-16-2009 09:42 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
Well my friends yes I am a fan of Inter and as I was born in England and grow up over there , my hometeam is Manchester United:D

Anyhow I want to say straight that in teh coming Uefa Champions League I will support Inter as I am now over here and of course we will WIN :)

What do you think of City that is going to buy Kaką for 120 millions euro.. you can buy with that money :

5 Ronaldinho Gaucho

500 Ferrari 599 GTB as Cristiano Ronaldo destroyed

11,2 milioni di Bibles

16,8 milioni pampers for Kaką's son

3,3 milioni Manchester City official jersey

1 Boeing 747

380 appartamenti of 100sm in Milano

theycallmedan'lboone 01-16-2009 12:33 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
so what you're saying is, he's a waste?

jason... for your pleasure... I'll ask if he'll bring his own...

Jason 01-16-2009 04:51 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Mr.Italy (Post 173441)
Well my friends yes I am a fan of Inter and as I was born in England and grow up over there , my hometeam is Manchester United:D

Anyhow I want to say straight that in teh coming Uefa Champions League I will support Inter as I am now over here and of course we will WIN :)

What do you think of City that is going to buy Kaką for 120 millions euro.. you can buy with that money :

5 Ronaldinho Gaucho

500 Ferrari 599 GTB as Cristiano Ronaldo destroyed

11,2 milioni di Bibles

16,8 milioni pampers for Kaką's son

3,3 milioni Manchester City official jersey

1 Boeing 747

380 appartamenti of 100sm in Milano

The money is utterly ridiculous and bad for the game. They've upped their offer so high now that apparently Milan would like it, just down to terms with Kaka. I'm sure that boy's between a rock and a hard place, 240 mil for the club he loves? If he goes he's a (an even bigger) club legend, if he stays there will always be that spectre of the money that's not there hanging over his head. If he goes well, he's at Manchester City. Poor guy, horrible thing that couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 173898)
so what you're saying is, he's a waste?

No, I'd love to see him here if he's still fit to run around!

Mr.Italy 01-17-2009 02:36 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I say that it's too much money, Kaką is a great player and very fit. But why City and not R.Madrid ? H ecan decide where to go if he leaves, nowdays it's players that decide I believ.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-17-2009 07:03 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
poor guy. Football is about to kick off here in less than hour. here's hoping Man U drops points.

Don't know if anyone has setanta, but the merseyside derby commercial is AWESOME!

******A contest A contest A khaaaaantest************************
thank you james tiberius.and Aldukey for such an Idea

So my team has started their practizin' for the up and coming season. 10 games, Win loose or draw in these matches. Looks like we're going to have a pretty decent squad. I've never played with any of these people before, and in a brand new division, with teams I've never played against. For a 5er of stogies, What will our record be? 1-8-1?
for the first tie breaker how many goals will I score? 0? 1? 5?* for the second tie breaker how many goals will my defense allow all season?

*the past 2 seasons I've been more like Jamie carragher (NO, NOT AGAINST SPURS) than Vidic, but scored twice in 2 seasons, a 25 yard volley, and a header off a corner. (If I score 10 goals this season, city will offer me 100 million)

aldukes 01-18-2009 10:38 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 175378)
For a 5er of stogies, What will our record be? 1-8-1?
for the first tie breaker how many goals will I score? 0? 1? 5?* for the second tie breaker how many goals will my defense allow all season?

record: 3-5-2
goals: 1
defense allows: 27 goals

my team is throwing a tourney in march- can you get your squad to come up here? we could get some interesting gambling going on around here.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-19-2009 07:38 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I'm no Grobbelaar... but 27 goals allowed!?!!? Aldukey, if you win you're getting cremosas!

Liverpool v everton I hear might be postponed due to snow.... anyone hear otherwise?

Don Fernando 01-19-2009 07:49 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
no, but I heard that City bought Bellamy and agreed with HSV about Nigel de Jong over a transfer, De Jong has to negotiate with City though.

Mr.Italy 01-19-2009 08:14 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
City is going to be the new Chelsea, money money will bring players up there but to win and be a team you need time.

Any special story why arabs bought City?

Don Fernando 01-19-2009 08:32 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
well, Chelsea did win some prizes right?

aldukes 01-19-2009 09:38 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by theycallmedan'lboone (Post 178163)
I'm no Grobbelaar... but 27 goals allowed!?!!? Aldukey, if you win you're getting cremosas!

Liverpool v everton I hear might be postponed due to snow.... anyone hear otherwise?

I apologize for getting my team confused with yours.

theycallmedan'lboone 01-19-2009 03:08 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

great steven gerrard, great, but to concede in the last 3... so frustrating.

St. Lou Stu 01-19-2009 04:32 PM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
I'm puttin a lil run together fellas!
Man, it sure is nice to have some transfers left! ;)

Don Fernando 01-20-2009 12:03 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
thank you Tim Cahill :r

Mr.Italy 01-20-2009 04:06 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 178232)
well, Chelsea did win some prizes right?

Of course yes, but now it seems that Abramovich wants to leave ( news in Italy) so who will take care of them ( MONEY )? The tradition in a team is important anyhow just got nes that Kaką refused the offer of the city!

Woah unbelievable, all that money and he said no...I want a big team. The arabs will be very upset I believe.

Don Fernando 01-20-2009 04:10 AM

Re: The Official Soccer/Football/Futbol/Calcio thr
well, they are cutting in the costs, Ballack's new contract is considerably lower then his current one and that happens everywhere. Benitez wants new players at Liverpool but the board vetoed it and said to sell first to be able to pay for new transfers. Manchester United only ivested in two youngsters. The credit crunch will be good for football, the market will cool down a bit.

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