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JE3146 05-17-2010 11:16 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Who makes these compilations of ideas... and are they going to make a book when this is over? :r

Cus I want to read it... before I rewatch the entire series..... in August :D

OLS 05-18-2010 01:20 PM

Re: LOST Notes
This makes me wonder if anyone will want to watch it over. The producers say that they are
gonna answer all the questions, then they admit that they aren't even gonna scratch the
surface of the answers. People have invested so much time in this thinking it made sense
somehow, and that at the ned they would find out what the hell was actually going on.
But once the last episode has aired and it's just the DVD sales that keep this giant boner
alive in culture, They will find out why you do it right and make people satisfied, fulfilled
and cathartically spent. Who would want a DVD set of how this farce has turned out?
"I wasted 100 hours of my life and all I have to show is this Lost Tshirt."

Mugen910 05-18-2010 01:28 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 862066)
Who makes these compilations of ideas... and are they going to make a book when this is over? :r

Cus I want to read it... before I rewatch the entire series..... in August :D

A friend of mine does a lot of data mining in various forums to compile this list for us Lost fans. It's not all her theories so I doubt she'll be making a book :)

JE3146 05-18-2010 01:37 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 862490)
This makes me wonder if anyone will want to watch it over. The producers say that they are
gonna answer all the questions, then they admit that they aren't even gonna scratch the
surface of the answers. People have invested so much time in this thinking it made sense
somehow, and that at the ned they would find out what the hell was actually going on.
But once the last episode has aired and it's just the DVD sales that keep this giant boner
alive in culture, They will find out why you do it right and make people satisfied, fulfilled
and cathartically spent. Who would want a DVD set of how this farce has turned out?
"I wasted 100 hours of my life and all I have to show is this Lost Tshirt."

You can rest assured knowing I won't spend a cent on the DVD box set compiling all 6 seasons....

I'll be buying the blu-ray set instead :D... ;)

kaisersozei 05-18-2010 02:08 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I guess I'm one of the poor saps who is looking forward to Season 6 on DVD. We already have 1, 2, 4 & 5. I think the series is moving toward a decent conclusion, with enough questions being answered to satisfy me. They're not spoon-fed answers, but I can honestly say that I get what this story has been about.

Cyanide 05-18-2010 04:47 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I have heard that the producers/writers are re-working key episodes and story elements from all six seasons to make the story more cohesive and answer further questions that they original pass through couldn't handle.

Rumours have it that the extra/reworked footage will add up to an average of about 5 minutes per episode, or about 10 hours total never-before-seen footage in the whole 6 season box set.

Cyanide 05-18-2010 04:48 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Sorry if my last comment got people overly excited. In the end, I just made that up.

JE3146 05-18-2010 06:07 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Cyanide (Post 862729)
Sorry if my last comment got people overly excited. In the end, I just made that up.

There's a special place in hell for people like you....


Mugen910 05-20-2010 07:38 AM

Re: LOST Notes
This weekend’s schedule:

1. Saturday 8pm ABC will re-air the pilot episode
2. Sunday 7pm ABC airs a 2-hour recap/ retrospective. 9pm ABC airs the finale episode “The End.” It’s 2.5 hours long, followed by a Jimmy Kimmel: Aloha to Lost show, after the news.
3. Monday start watching the show all over again.

JE3146 05-20-2010 02:19 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 864180)
This weekend’s schedule:

1. Saturday 8pm ABC will re-air the pilot episode
2. Sunday 7pm ABC airs a 2-hour recap/ retrospective. 9pm ABC airs the finale episode “The End.” It’s 2.5 hours long, followed by a Jimmy Kimmel: Aloha to Lost show, after the news.
3. Monday start watching the show all over again.

Anyone else just a tad bit nervous?

PeteSB75 05-20-2010 02:36 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I'm waiting to hear what you guys say about it before I decide to continue watching from where I left off at the end of Season 2.

weak_link 05-20-2010 02:54 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I think Jack is going to get knocked off in the final battle and someone else will have to fill that role.

Tripp 05-20-2010 03:08 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by weak_link (Post 864536)
I think Jack is going to get knocked off in the final battle and someone else will have to fill that role.

My theory at this point is that Jack and all of the other candidates will get killed, and Hurley will become the new Jacob, and Hurley will die in the flash sideways. Then somehow, the 2 universes will merge, so everything will be fine. :2

weak_link 05-20-2010 03:24 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Tripp (Post 864548)
My theory at this point is that Jack and all of the other candidates will get killed, and Hurley will become the new Jacob, and Hurley will die in the flash sideways. Then somehow, the 2 universes will merge, so everything will be fine. :2

My original theory was that Hurley would be 'The Man' so I can buy into that. Except the merge, that's too trippy for me to work it out in my head.

tomc3084 05-20-2010 03:38 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I cannot wait for Sunday's episode....they say it starts at 7:00, so will it be 3 hrs you think?

Tripp 05-20-2010 03:48 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by tomc3084 (Post 864582)
I cannot wait for Sunday's episode....they say it starts at 7:00, so will it be 3 hrs you think?

There's going to be a 2 hour recap at 7, and the 2.5 hour finale is at 9.

JE3146 05-20-2010 04:17 PM

Re: LOST Notes
When this flash sideways thing appeared... I figured there was going to be two things that happened... the sideways would resolve into peace.. and the island would resolve into chaos...

The sideways of course.. only resolves into peace BECAUSE of the flashbacks to an unknown connection and alternate reality.

The viewer will get to choose which is real.

That's my take on it...

3SmokesaRound 05-20-2010 10:21 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Not sure if I have enough room on my DVR for another 6 hours of LOST. Can't freaking wait for it though!

OLS 05-21-2010 07:17 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Tripp (Post 864590)
There's going to be a 2 hour recap at 7, and the 2.5 hour finale is at 9.

Stupida$$ recaps!! Don't they know I have to WORK in the morning. I DID kind of get hooked on the "enhanced episodes" for dummies that explained wtf was going on that I had no clue about. I swear, these graphics say all these things and I go WHAT? WHO? The man in black? Flocke? what show is this. Some of that is kidding. :) But they don't call it LOST for nuthin.

white_s2k 05-23-2010 06:12 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Finale is almost here!!!:tu

Kreth 05-23-2010 06:43 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Dammit, I hate this show! Watched the pilot last night because nothing else was on, now I'm watching the recap. I think we'll be buying some DVDs in the future.
Posted via Mobile Device

Brutus2600 05-23-2010 07:26 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I've given the DVR a little bit of a buffer and I'm getting ready to watch the final episode right now. Pretty excited!

OLS 05-23-2010 07:58 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I think what I love about TV, is that it never changes. Flocke is wrapping up ten feet of rope
on his shoulder in camp or wherever, then as they lower Desmond down, they have a hundred feet.
When they shoot bows and arrows with dynamite, it will have come full circle. OK so Locke is in
Dr. Jack' hands. That's too obvious. But I think it's clear that it's gonna be Hurley in the end. Stay behind, my A$$.

tomc3084 05-23-2010 08:53 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 867349)
I think what I love about TV, is that it never changes. Flocke is wrapping up ten feet of rope
on his shoulder in camp or wherever, then as they lower Desmond down, they have a hundred feet.
When they shoot bows and arrows with dynamite, it will have come full circle. OK so Locke is in
Dr. Jack' hands. That's too obvious. But I think it's clear that it's gonna be Hurley in the end. Stay behind, my A$$.

Wow you guys pick up on things I wouldnt have even thought of if for not seeing this thread

white_s2k 05-23-2010 09:40 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Edited: wait til West Coast catches up!!!

Mugen910 05-23-2010 09:43 PM

Re: LOST Notes
gawd I hope the west coast guys don't read this yet.

white_s2k 05-23-2010 09:44 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 867431)
gawd I hope the west coast guys don't read this yet.

Didn't even think about it.. I'll wait;s

Mugen910 05-23-2010 09:58 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by white_s2k (Post 867433)
Didn't even think about it.. I'll wait;s

It's ok I forget about the west side often ;)

Brutus2600 05-23-2010 09:59 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I'll discuss this tomorrow so the west coasties don't accidentally read this.

P.S. What are you west coasters doing in this thread before the end of series anyway? :p haha

Beagleone 05-23-2010 09:59 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I have comments, but I will wait until tomorrow to write them down here.

tomc3084 05-23-2010 10:06 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I missed the damn thing and I was even posting on this thread while it was on, I am such a dumbass....anyone tape it? I know I can watch it online the day after it airs, but its not the same..FUDGE!

MikeyC 05-23-2010 10:12 PM

Re: LOST Notes
An absolutely awesome series finale. Not all questions were a swedes in the end but I'm still pretty satisfied. In the end the mysteries of the island were less important than a great story about people.

Eleven 05-23-2010 11:30 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Goldie 05-23-2010 11:58 PM

Re: LOST Notes
I wanted to have my questions about the island answered, rather than get such a story about the people. Maybe I'm focusing on the wrong thing?

Skywalker 05-24-2010 12:45 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Were the polar bears dead too???:confused:


JE3146 05-24-2010 12:47 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Goldie (Post 867502)
I wanted to have my questions about the island answered, rather than get such a story about the people. Maybe I'm focusing on the wrong thing?

You missed the big picture... big time.

The ending, while not immediately predictable was obviously rememberable.

And to people focusing on rope lengths... just wow.

JE3146 05-24-2010 12:53 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by tomc3084 (Post 867451)
I missed the damn thing and I was even posting on this thread while it was on, I am such a dumbass....anyone tape it? I know I can watch it online the day after it airs, but its not the same..FUDGE!!v=wSdv...eature=related

kugie 05-24-2010 05:50 AM

Re: LOST Notes
i'm not sure what to think :confused:
I will have to watch it again

Brutus2600 05-24-2010 05:56 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 867505)
You missed the big picture... big time.

The ending, while not immediately predictable was obviously rememberable.

And to people focusing on rope lengths... just wow.

I'm not entirely sure he did miss the big picture. Yes, I realize the finale was saying "oh hey, it's about the people, not about the island" but then why for SIX YEARS have they made it all about the island? Yes there was a great storyline about people and their life's journies, and I did appreciate the finale from that aspect, but the show was also about the island and I think they really didn't finish the show's story by leaving out any sort of explanation about the island :td

SeanGAR 05-24-2010 06:30 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I didn't see the finale ... did the professor finally get them off?


Goldie 05-24-2010 08:51 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 867505)
You missed the big picture... big time.

The ending, while not immediately predictable was obviously rememberable.

And to people focusing on rope lengths... just wow.

Unfortunately, the big picture isn't what has left me with the most questions. I can follow the story line (Sort of I guess, this is Lost after all) , but I would like several things explained in regards to the island, and some of the occurrences that happened. I feel as though the writers were able to brush things under the rug, that LOTS of fans wanted to have explained.

And lots of people have an inquisitive nature, so when we do focus on "rope lengths", that's our right to do so. No need to be brash. Just as it is your right to focus on the bigger picture.

And I have to agree with Brian, for 6 seasons, the show was about the island as a primary, so when they don't explain anything about the island in the finale, it is probably frustrating to a lot of people. I also think a lot of people want closure, where some people want to draw their own conclusion or interpretation, and that's fine. That's what makes us different from each other. But I am a closure person, so I would like things spelled out for me.

But when it's all said and done, the series was amazing, and truly will be hard to out do.


Kreth 05-24-2010 08:55 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Posted via Mobile Device

dannysguitar 05-24-2010 09:04 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I kinda feel the same way. The island story was kinda resolved. Hurley was left in charge until he dies, and so on. I just can't wrap my head around all of the questions I still have about the island and it's mythical properties. I guess in the end the show was a story about Jack and his redemption. The rest was just extra stuff to keep us entertained in the meantime...

Beagleone 05-24-2010 09:07 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I think the Simpsons said it best last night with this opening sequence:

Seriously, I did have to grapple with it in my mind for a while, but I do get it. The show ends as it begins and it made some sense to me. It was about choice and it was Jack who had to make that choice, something they hinted at all season long: Jack had to let go. Rose said that to him in the first episode this season and several others said it in one way or another. The producers already knew that not all of the questions would be answered, but that will fuel the debate of "Lost" for years to come.

weak_link 05-24-2010 09:41 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 867569)
I'm not entirely sure he did miss the big picture. Yes, I realize the finale was saying "oh hey, it's about the people, not about the island" but then why for SIX YEARS have they made it all about the island? Yes there was a great storyline about people and their life's journies, and I did appreciate the finale from that aspect, but the show was also about the island and I think they really didn't finish the show's story by leaving out any sort of explanation about the island :td


1-10 I give it a 4.5.

At least we know that Vincent is the grim reaper.

Eleven 05-24-2010 10:04 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Now that I have had time to think about it, I get *most* of it.

Ben's ending confused me a little, and why were some of the Losties left out of the Church reunion? Like Ann Lucia? I have to look again, but was Daniel in the Church? Desmond told his mother that Daniel wasn't coming with them if I recall correctly.

I'm OK with not being told the entire story/history/reason for the Island itself, it allows for speculation.

And now that I think of it, the best part of all were the scenes as the credits ran. I have to go back and look at those closely. At first I thought it was a look at the first Oceanic crash, the scenes from the First Episode, but now I think it was actually the plane that had Lapidus, Kate, Sawyer and the others on it.

Can't wait on the detailed notes to show up here.

JE3146 05-24-2010 10:38 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 867801)
Now that I have had time to think about it, I get *most* of it.

Ben's ending confused me a little, and why were some of the Losties left out of the Church reunion? Like Ann Lucia? I have to look again, but was Daniel in the Church? Desmond told his mother that Daniel wasn't coming with them if I recall correctly.

I'm OK with not being told the entire story/history/reason for the Island itself, it allows for speculation.

And now that I think of it, the best part of all were the scenes as the credits ran. I have to go back and look at those closely. At first I thought it was a look at the first Oceanic crash, the scenes from the First Episode, but now I think it was actually the plane that had Lapidus, Kate, Sawyer and the others on it.

Can't wait on the detailed notes to show up here.

You'll notice every person 'found' each other before 'leaving.'

The obvious destiny of Daniel was to be with Charlotte, but both were never truly together, whether separated by time, space or death.

Each person found happiness. They found resolve and they proceeded onward. Not every person had resolve yet, and as Hurley pointed out, Anna Lucia wasn't 'ready' yet.

I didn't see Michael and Walt in that room either. I didn't see Charle's Widmore either, so I'm hoping neither of them will show up in a repeat viewing and blow my idea to hell, which is entirely possible.

And for the record, the Target commercials were genius. :r

JE3146 05-24-2010 10:41 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by dannysguitar (Post 867740)
I kinda feel the same way. The island story was kinda resolved. Hurley was left in charge until he dies, and so on. I just can't wrap my head around all of the questions I still have about the island and it's mythical properties. I guess in the end the show was a story about Jack and his redemption. The rest was just extra stuff to keep us entertained in the meantime...

Groups of people inhabited the island for decades/centuries looking for clues to the island's mysteries. To the people protecting it, it boiled down to Faith.

dannysguitar 05-24-2010 11:00 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by JE3146 (Post 867827)
Groups of people inhabited the island for decades/centuries looking for clues to the island's mysteries. To the people protecting it, it boiled down to Faith.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I wonder how Jacob got off the Island all the time....

Volt 05-24-2010 11:08 AM

Re: LOST Notes
So, I have never seen an issue of Lost, what did I miss?

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