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Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
WoW, watched the new episode last night. Haha, that was great. I think it's fair to say that the line of the night
was OLIVE OYL, lololol. I know it's TV editing, but how FAST is freaking Rick on the draw, haha. And Lori, maybe she is dead, but then again, I have been reading the "Survivor's Guide" for Walking Dead, and "that's not the way she dies." But if the comics had any bearing, Shane would be DEAD now and never MET the people at the Greene's Farm. Carl shot his a55 in the neck for threatening his daddy....Round about the day they saw the deer. I have provided a link to the comics and the Survivor's Guide to many here in PMs. If you would like it, just PM me. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Yes and no...The comic book and the series have not shared enough details to spoil anything that I can think of.
Secondly I am ALWAYS the last person to see something, so there is no one left to spoil anything for. :ro C.) I did not say how Lori is supposed to die. D.) Rick being a fast drawer is not a spoiler. E.) Shane being shot in the neck in the comics in what would be 5 episodes ago or so is not a spoiler for the show where he is currently alive and well, lol. But I did think of writing my thoughts in beige and will now do that from here on out. All that said, this thread may be in use years into the future where the whole thing will be one big spoiler, so like some have said before, these threads are not like threads on Walking Dead forums....read all of it at your own risk. I just now watched the entire Spartacus B&S show in a week, LONG after it aired. I just didn't read into the thread too far while I was watching it but did dabble in it some. But I guess a couple days after the show IS TOO EARLY for me to say much. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
skull while they are in her own family's house. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Great episode! The only thing that has bugged me from the beginning is they let lay tons of military weapons and keep using the commercial crap! Oh the zombies I would tear up with M4's laying all over :sl
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Not sure what you mean. Have you seen weapons go unused? Where and by whom?
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
This whole spoiler thing is getting silly. If the episode has aired, then I think we should talk about anything we want. If people don't want something spoiled they should not go read a TV show thread the day after an episode airs.
And let's also stop talking about the comic, this thread is for the TV show. The last episode was okay to me. The Lori stuff was dumb. The arm falling off the truck was dumb. Really, the only scene I liked was at the bar, that was awesome. I think Hershel will start to become more in the mix. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
:noon:noon |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I like how the season has started so far.
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Example: when they roll back into town (1st season - one of the last episodes)to grab the bag of crappy ass commercial shot guns there’s dead troops all over even and M1 Abrams tank! Also happened when they are running out of the CDC building there were M4's/ M2's and M1 Abrams and I think Stryker sitting around! What do they do...they get back in there old busted up jeeps! I can recall many other moments be these are the big ones! With all that fire power sitting around it would have been like Mac from my favorite scene in Predator with the GE mini gun “ I am gonna have me some fun, I am gonna have me some fun” as I am mowing down Walkers with L40 hanging out of my pie hole! LOL -(P |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Rick Grimes is a badass. Nice signature moment, long overdue. :gn
And since he was "thinking about the baby," as he told Olive Oyl, there won't be any of his usual anguish & remorse. Plus, he just protected Hershel and his family from an onslaught of unsavory bandit-types, so that oughta buy him a few favors. However, watch out for the rest of the unsavory bandit-types, who are likely prowling around and will eventually find their buddies in the bar. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
It was the perfect shot. And so floppy and real-looking. I would agree that the Lori storyline during that episode was nearly useless. It also seems to me that it's only there as a 'vehicle' for her to lose her baby. The bar scene was really tense, it had me squirmin. But the ARM falling off the truck?? COME ON. That was GREAT. :) |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
entire dead army on the ground unless the bullets had run out. These zombies are not trying out for the NFL combine. They shamble. So unless you are out of ammo, you do not drop your rifle. I doubt seriously that there was a single round in any of those rifles. YOUR MIND has you thinking more like a war movie, like bammo, head shot, man drops rifle with a full clip in it. Nope. haha And to Irratebass, I THOUGHT maybe that's what you were getting at about the comic. But once you added the eye roll, all bets were off, lol.. It am all guud. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Looks Like A Lot Of Action & Zombie Killing' From Next Weeks' Preview! :banger
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
episode ws over and finally someone had cracked down on Lori for basically putting her foot in her mouth. On the main, yes, she was within her rights to ask someone from the group to go out there and do her bidding, but it's almost like she was the only one that didn't come full circle once that Sophia came shambling out of the barn. EVERYONE else basically said, "Well that was a wasted month". For her to act as if Darryl owed her any more pin the tail on the donkey runs was assinine. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Not to over complicate things, but the basic battle load of ammo is 210 rounds or 7/ 30 round mags.(not even assuming there isn't spare ammo for the M4's and SAW LMG in the vehicles) Lets say they have 50% kill ratio, ok there should be 105 down walkers per solider with that being said 10 soldiers should be able to drop 1050 walkers!! The scene's dont reflect that, I would bet they let them get to close and they had them for lunch lol so the rifles & ammo pouches shouldn't all be empty. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I watch the show because it's entertaining! :rolleyes:
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Can't wait for next weeks episode! I love this show.
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Really loved the ending to that episode.
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
whole series, then he SEES what the walkers really are and it humbles him. Then he SEES Rick in the bar try and protect what little peace and annonymity he still has left with a bullet out of his speedy revolver and well-lubed holster. That ought to buy some respect and understanding indeed. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
But again, I just don't see a soldier letting a walker shamble up to him if he had rounds available. If they worked as a team or as a wall of fire (base of fire anyway) they should not have walkers getting nibbles on them. No way. I totally agree that if a MP5 or any kind of automatic weapon was lying there, you'd be crazy not to upgrade. Of course a shotgun is more useful for ensuring a head shot when it counts. And they do not show any scenes of Rick picking up and checking any weapons. I think he is like me, not worth a look since everyone with a gun is dead. I DO UNDERSTAND the basic idea you are putting forth. It's like the bi+(h in the scary movie putting down a knife. I'm like, what, did you need a spare hand to scream with? Pick up the weapon, idiot. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Couple that with the movie I just watched the other night "The Dead"....Africa is over-run with zombies. A new
twist on zombie movies. And they are EVERYWHERE. There is hardly a scen in the movie withut one slow-walking. The last white man on the continent it seems is in a plane crash, he waked up on the beach, get's a gun and a mag. He walks off. Later he runs into a dead soldier. I would have taken ten minutes searching every pocket that man had for more rounds, AND taken the pistol in his web gear. BUT NOOOoooooo. They never do, do they? |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
If you like the zombie genre, as you must, you are in this thread, then yes, if it's a buck for a rental, sure watch it. It is not a bad movie. Just the setting itself is interesting. However, I was constantly wondering, "Where are the animals?" There are two animals in the movie, both chickens. You see the protag. walking around and you think, that MF better watch out or a leopard is gonna get him. And you know that animals are faster than zombies, so surely they are SOMEWHERE. But not a one. Maybe putting animals in a movie like this would have cost too much. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
:tu |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Now keep in mind I am referring, with my thread-jacking ways, to a movie called The Dead in that statement.
But yeah, where ARE the animals in TWD? Surely a dog is faster than a zombie. Maybe they get em when they are asleep. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Was thinking about this, but wouldn't the dog by bitting them infect himself? If not I would take my Weimeraner over anyone in the group to stand gaurd at night. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I say we draft a letter to the producer demanding answer! :r:r 1. Were the dog 2. Why aren’t they picking up the military’s weapons? 3…. 4…. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I am watching the show again tonight, withdrawals mostly. But I noticed a couple things I wasn't thinking about.
A.) not only did Rick kind of set Herschell to thinking right, it slipped my thought process that he also saved his life. Herschell would not have taken them to the farm, they'd have killed him, either outright or when he refused to take them to his home. B.) This whole Lori storyline kind of pi55es me off now. Because we have to deal with the whole drama of this and how it works out. She wrecks one of the Greene's cars. She hurts herself badly. They have to sit there and mope around while SHE goes through a recovery. i.e.....more wasted time. Of course there are some that say "Why do you think hanging at the farm is wasting time? Going back on the road is just going to get people killed." Duh...that's what makes the show exciting, haha. And the whole conflict dynamic of get the hell out/no, we want to say is show-stuff, too. I just like it out onthe road better. I guess we'll see. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
I like it out on the road better. While the farm has been nice...it's getting old. MORE ZOMBIES ON THE ROAD!!!
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
With Mac on this one, time for new scenery
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Nice episode tonight. Looks like Shane and Rick are going to go at it next week. Still disappointed that there are minimal zombies. All of the sudden, Rick is turning into a bad-a$$...it's about time.
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Great episode tonight!:tu
The preview for next week looks very interesting!!!:tu:tu |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Last night's episode was pretty stellar, other than Lori's stupid sh!t, sorry I didn't like her in the comic and I don't like here on the show. Pretty intense scene outside the bar eh? I would have left though. Now we have Maggie and Glenn's drama :hn Next episode between Rick & Shane is something I have been waiting for. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Oh joy, I get to go home and burn last week and this week onto a disc and then watch this week in glorious
zombie-slurping surround sound. Glip, glop slurp, slap, chop, blam, gurgle. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Great episode! Plenty of zombies and tense moments.
I'm not as hard on Lori as seems to be the common opinion. I thought she matured, toughened up and lost a good bit of her naivety this episode, she was resourceful and forceful in killing those two zombies and, instead of whining in the fetal position waiting to be rescued afterwards, she continued to try and find Rick. Other than Andrea, none of the other women of the group have been as independent and assertive. As far as what I could see happening, I think once they find Merle (which I can not wait for) we could see an alliance of the "hard@sses/end-justifies-the-means" group of Merle, Shane and Andrea against the "keeping our humanity/moral code" people of Rick, Glenn, Dale and Daryl. After all, that's what the show is really about, right? It asks the audience is it the question of surviving at all costs or is how you survive important? :2 |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
Interesting, I wonder if Merle is the "leader" of this other pack :hm |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
And once again, we see that you have to get into town to find any zombies. Good show. A lot of dark show
which I don't much care for. I like to see my TV. But man, what a parallel to Game of Thrones, with Lori the Hori whispering from behind Rick about Shane, planting the seed. There was a stretch of 5-8 minutes where every man in the show put their women down with a frown. The men all left the room and left their women with mouths agape. Interesting that in the end, the polarizing women both basically laid out what they intend their men to do for them. And man is it headed for a showdown. |
Re: Walking Dead Season 2
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