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Addiction 10-21-2009 03:13 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

I don't care about country of orgin, but that may be mostly because I don't even track the 5 or 6 sticks I own where it would matter lol. Also on the Cuban side you are missing the Vegas Robaina 5th Anniversary humi sticks and the Jubilaums Edition sticks.

KenS 10-21-2009 05:31 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 610951)

I don't care about country of orgin, but that may be mostly because I don't even track the 5 or 6 sticks I own where it would matter lol. Also on the Cuban side you are missing the Vegas Robaina 5th Anniversary humi sticks and the Jubilaums Edition sticks.

Probably because I don't own any:)

oh, ok, I'll get them added :tu

SilverFox 10-21-2009 05:33 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Said it before Ken but this app is my number one app.

Especially now that I have the Aristocrat, one it makes keeping track easier and two I can now get to the things that are on the list.

Thank you for an exceptional product.

KenS 10-21-2009 05:45 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 611124)
Said it before Ken but this app is my number one app.

Especially now that I have the Aristocrat, one it makes keeping track easier and two I can now get to the things that are on the list.

Thank you for an exceptional product.

I'm just about done with the next version now. Main additions are a 'move between humidors' capability and a feature to email your entire inventory (or any subset of your inventory). Just a few user interface tweaks and some testing remain. Probably submit to apple this weekend.

Thanks for the continued support :tu

SilverFox 10-21-2009 07:05 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 611138)
I'm just about done with the next version now. Main additions are a 'move between humidors' capability and a feature to email your entire inventory (or any subset of your inventory). Just a few user interface tweaks and some testing remain. Probably submit to apple this weekend.

Thanks for the continued support :tu

Man you beat me to it.

I was just going to ask if you could set up a mailing function to be able to mail a CSV file to yourself.

I think I will head on over to the other board I am on and post up a thread on your app.

Thanks for all your hard work Ken

AngryBill 10-21-2009 07:37 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
LOVe the app...

KenS 10-21-2009 08:08 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 611288)
Man you beat me to it.

I was just going to ask if you could set up a mailing function to be able to mail a CSV file to yourself.

I think I will head on over to the other board I am on and post up a thread on your app.

Thanks for all your hard work Ken

Yep, it sends the email with a csv attachment :tu

earnold25 10-22-2009 09:24 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
this thread is getting huge, and I'm sorry if I'm asking something that has been gone over in one of the 20+ pages.

Would anyone besides me think having a "random cigar selector" for helping figure out what to smoke be a cool feature? Ken, would this even be possible? Maybe even utilizing the iphone's motion sensitivity by shaking it? :)

KenS 10-22-2009 11:28 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by earnold25 (Post 612217)
this thread is getting huge, and I'm sorry if I'm asking something that has been gone over in one of the 20+ pages.

Would anyone besides me think having a "random cigar selector" for helping figure out what to smoke be a cool feature? Ken, would this even be possible? Maybe even utilizing the iphone's motion sensitivity by shaking it? :)

That code is already done :). It will be in the next release as well. Give the phone a shake, and it pops up a random cigar from your inventory. I had a technical glitch at the last minute, so commented out the code when I release that last version. And no, I don't think this was discussed in earlier parts of the thread. I was keeping it as a surprise :ss

KenS 10-22-2009 11:38 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 610951)

I don't care about country of orgin, but that may be mostly because I don't even track the 5 or 6 sticks I own where it would matter lol. Also on the Cuban side you are missing the Vegas Robaina 5th Anniversary humi sticks and the Jubilaums Edition sticks.

Done...tap yer update button :tu

earnold25 10-22-2009 11:59 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 612404)
That code is already done :). It will be in the next release as well. Give the phone a shake, and it pops up a random cigar from your inventory. I had a technical glitch at the last minute, so commented out the code when I release that last version. And no, I don't think this was discussed in earlier parts of the thread. I was keeping it as a surprise :ss

well shoot. great timing :) thanks Ken!

MNSmoker 10-23-2009 07:46 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

First off great job with this app, I absolutely love it. I just purchased this last night and I have a couple of questions/recommendations after toying around with it for a little bit.

-Is there a way that you can add a 4 digit passcode feature to gain access to the app?
-Is there a way that you can differentiate between cuban cigars that are current production and those that are discontinued? Also, maybe even a separate way to recognize the limited edition or regional edition cigars. A nice way to do that would be to use separate font colors, or to group the cigar types together under separate headers (example:
-If a cigar is discontinued, it would be nice to see the year that the cigar was discontinued rather than the word Yes.
-Is there a way to add the year that the cigar came into production?
-Is there a way that you can add packaging types to current production cuban cigars?

Thanks again Ken.

Addiction 10-23-2009 07:51 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

I just noticed something. When I use the smoke one button if that selection is reduced to zero it doesn't remove it, it just shows 0 left in that box. Is that supposed to happen?

Also is there an easy way to transfer things to a "smoked" list so you can see what you have smoked and bought over the years.

KenS 10-24-2009 06:58 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by MNSmoker (Post 614790)

First off great job with this app, I absolutely love it. I just purchased this last night and I have a couple of questions/recommendations after toying around with it for a little bit.

-Is there a way that you can add a 4 digit passcode feature to gain access to the app?

I'm sure there's a way; I'll take a look at what it would take; haven't really considered that before, but I understand a couple of scenarios where that would be desirable ;)


-Is there a way that you can differentiate between cuban cigars that are current production and those that are discontinued? Also, maybe even a separate way to recognize the limited edition or regional edition cigars. A nice way to do that would be to use separate font colors, or to group the cigar types together under separate headers (example:
Yes, I did this in the original web version of Mobile Stogie (which still exists, by the way, at this link. Is that what you have in mind?


-If a cigar is discontinued, it would be nice to see the year that the cigar was discontinued rather than the word Yes.
-Is there a way to add the year that the cigar came into production?
-Is there a way that you can add packaging types to current production cuban cigars?
Each of these presents some challenges in terms of maintenance (as well as mostly being relevant to Cuban cigars). I honestly never intended Mobile Stogie to become "the" definitive reference, but more focused on the inventory capabilities. Already, I'm sure the reference info around the 'discontinued' status is not 100% accurate. But, having said that, it is also clear that people are using this as a reference more than I expected. Let me see what I can do on these; I'll add 'em to the list ;)

KenS 10-24-2009 07:02 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 614798)

I just noticed something. When I use the smoke one button if that selection is reduced to zero it doesn't remove it, it just shows 0 left in that box. Is that supposed to happen?

I've toyed around with this, but wanted to keep it simple so left it as just reducing the quantity to 0 (but it won't go below that ;)). Often when I smoke the last of a cigar entry, I just tap the delete button to get it out of my humidor. But if you want to keep the record, and add notes or something, then you could edit the record and change the humidor to "smoked". This refers to current version...


Also is there an easy way to transfer things to a "smoked" list so you can see what you have smoked and bought over the years.
In the next version I'm shipping this weekend, there will be a 'transfer' capability that will make this easier. I'll describe that in more detail after I get the testing done and ship it off to Apple...

MNSmoker 10-24-2009 10:40 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 615214)
I'm sure there's a way; I'll take a look at what it would take; haven't really considered that before, but I understand a couple of scenarios where that would be desirable ;)

There's a free app called Lose it! that you can check out that offers this feature. I think it would be a nice option to have for your app.


Originally Posted by KenS (Post 615214)
Yes, I did this in the original web version of Mobile Stogie (which still exists, by the way, at this link. Is that what you have in mind?

Yes, that's exactly what I had in mind. I understand what you're saying about not intending for this program to be used as a reference tool, but that's one of the big things that I would like out of it. :D

Thanks again Ken. :tu

KenS 10-30-2009 06:58 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Well, it took a little longer than expected, but I finally got the next version of Mobile Stogie submitted to the app store. Hopefully, the review process will be reasonable, and this should be available in a week or so. It will show up as Version 1.8.6 (current release is 1.7.0).

What's new:
  • Added capability to email cigar inventory data
  • Added capability to move cigars between humidors
  • Added 'shake to select random cigar' feature
  • User interface tweaks
  • Code optimization to reduce memory needs and to increase speed
  • Added hundreds of cigars to the default database

When I get a few minutes, I'll post some "use cases" to highlight how some of the new features can make things easier, especially for those of us who move cigars around (pifs, bombs, trades, herfs, etc.)

aich75013 10-30-2009 07:46 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 623863)
Well, it took a little longer than expected, but I finally got the next version of Mobile Stogie submitted to the app store.

Thanks Ken. Looks like a good list of features. Thanks for working on this.

(I have another app where the programmer has been promising an update since I got the app in February. Still waiting for all of the feature updates.)

McSmokey 10-30-2009 08:27 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Good news Ken can't wait for the release a lo of great features in this one

GoldnGT 10-30-2009 08:28 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 623863)
Well, it took a little longer than expected, but I finally got the next version of Mobile Stogie submitted to the app store. Hopefully, the review process will be reasonable, and this should be available in a week or so. It will show up as Version 1.8.6 (current release is 1.7.0).

What's new:
  • Added capability to email cigar inventory data
  • Added capability to move cigars between humidors
  • Added 'shake to select random cigar' feature
  • User interface tweaks
  • Code optimization to reduce memory needs and to increase speed
  • Added hundreds of cigars to the default database

When I get a few minutes, I'll post some "use cases" to highlight how some of the new features can make things easier, especially for those of us who move cigars around (pifs, bombs, trades, herfs, etc.)


Blueface 10-30-2009 08:47 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 623863)
Well, it took a little longer than expected, but I finally got the next version of Mobile Stogie submitted to the app store. Hopefully, the review process will be reasonable, and this should be available in a week or so. It will show up as Version 1.8.6 (current release is 1.7.0).

What's new:
  • Added capability to email cigar inventory data
  • Added capability to move cigars between humidors
  • Added 'shake to select random cigar' feature
  • User interface tweaks
  • Code optimization to reduce memory needs and to increase speed
  • Added hundreds of cigars to the default database

When I get a few minutes, I'll post some "use cases" to highlight how some of the new features can make things easier, especially for those of us who move cigars around (pifs, bombs, trades, herfs, etc.)

I had downloaded the application when you first posted it here and became available.
Frankly, been so busy, had not had time to toy with it since then.
Last night, while sweating watching the Yankees, I messed with it and did some updates.
Great new features added to it since I last used it.
Can't wait to see these latest updates.
Nice job.

Addiction 10-31-2009 09:32 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Ken can you add the SLR Pacifico please.

SilverFox 10-31-2009 11:12 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 614798)

I just noticed something. When I use the smoke one button if that selection is reduced to zero it doesn't remove it, it just shows 0 left in that box. Is that supposed to happen?

Also is there an easy way to transfer things to a "smoked" list so you can see what you have smoked and bought over the years.

Ok this is one I would be interested in.

LasciviousXXX 11-01-2009 12:29 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

I just want you to know bro, that I would be willing to pay for occassional upgrades. I don't know about the majority of the users but I don't mind paying now and again for upgrades since I know they require a bit of work on your part.

Kudos :tu

KenS 11-01-2009 06:17 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 626188)
Ken can you add the SLR Pacifico please.

Yep, it's added now.
I'm thinking of a new model for adding cigars: to have a cigar added, you'd need to send me one, so I could do appropriate tests and measurements to ensure accuracy :ss

ok, maybe not ;)

KenS 11-01-2009 06:25 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 626311)

I just want you to know bro, that I would be willing to pay for occassional upgrades. I don't know about the majority of the users but I don't mind paying now and again for upgrades since I know they require a bit of work on your part.

Kudos :tu

Thanks for the support, but right now the app store doesn't easily support the concept of paid upgrades. They allow "in app purchases", with which I could enable a "pay $$ for expanded features" kind of model, but to me it feels like nickel and diming people. If they ever did the true paid upgrade model, I might take advantage of that to offset the work for a major feature upgrade, but it's working fine for me now, since it's just a hobby anyway.

I do appreciate the support and feedback from CA members though :tu

Addiction 11-02-2009 09:41 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 626392)
Yep, it's added now.
I'm thinking of a new model for adding cigars: to have a cigar added, you'd need to send me one, so I could do appropriate tests and measurements to ensure accuracy :ss

ok, maybe not ;)

Well being that thanks to you I now have a method for tracking my cigar collection I'm sure SOMETHING could be worked out lol. Oh and as for the SLR Pacifico unless you are a SLR kinda dood you won't like it, it wasn't great to me.

Addiction 11-03-2009 11:42 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

How about something where I can sort my cigars based on the rating?

KenS 11-03-2009 02:43 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Addiction (Post 629591)

How about something where I can sort my cigars based on the rating?

Ok, let me get that added :)

SilverFox 11-03-2009 03:01 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 626392)
Yep, it's added now.
I'm thinking of a new model for adding cigars: to have a cigar added, you'd need to send me one, so I could do appropriate tests and measurements to ensure accuracy :ss

ok, maybe not ;)

Ok done..................but I need your addie :D

KenS 11-03-2009 03:04 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 629864)
Ok done..................but I need your addie :D

But you already have my ... er ...

uh oh :rolleyes:

SilverFox 11-03-2009 03:05 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 629869)
But you already have my ... er ...

uh oh :rolleyes:

So of course that means those sticks will be added :D

KenS 11-03-2009 03:07 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 629871)
So of course that means those sticks will be added :D

if they aren't already in the database, then:

1. I will fully test them to ensure data accuracy
2. I will seek shelter


longknocker 11-03-2009 04:38 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 629877)
if they aren't already in the database, then:

1. I will fully test them to ensure data accuracy
2. I will seek shelter


You Can't Run From "The Fox", Ken!:tu:r

romwarrior 11-05-2009 09:11 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
I bought this app yesterday. It is sweet!


Originally Posted by KenS (Post 623863)
What's new:
  • Added capability to email cigar inventory data

Very nice! Feature request - I would love for a way to import data if we wanted to edit it on a computer.

And just throwing out another vote for a better way (than using the "Smoked" humi) to keep track of smoked cigars!

Thanks for the great app!!

GoldnGT 11-09-2009 08:33 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 623863)
Well, it took a little longer than expected, but I finally got the next version of Mobile Stogie submitted to the app store. Hopefully, the review process will be reasonable, and this should be available in a week or so. It will show up as Version 1.8.6 (current release is 1.7.0).

What's new:
  • Added capability to email cigar inventory data
  • Added capability to move cigars between humidors
  • Added 'shake to select random cigar' feature
  • User interface tweaks
  • Code optimization to reduce memory needs and to increase speed
  • Added hundreds of cigars to the default database

When I get a few minutes, I'll post some "use cases" to highlight how some of the new features can make things easier, especially for those of us who move cigars around (pifs, bombs, trades, herfs, etc.)

Any light at the end of the tunnel as when this will be approved? I haven't seen them take over a week to approve and we've hit that point! :( I know you don't have control.. just wanted to vent about Apple's slow approval process.

Mr.Maduro 11-09-2009 08:46 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Will this be available for the Motorola Droid for verizon?


massphatness 11-09-2009 09:37 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by GoldnGT (Post 637947)
Any light at the end of the tunnel as when this will be approved? I haven't seen them take over a week to approve and we've hit that point! :( I know you don't have control.. just wanted to vent about Apple's slow approval process.

The last update took a while to get through Apple's process too from what I can remember. Not Ken's issue, but this isn't a one-time thing. The only reason I remember is becasue the last update included the "Smoke 1" update that I was itching for, and I was checking the store for updates daily for about 10 days (maybe more).

romwarrior 11-09-2009 09:44 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 637966)
Will this be available for the Motorola Droid for verizon?


As of right now Ken is only doing an iPhone version.

Blueface 11-09-2009 09:51 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 637966)
Will this be available for the Motorola Droid for verizon?



I saw your "I will be getting a Droid on the 12th post".

KenS 11-09-2009 09:58 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by GoldnGT (Post 637947)
Any light at the end of the tunnel as when this will be approved? I haven't seen them take over a week to approve and we've hit that point! :( I know you don't have control.. just wanted to vent about Apple's slow approval process.

I've yet to see them approve anything within a week. Depending on volume of apps (always increasing), I typically see between 1 and 2 weeks to approve. Plenty of horror stories of developers getting into several months of limbo as well, but (knock on wood) I haven't had that happen yet. I'm guessing sometime this week.

KenS 11-09-2009 10:03 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by romwarrior (Post 638072)
As of right now Ken is only doing an iPhone version.

Actually I have started to look at the Android platform, but mostly as a curiosity at the moment. I seriously doubt that I'll have the time to learn and develop on a 2nd platform. The only reason I even look at it is that I'm sick to death of AT&T. I really like my iPhone, but I have enough issues with AT&T to consider alternatives. To me, the Android platform will best be remembered as the competition that drove Apple to fix the AT&T problem, and hopefully continue to drive innovation forward as well.

Resipsa 11-09-2009 10:07 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Ken any chance of getting a landscape mode?

KenS 11-09-2009 10:36 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 638107)
Ken any chance of getting a landscape mode?

It's a little tricky to use landscape mode for apps with a "Tab Bar" (the bottom of the screen with the different sections of the app), but it can be done. Is there a particular view that you think would benefit from landscape mode?

tenbaseg 11-09-2009 01:24 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 638101)
Actually I have started to look at the Android platform, but mostly as a curiosity at the moment. I seriously doubt that I'll have the time to learn and develop on a 2nd platform. The only reason I even look at it is that I'm sick to death of AT&T. I really like my iPhone, but I have enough issues with AT&T to consider alternatives. To me, the Android platform will best be remembered as the competition that drove Apple to fix the AT&T problem, and hopefully continue to drive innovation forward as well.

There's some strong rumors out there in the last day or two about the iPhone porting to Verizon. Nothing firm, but something to watch.

sikk50 11-09-2009 02:19 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!
Missing the CAO Brazillia Anaconda.

How are the taboos coming?

romwarrior 11-09-2009 09:03 PM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by tenbaseg (Post 638338)
There's some strong rumors out there in the last day or two about the iPhone porting to Verizon. Nothing firm, but something to watch.

Would be pretty surprising considering Verizon's current ad campaign for the Droid, but you never know...

KenS 11-10-2009 05:33 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 638397)
Missing the CAO Brazillia Anaconda.

How are the taboos coming?

The Anaconda is there now. The Taboo's are a sadder story :rolleyes:

I have exchanged email since April with Rob, and he continues to promise the info to add to the database, but he's a busy guy and hasn't gotten around to it. Most recently, I re-sent him the template 2 weeks ago. He again told me he'd get the info back to me, but I know he's busy launching a new website.

I honestly thought this would pretty easy, as I figured he would have the info sitting in a database somewhere. But what do I know :confused:

KenS 11-10-2009 05:35 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by romwarrior (Post 638979)
Would be pretty surprising considering Verizon's current ad campaign for the Droid, but you never know...

I think Verizon is being a little bit careful to attack the AT&T network, rather than specifically the iPhone itself. Might be hedging their bets :2

Either way, it's a brilliant ad campaign.

romwarrior 11-10-2009 08:17 AM

Re: iPhone Cigar App RELEASED!

Originally Posted by KenS (Post 639259)
I think Verizon is being a little bit careful to attack the AT&T network, rather than specifically the iPhone itself. Might be hedging their bets :2

Either way, it's a brilliant ad campaign.

Actually, they specifically target the iPhone with their "iDon't" bullet points. This is the heart of the campaign and gets more play than the talk about the network. They also go after Apple policy with the "no open software development" line.

I still wouldn't be shocked if the iPhone came to VZW, but considering the amount of money they are spending on a (basically) anti-iPhone campaign it doesn't seem like it will happen anytime soon.

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