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Ollie 04-24-2009 08:46 AM

Re: LOST Notes
Well, there was the apparent confirmation that Widmore was the one that planted the plane/bodies on the bottom of the ocean. At least that's what the narrator said.

Mugen910 04-24-2009 08:47 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I think we also assumed that from the last episode I believe.

Mugen910 04-29-2009 07:39 AM

Re: LOST Notes
1 Attachment(s)
Anyone know who the girl with the hat is? I talked to her briefly while in the Louvre.


kaisersozei 04-29-2009 07:57 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 361443)
Anyone know who the girl with the hat is? I talked to her briefly while in the Louvre.


Are you fkn kidding me? Holy crap, Bao, that would have been the highlight of my trip--forget about those fancy paintings, brother! :dance:

Mugen910 04-29-2009 07:58 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 361474)
Are you fkn kidding me? Holy crap, Bao, that would have been the highlight of my trip--forget about those fancy paintings, brother! :dance:

It was the highlight of our trip in Paris :r She was soooo hot!!!!

dunng 04-29-2009 08:00 AM

Re: LOST Notes
:dr :dr Did you interrogate her for info? :D

Mugen910 04-29-2009 08:03 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 361479)
:dr :dr Did you interrogate her for info? :D

haha she insisted that she wasn't the chick from Lost.

ucla695 04-29-2009 09:07 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 361443)
Anyone know who the girl with the hat is? I talked to her briefly while in the Louvre.


That's fricking awesome Bao. :dance:

Mugen910 05-01-2009 09:19 AM

Re: LOST Notes
I just found out Kate and Ben were in Paris for something...Dammit how cool would that have been to meet Ben Linus!!!

kaisersozei 05-01-2009 10:08 AM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 365131)
I just found out Kate and Ben were in Paris for something...Dammit how cool would that have been to meet Ben Linus!!!

And she's a LIAAARR!

Mugen910 05-01-2009 12:22 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 365192)
And she's a LIAAARR!

haha ...she didn't fool me!...she was nice enough not to ignore me though..:tu

Mugen910 05-01-2009 12:24 PM

Re: LOST Notes
2 Attachment(s)
Subject: LOST 5, ep 14 "The Variable"

1. Wired Magazine: See attached photo. The copy of the magazine Wired that was on Faraday's couch when Widmore visited him. It was the August 2003 issue - ''The Super-Powers Issue'' - devoted to the plausible science behind far-fetched stuff like invisibility, X-ray vision, and time travel. The headline: ''The Impossible Gets Real!'' The issue discussed two time travel theories favored by most LOST fans, Throne Plates and Kerr Rings. There's also this cover-touted article, ''The End of Cancer As We Know It,'' which can be found on...Page 108. Cancer, of course, has haunted LOST since season 1; and 108 is the sum total of all LOST's numbers (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42).
In the aforementioned Wired issue, one of eight abilities profiled in an article on plausible super-powers is total recall - rather ironic in light of Faraday's memory issues in the episode. Also featured: teleportation (Jack and co. getting beamed off the plane), regeneration (John Locke's legs; the Island's quick-healing powers), weather manipulation (meteorology was one of Dharma's fields of study); force fields (the sonic fence); underwater breathing, super-strength, and x-ray vision.

2. Smokey: Remember how in ''Dead Is Dead'' Smokey judged Ben for his daughter's death? Maybe that's why Eloise fled the Island - to escape Smokey's judgment for killing her son.

3. Staged Crash: Widmore confirmed that he was the one who created/ planted the fake Oceanic 815 crash. At least now we can be sure of that.

4. Desmond: He survived the gunshot. Perhaps he is the latest in a string of ex-Islanders who can't die back in the real world because their fates remain entangled with the Island (Jack, Michael). The island isn't done with him yet...

5. Scene changes from a previous episode: Yet another example how one scene is different depending on who is remembering it... in one episode, Sayid told Ben and Jack at the marina, ''I don't want any part of this. And if I see you, or him again, it will be extremely unpleasant for all of us.'' But in the Sayid-centric episode ''He's Our You,'' we saw the scene again, but this time Sayid spoke solely to Ben: ''And if I see you again, it'll be extremely unpleasant for us both.'' What do all of these scene discrepancies mean? Obviously, if the scene is re-shot then the writers could just go back to the previous script and have it recited word-for-word... but they don't.

6. Daniel in the Others' camp: He went to the Others' camp making sure he had a gun, and acted in a threatening manner uncharacteristic of him, I think we are led to the following conclusion: Daniel went to the Others' camp knowing that his mother would shoot him. And he did it precisely because he hopes it will get her to work to change what happened. ''You always knew this was going to happen...and you sent me here anyway...'' What happened doesn't matter because in Faraday's plan, it's what happens next that's most crucial.

7. Dr. Chang: Pressed by Miles to explain his disclosures to Dr. Chang, Faraday replied, ''Just making sure your father does what he's supposed to do. You'll see.'' Faraday's plan seemed to involve making sure some people do what they've always done, and making sure the Variables do something radically different. Or was Faraday manipulating Chang with some reverse psychology?

8. Jack the variable: Did Eloise want the incident to happen so that 815 would crash so that Jack (a surgeon) would be there when Daniel got shot? Daniel said that Jack's "not supposed to be here." Maybe Jack is the true variable? I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. :)

9. Eloise had to send/ sacrifice Daniel back to the island when Widmore offered him the freighter job. If he never went back and flashed into 1954 eventually, he could not have told the Others to bury the Jughead bomb and the island would have been destroyed meaning Daniel would never have even existed.

10. Faraday's journal was missing a page (see attached). Why would they show us that? :O

11. Sorry that I don't have anything more concrete... this episode threw me for a loop. I'm trying to wrap my brain around Hawking's/ Widmore's/ Ben's motives and can't seem to think straight!

kaisersozei 05-01-2009 01:44 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Thanks, Bao!

Okay, I need someone to help me with capturing a screen shot. Here's what I'm trying to get: during the scene in this episode where Daniel & Eloise are having lunch (without the girlfriend...:D) there's a camera angle that includes both of them talking to each other across their table. I noticed that it was a really odd shot, because I thought that they were so far apart from each other--there was this big open space between them. Well, at the center of that open space, there was a woman sitting across the restaurant and she was turned at a really awkward angle, looking up at a painting/photo hanging on the wall behind her. This scene went on for a little while, and the woman never moved, even when they cut to a close-up of Daniel & then Eloise, she was still looking up at that painting/photo when the camera returned to that shot. It was really odd, too odd to be accidental.

So I'm interested to see what she was looking at. Anyone help out here, or point me to it? Or am I just over analyzing & looking too hard for weird crap like this? ;)

Mugen910 05-01-2009 02:04 PM

Re: LOST Notes
might have to go to and check that out sir. :tu

Cigargal 05-07-2009 11:55 AM

Re: LOST Notes
What is Jack thinking? What an idiot!!

Here's what happens if Flight 815 never crashes on the island:

Most obvious, Kate goes to prison-where she becomes the property of a homicidal bull dyke.

Jack buries his father, becomes an achoholic in daddy's footsteps and dies of liver disease.

John Locke ends up back in the wheelchair

Jen becomes a gangster-He and Sun never have a baby because he is sterile-Sun never gets the balls to tell her father off and lives a miserable barren life.

Charlie is alive, but is a heroin addict and soon dies of an overdose.

Claire has her baby in LA and gives him up for adoption.

Rose dies of cancer.

Sawyer never finds love...

Juliet stays on the island and marries Ben(ech!!)

Desmond never finds Penny again...

Hurley... well Hurley is just Hurley

Bad idea, Jack!

Cyanide 05-07-2009 01:30 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 365427)
Thanks, Bao!

Okay, I need someone to help me with capturing a screen shot. Here's what I'm trying to get: during the scene in this episode where Daniel & Eloise are having lunch (without the girlfriend...:D) there's a camera angle that includes both of them talking to each other across their table. I noticed that it was a really odd shot, because I thought that they were so far apart from each other--there was this big open space between them. Well, at the center of that open space, there was a woman sitting across the restaurant and she was turned at a really awkward angle, looking up at a painting/photo hanging on the wall behind her. This scene went on for a little while, and the woman never moved, even when they cut to a close-up of Daniel & then Eloise, she was still looking up at that painting/photo when the camera returned to that shot. It was really odd, too odd to be accidental.

So I'm interested to see what she was looking at. Anyone help out here, or point me to it? Or am I just over analyzing & looking too hard for weird crap like this? ;)

A screen capture can be done by 1) pressing screen capture key on keyboard, then 2) pasting (cntl-V) into any program that is capable of accepting copy/pasted images into a document.

ActionAndy 05-07-2009 02:03 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by Cigargal (Post 373317)

Juliet stays on the island and marries Ben(ech!!)

If he touches my girl I'm going to have to get a bit severe...


kaisersozei 05-07-2009 02:04 PM

Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 373466)
If he touches my girl I'm going to have to get a bit severe...


Tru dat, brother--"I got yer back" :tu

Mugen910 05-07-2009 02:11 PM

Re: LOST Notes
2 Attachment(s)
Subject: LOST 5, ep. 15 "Follow the Leader"

1. Peter Pan: The episode title ''Follow The Leader'' is a direct nod to J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan. Connections: magical island inhabited by peculiar tribes of people working at cross-purposes, death and resurrection, ticking bombs, lost boys, never-aging enchanted beings. Peter Pan gives us ''The Peter Pan Complex,'' describing maturity-challenged adults who can't deal with reality and so try to change it (Jack), not to mention ''The Tinker Bell Effect,'' which according to Wikipedia ''describes those things that exist only because people believe in them''... things like ''a rule of law'' (see: Horace Goodspeed, ''We have a rule of law!'') and ''deities'' (Jacob).

LOST typically cites literature like this at the end of the season (Season 3, Alice in Wonderland; Season 4, The Wizard of Oz), so it's not too farfetched to consider the prospect that Peter Pan might hold a clue about how Season 5 will end. A clue in Chapter 5, entitled ''The Island Come True,'' in which Tinker Bell plays 'follow the leader' with Wendy, and guides her to a relatively safe part of Neverland following an attack by Captain Hook...where she betrays Wendy horribly by setting her up to be killed by the Lost Boys. (Tink was intensely jealous of the hold Wendy had on Peter's heart. Sounds like Juliet!) And so, of the many things that ''Follow The Leader'' put into motion for next week's finale, consider the possibility that a brutal and bloody betrayal might be one of them.

2. Richard Alpert: We saw him building a ship in a bottle. The moment will surely feed the theory that Alpert is either a descendant of the Black Rock castaways, if not a miraculously death-challenged survivor of the slave ship's crew. Or perhaps it's merely a metaphor for himself: something ancient, trapped inside the timeless bottle that is the Island.

Also, Richard told Sun that he remembers seeing them all (Hurley, Kate, Jack, etc) die in 1977. Was he lying? Was that the "original past" that he experienced? How is Jack's current 1977 going to affect/ change Richard's current 2007?

3. Richard to Ben: I'm starting to think John Locke is going to be trouble. BEN: Why do you think I tried to kill him?

Which time is Ben referring to? The time that he shot Locke at the Dharma grave? The time that he actually strangled Locke? :)

Richard has every right to fear Locke... after all, being direct is not a skill the Others ever managed to acquire, but with Locke's new found purpose it looks like that's going to change.

4. Radzinsky: His vehement assertion that the Swan station needs to stay on schedule seemed to indicate he's operating under a different set of orders. This was made even more clear by how easily he seized control away from Horace. So why are the bosses at Ann Arbor so obsessed with getting the Swan done? From what we know so far, its only purpose is to study a magnetic anomaly.

5. Widmore talks with Eloise at the Others' camp: We see him place his hand on her stomach, so we can assume she's already pregnant with Daniel at this time.

6. Irony: ''Follow The Leader'' gave us one arc in which Jack in the past schemes to produce paradox, and also gives us another arc in which John hustles to prevent paradox from occurring. Specifically, Locke was trying to avoid what is known as a ''bootstrap paradox,'' involving the acquisition and replacement of objects (the compass) and the receiving and imparting of information from future to past to future again. We could ask ourselves... where did the compass originate? Who knows. Locke gave it to Richard in 1954. Richard gave it to Locke in 2007. So, where and when did the compass come to be (get manufactured)??? It's a brain-twister.

7. Locke rallying the Others: Locke said. ''And to be honest with all of you, if there is a man telling us what to do, I want to know who he is.'' What a role reversal for Locke... aka Mr. Faith, I don't need to see it to believe it. Locke's rhetoric is that of the rational skeptic, demanding empirical proof. Jack is now the man of faith; Locke is now the man of science.

8. Locke wants to kill Jacob: Remember the ash surrounding Jacob's cabin? If the ash around his cabin is a means of keeping him trapped... then killing Jacob is a means to release him from whatever trap he's caught in. Also, perhaps there's a reason the cabin can't be found so easily. Maybe it's booby trapped so that it can't be found and thus, Jacob cannot be helped. I think Locke wants to help Jacob by killing him.

9. Faraday's notebook: The inscription from Eloise is different the 2 times we see it. See attached. Probably just a duplicate prop to look older but I wanted to mention it anyway since someone went to the trouble to point out the differences.

10. Ben: I think Ben's not half as stupid as he acts this episode. Michael Emerson is an amazing actor, which is why you can tell when he's intentionally over-acting. The reason for this is that Ben's slow-playing the island. He intentionally wants the island (acting through Locke) to think he's stupid, that way it doesn't perceive him as a threat. Thinking back to Alex tossing him around that Egyptian chamber and calling him out on his murderous thoughts, Ben is attempting to keep the island out of his head. Acting dumb is the best way he can think of to accomplish this right now.

11. If Jack succeeds, are they really better off? If Oceanic 815 arrived in LA safely, and never crashed, let's consider the situations our Losties would be in:

a) Kate would be on her way to jail

b) Jack would bury his father, Christian

c) Sawyer would go back to being a con man and may have ended up getting caught for killing the man in Australia

d) Locke would still be miserable in a wheelchair

e) Sayid would have probably been killed by the CIA or whoever he was working with

f) Hurley would still be rich but paranoid about being unlucky

g) Charlie would still be a drug addict

h) Claire would have given Aaron away to strangers
i) Sun would have left Jin and been on her own
j) rose would die of cancer

12. Attached is a theory that I liked by a blogger. He claims that Hurley is the game-changer. See attached, if interested.

ucla695 05-07-2009 08:05 PM

Re: LOST Notes
Just finished watching this weeks episode. It's shaping up to be a good season finale. Can't wait. Just imagine what next season, the final one, will have in store. :)

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