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Tazziedevil 04-10-2010 09:30 PM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
Hey I'm a blackberry fanboy...and they have a lot of improvements the last few years. Blackberry still does what it does best- reliable, secure email. The blackberry storm is all touch screen.

I would argue that blackberry doesn't have a limited feature set at all. In what areas do think it's limited?
Posted via Mobile Device

VirtualSmitty 04-10-2010 10:02 PM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 823178)
I'd go back to my old winmo phone *shudder* before giving up Verizon....

Not if you went through what I went through bwith Verizon customer service :r

It's funny how i've trended with my phones. My first cell phone I had ATT until I had a billing problem, then I switched to Verizon. Had Verizon for a few years, iPhone came out (didn't care cause it was ATT), bashed early adopters getting stuck with ATT, then had an issue with Verizon, worst customer service experience of my life, dropped em and bought an iPhone. ATT isn't perfect, I do get more dropped calls and it is more expensive, but I don't mind. Not an Apple fanboy by any stretch, but I love my iPhone.

spectrrr 04-10-2010 10:39 PM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
with regards to phone companies, I demand above all that my phone work, whenever and wherever in the country I demand it. Fore everywhere I have traveled, Verizon has never ceased to disappoint, while I have seen friends on other providers consistently fall short. This is reason enough for me to remain with Verizon, as I have for longer than I can remember (6 years? 8 years? I don't know....)

King James 04-10-2010 11:12 PM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by Tazziedevil (Post 824255)
Hey I'm a blackberry fanboy...and they have a lot of improvements the last few years. Blackberry still does what it does best- reliable, secure email. The blackberry storm is all touch screen.

I would argue that blackberry doesn't have a limited feature set at all. In what areas do think it's limited?
Posted via Mobile Device

can't sync with itunes and the app store is less than desirable

icehog3 04-11-2010 12:01 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Tazziedevil 04-11-2010 12:18 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by King James (Post 824364)
can't sync with itunes and the app store is less than desirable

I don't about syncing with iTunes, since I don't like iTunes and wouldn't sync with iTunes even if I had iTunes on my computer.

And yeah, the NUMBER of apps in the app store is quite a few less than the iPhone, but the vast majority are apps that are actually useful, and not novelties. Blackberries are primarily business phones, so most of the apps have a business-y/productivity feel to them.

King James 04-11-2010 12:21 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by Tazziedevil (Post 824415)
I don't about syncing with iTunes, since I don't like iTunes and wouldn't sync with iTunes even if I had iTunes on my computer.

I never said you cared about it, you asked for limitations and I gave you one. Kind of like me with the SD card, you call it a limitation... but it isn't one that applies to me :tu

This is where that whole thing called personal opinion comes in, and why I can't tell people to like Apple or you tell anyone not to like them.

Tazziedevil 04-11-2010 12:27 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by King James (Post 824417)
I never said you cared about it, you asked for limitations and I gave you one. Kind of like me with the SD card, you call it a limitation... but it isn't one that applies to me :tu

This is where that whole thing called personal opinion comes in, and why I can't tell people to like Apple or you tell anyone not to like them.

Fair enough, but you can sync music with iTunes:

icehog3 04-11-2010 12:31 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Resipsa 04-11-2010 05:07 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 824422)

fanboy, :r:r:r

Resipsa 04-11-2010 05:21 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by Tazziedevil (Post 824415)

And yeah, the NUMBER of apps in the app store is quite a few less than the iPhone, but the vast majority are apps that are actually useful, and not novelties. Blackberries are primarily business phones, so most of the apps have a business-y/productivity feel to them.

You're way off base. To give you an idea of how much MORE productive the Iphone is than a Blackberry:

ATT Virtual Receptionist provides me with a FREE 800 number I can provide to clients, I get 60 minutes free per month, after that it costs. I'm unaware of any blackberry app that could do that for me.

Ribbit Mobile (exact same thing as Google voice) provides me with a free local phone number that I can route all of my phone calls through. Is there a google voice or ribbit mobile app for the blackberry?

ScannerPro allows me to take a photo with the iphone, convert it to a PDF and send it to a client, either through email or as a fax using my efax account.

DocsToGo allows me to create and edit word, excel, etc, docs, and on and on and on.

While the BB may be able to do some of these things, I used to have one and I KNOW it can't do all of them.

On top of which for whatever reason the apps you can buy for an Iphone, even business apps, are WAY cheaper than they are for BB or winmo devices. DocsToGO on other platforms runs from $35-$80. Cost me ten bucks. The same is true of almost all other business apps.

The Iphone has become an incredibly useful business tool. I can speak from experience, the ONLY reason the BB and not the Iphone is the most used business phone in my field is because there are still some security issues to be addressed with the Iphone. Other than than the BB would already be on it's way out.:=:

spectrrr 04-11-2010 05:31 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 824455)
You're way off base. To give you an idea of how much MORE productive the Iphone is than a Blackberry:

ATT Virtual Receptionist provides me with a FREE 800 number I can provide to clients, I get 60 minutes free per month, after that it costs. I'm unaware of any blackberry app that could do that for me.

Ribbit Mobile (exact same thing as Google voice) provides me with a free local phone number that I can route all of my phone calls through. Is there a google voice or ribbit mobile app for the blackberry?

ScannerPro allows me to take a photo with the iphone, convert it to a PDF and send it to a client, either through email or as a fax using my efax account.

DocsToGo allows me to create and edit word, excel, etc, docs, and on and on and on.

While the BB may be able to do some of these things, I used to have one and I KNOW it can't do all of them.

On top of which for whatever reason the apps you can buy for an Iphone, even business apps, are WAY cheaper than they are for BB or winmo devices. DocsToGO on other platforms runs from $35-$80. Cost me ten bucks. The same is true of almost all other business apps.

The Iphone has become an incredibly useful business tool. I can speak from experience, the ONLY reason the BB and not the Iphone is the most used business phone in my field is because there are still some security issues to be addressed with the Iphone. Other than than the BB would already be on it's way out.:=:

That is precisely what I was getting at when I noted that BB was going have to get back in the game and innovate. They are behind the curve, as business users begin demanding features like that.

I use docs to go and similar programs on my droid. Only thing I hear from my BB using sisters is how it can't open XYZ I sent them, etc.

HOWEVER, I promise you that my sisters wouldnt be able to use an iphone/droid for what they do... so BB still serves its purpose, even if that it rapidly becoming a fancy email client.

and on app prices... yeah, I remember it was a joyus day when I discovered simple apps for a buck or two on my droid and complex ones for $5-$10.... something simple in winmo started at $15 and rapidly climbed from there!

Tazziedevil 04-11-2010 05:42 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
It might be the country I live in (australia) but I'm not aware of anything like the virtual receptionist here, for any carrier or phone.

There is a google voice app- I've never used it, so I can't really comment on any differences between it and the iPhone version.

I have docs to go as well. I'm not sure about the scanner pro, I don't think BB has a program like that.

I guarantee I can also find a few apps BB does that iPhone does not have. The point is they both can do basically the same things.

I will admit that most BB apps are a bit spendy, especially considering how much we pay for our phones, phone plans, and data here. Outrageous!
Posted via Mobile Device

andrew 04-11-2010 08:32 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
I'm an apple fan. I have had the iPhone since about a month after it's release. Yes, I've had my share of problems with it, but I don't recall shelling out any substantial amount of coin. I had a blackberry before that and the blackjack before that. Neither of them had the fluidity that the touchscreen and OS the iPhone provides. I know that better hardware and software has since been realeased, but I just can't imagine myself having any other piece of equipment.

SeanGAR 04-11-2010 08:36 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
Apple/PC who cares ... they both work ... but we can all agree that Gurkha suck, right?

icehog3 04-11-2010 08:45 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 824541)
Apple/PC who cares ... they both work ... but we can all agree that Gurkha suck, right?

You're not a Gurkha Fanboy, Sean? :)

Resipsa 04-11-2010 09:54 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 824541)
Apple/PC who cares ... they both work ... but we can all agree that Gurkha suck, right?


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 824548)
You're not a Gurkha Fanboy, Sean? :)

If he comes to the Shack this year we can show him just how much they suck:D

Posted from my iPhone

spectrrr 04-11-2010 10:56 AM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards

Originally Posted by SeanGAR (Post 824541)
Apple/PC who cares ... they both work ... but we can all agree that Gurkha suck, right?

Best Cigars ever, worth every penny.


Kreth 04-11-2010 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 824624)
Best Cigars ever, worth every penny.


The iDoble Maduros are pretty tasty, IMO. You're all just a bunch of Gurkha bashers. :r
Posted via Mobile Device

eber 04-11-2010 01:22 PM

Re: iPhone Sucks and Apple are Bastards
iPhones suck, along with a bunch of other things, including Phil Mickelson and Duke :r:r:r:r;)

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