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Old Sailor 07-29-2009 07:07 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade really know how to kill a thread Martin!:r:r

icehog3 07-29-2009 07:50 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by bigloo (Post 485585)
Icehog, restraint is what lands people in the comfy chair, let it out tough guy!

Gotta think of myself too, I almost had an anuerysm! :r

Old Sailor 07-29-2009 08:32 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 485970)
Gotta think of myself too, I almost had an anuerysm! :r

I hate when that happens me!:r

St. Lou Stu 07-29-2009 08:39 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by Martin (Post 485596)
to quote Dan
"Mostly I've been having problems sending stuff out due to my own depression issues. I'm not saying it's a valid reason, just what my therapist and me have come to. These group buys along with the rest of the stuff in my life is causing me to sort of break down."

If the quote is true, it is sad to see how things played out.

This place is full of support. :2

Tenor CS 07-29-2009 09:31 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by St. Lou Stu (Post 486089)
This place is full of support. :2

Disclaimer: I have no dog in this fight, as someone else said. I did get some emails from Dan re: a trading email list that he was trying to set up, but I ignored them because I wasn't interested.

Re: the part that I quoted from St. Lou Stu:

I agree that this place is one of the most supportive places I've seen online. In fact, I was going to post something to the effect of "does anyone live near Dan that could stop by and check on him, maybe do him the favor of dropping stuff off at the post office?" (Assuming the DC numbers are legit and the stuff really is packed up and ready to go) That was when I was still in the "I want to give Dan the benefit of the doubt" mode and before I'd read too many bad stories about him.

I have had my own physical and pain-related issues for the last year or so, and at times the pain has been debilitating, to the point where I couldn't leave my bed, let alone the apartment. I had all these grand plans for the summer, as far as cleaning up the apartment and such ... what did I do? Not a damn thing. I mostly stayed in bed writhing in pain that has thankfully been alleviated by my latest surgery. So I definitely have sympathy for someone who's having a medical issue, even if it is mental rather than physical. (Not to discount the fact that depression does have physical effects)

Maybe he's a scammer, maybe he's just irresponsible, maybe he's a liar. Probably a little combination of all 3. I don't think any of us will ever know the 100% truth.

All I know is that I am grateful for the support, advice, and kindness that I have received from many members on here regarding my job loss and health issues. For more on that, see my "Update on Tenor CS's health" thread.

Good night, Cigar Asylum.

Genetic Defect 07-29-2009 09:59 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade
I have a problem solver its name is ....

icehog3 07-30-2009 12:58 AM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by Big Vito (Post 486203)
I have a problem solver its name is ....

It's like a deadly game of freeze-tag..... ;)

dentonparrots 07-30-2009 03:41 AM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade
I've also not recieved stogies I''ve paid for from Dan that frankly I could have used to buy from elsewhere. I've had PM's from him saying "they are on their way" etc then others saying they're not which has been confusing and I've guessed that he was copy and pasting messages to multiple people as they all seemed kinda impersonal for him. I suppose if he'd said "Sorry, I can't get them to you at all and your money's gone too" I'd have at least known where I stood.

I've not really commented to others about this at all as I didn't want to come across as an arse but that said I didn't know others had been ripped off too, certainly not to the degree that some have.
In Dans defence I should say that whenever he's messaged me I've stressed to him that there was no hurry as I got the impression he was under the weather and having a tough time. I've done trades with Dan in the past and can honestly say I've always trusted him, and received what he said he would send, and I still hope he'll make good at some point in the future...whenever that may be.

Lots of folks have made fair comments regarding being ripped off and his lame excuses, and although it's easy for me to say "no hurries" to him I've only spent $60, not $600+ and if I had spent that much and not recieved what I'd paid for I would no doubt have got the police involved to some degree and certainly wouldn't have been as patient as what I have been.

One thing that did nark me was that I mentioned in chat about buying from a vendor on here (I won't name, what's the point!) and he slated the guy instantly saying about previous purchases that had gone bad, been delayed etc and even went as far as to send me links to threads slagging the vendor off...kinda seems like the pot calling the kettle black! As it happened I bought them from the same vendor anyway and was amazed at how fast they got here to the UK from the states.

I just get the gut feeling things have gotten on top of him and he's struggled to deal with things and not put his hands up to the problems as quickly as he could have done. I wish him well and a speedy recovery and if he can he should make good on the deals when he can regardless of being banned, even if it is just to make himself feel a bit better about the whole thing.

Can I ask if anyone has heard from him recently and has anyone who's been waiting for ages to get their cigars actually recived ANY yet?

I do feel for the guy if he's having issues as I considered him a friend, and still do..but again I'm not down $600+ so it's easier for me to say that.

Genetic Defect 07-30-2009 10:36 AM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 486321)
It's like a deadly game of freeze-tag..... ;)

:r :D

Skywalker 07-30-2009 01:30 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade
I like that "thumbs down" picture!!!

* Mods, If I'm out of order please remove my post!

Don Fernando 07-30-2009 02:58 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade
I just heard from another inmate that Logan aka SixPackSunday stiffed a few guys on the board too :(

Bruzee 07-30-2009 03:12 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 487178)
I just heard from another inmate that Logan aka SixPackSunday stiffed a few guys on the board too :(

Where do these people come from, and why are they here?!?!?!?!?!?! :mad:

Resipsa 07-30-2009 03:29 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 487178)
I just heard from another inmate that Logan aka SixPackSunday stiffed a few guys on the board too :(

No offense, but if somebody has a problem with another member they should take it up with that member or the mods. I don't think throwing unsubstantiated rumors out there is the way the board wants to operate. I wouldn't like it I'd it were done to me and I was innocent and I'm sure you wouldn't either

poker 07-30-2009 03:29 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade
What goes around, comes around. Karma can be a bad MF when its their turn in the barrel.

Don Fernando 07-30-2009 03:31 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 487236)
No offense, but if somebody has a problem with another member they should take it up with that member or the mods. I don't think throwing unsubstantiated rumors out there is the way the board wants to operate. I wouldn't like it I'd it were done to me and I was innocent and I'm sure you wouldn't either

just check SPS's profile (trader feedback & visitor messages), like I did before I posted.

markem 07-30-2009 03:33 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 487243)
just check SPS's profile (trader feedback & visitor messages), like I did before I posted.

Wow. And because it was already in public on the trader feedback you felt that you just had to drag it into here? This thread has a nasty gang mentality that isn't reflecting well on this board.

Scottw 07-30-2009 03:39 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by markem (Post 487248)
Wow. And because it was already in public on the trader feedback you felt that you just had to drag it into here? This thread has a nasty gang mentality that isn't reflecting well on this board.

Maybe that mentality will help prevent this **** from happening again.

markem 07-30-2009 03:43 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by Scottw (Post 487258)
Maybe that mentality will help prevent this **** from happening again.

So will closing all trade / maw / pif threads and banning the use of the board for such purposes. I suppose you are in favor of that as well.

Lynch mobs seldom see themselves as unsavory while they are performing the lynching.

rack04 07-30-2009 03:48 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by Scottw (Post 487258)
Maybe that mentality will help prevent this **** from happening again.

Gang mentality can also lead to more problems. A house fire comes to mind. This person prayed on the mentality of lending a helping hand. Very few followed up with the story and several people got taken.

Scottw 07-30-2009 03:49 PM

Re: Sometimes you call a spade a spade

Originally Posted by markem (Post 487267)
So will closing all trade / maw / pif threads and banning the use of the board for such purposes. I suppose you are in favor of that as well.

Lynch mobs seldom seem themselves as unsavory while they are performing the lynching.

Not at all, but if someone is taking people's money, that asshole should be exposed and not dealt with any longer. Perhaps people knowing that there will be penalties will persuade them to keep everything on the up and up. My comment was with respect to the label you gave "gang mentality". It's a shame that this even has to occur here but the fact is it is occurring and there is nothing wrong with the members here saying "hey, this is not permissible and there are penalties should you engage in such behaviors".

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