View Poll Results: Where do you buy your cigars?
alexa071, applevalleyjoe, Ashcan Bill, Bax, bi11fish, biggbob, Bill86, Bluetick, Caymus, CigarSquid, cobra03, Coeparius, Conch Republican, CueTheMusic, DAFU, Devanmc, DPD6030, Dunkel, falconman515, Flounder, gator_79, govicgo, GrtndpwrflOZ, islandak, J-Man, jesseboston81, jkstewart1, kafreeman, kelmac07, kjd2121, Kodiakred, LeoM, liltim, looking for know, macsauce13, makalu, mangwhop, md4958, mike, Ncpsycho, OLS, Partially Deaf, poker, Riff Raff, Savor the Stick, SDmate, shilala, SmokinCozy, smokinpeace, Sonic04GT, Starscream, Stevez, taltos, tedrodgerscpa, thebiglebowski, thechrisdotcom, Thrak, Tredegar, WittyUserName, WyGuy, yourchoice
69 |
29.61% |
Cigar Shop
8lug, Beagleone, Brian D., BTcigars, Don Fernando, dvickery, elderboy02, Emjaysmash, Jonathan Drew, kaisersozei, kg21, MedicCook, podman28, Sin, stearns, W.B., Willem2, Zeuceone
22 |
9.44% |
688sonarmen, 68TriShield, aaron72, ade06, Aero95, AmsterDan, andromalius, Angry_Pirate, ApexAZ, ArgusP2, Aron, ASU Maduro, Barcode, bdgile, big a, Big Maduro, bigswol2, Blak Smyth, BlindedByScience, Boz, Bubba - NJ, C'garthulhu, camiller, Carmack, CasaDooley, celtic250, Cenookie, chaase321, cigardan, CigarDisciple, CigarGuy88, CigarNut, CigarRod, colinb913, Cornrow_Wallis, Crownedone, D Man, dave, Davis, deaster25, drjammer, DTM, eboniknight, emopunker2004, Ender, EricF, Giants85, GodOfFire, Gophernut, Hippi3Slay3r, hscmit, hunter1127, iamsolitary, IBQTEE1, IndyRob, INT, irratebass, Ismith75, Jasonw560, jdakine, Jefft72, jimbobber, jledou, jsnake, justonemorestick, KidRock, kingcobradude, Krish the Fish, ktblunden, kugie, Lanks85, Lobo, longknocker, MarkinAZ, Marlon K, mase, Mattso3000, McSmokey, mikebchipper, MikeyC, mkarnold1, MrClean, MurphysLaw, N2 GOLD, neoflex, never_enough, Newbie_nick, Ogre, OnlyDryReds, Pat1075, pmwz, Powers, ProBe, proguy747, qwerty1500, Ratters, RCS44, rebelknight, sevans105, shortbus, Skywalker, SmokeyJoe, SpruceBruce, SteelCityBoy, Stephen, Steve, Subvet642, SUOrangeGuy, Tallman, Thaplumbr, timj219, TJarv, tsolomon, Tumbleweed, Vigiles, Whee, WhoDeySchenk, YankeeMan, Zanaspus
138 |
59.23% |
4 |
1.72% |
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