View Poll Results: Do you use other tobacco products?
Nope! Cigars are my one, true nicotine vice.
1badhog07, ActionAndy, ade06, aich75013, Anthem, ashtonlady, Barteur, big a, bigheadmark, bilkay, blugill, Boomer, Bubba - NJ, Caymus, Chemyst, chicken, CigarGuy88, CigarNut, Cigar_Noob, Costa, cricky101, CueTheMusic, dannyboy, Dave128, Dooge, duckmanco, Dukeuni, Dux, eber, gbum, GhostRyder, gnukfu, GoldnGT, GoodFella, GreekGodX, GTCanuk, Guitarman-S.T-, hotreds, hsmunoz, itsme_timd, jdakine, JE3146, jechelman, Jimbo14, jjirons69, jwfish81, kaelaria, kaisersozei, LeoM, lightning9191, Lobo, longknocker, M1903A1, makalu, marge796, mcmoyer, MedicCook, MoTheMan, Mr. Ed, MrOneEyedBoh, muhren, Nabinger16, NCRadioMan, NickyTeen, O-Danger, okieRob, PeteSB75, pfm721, Pilon, pmwz, poriggity, potlimit, Powers, Prozac_Puros, Riff Raff, rrplasencia, safariguy, Sailkat, Sauer Grapes, Savor the Stick, Scothew, sikk50, skullnrose, Skywalker, SmokeyJoe, stearns, stevieray, Stick, taltos, tenbaseg, TheStatsGuy, TripleF, tsolomon, twenty5, UPHOTO, VirtualSmitty, weak_link, WeekendSmoker, Wolfgang, xenosmoke, zmancbr
128 |
51.20% |
Yes, cigarettes.
BFallehy, DMK, foomanto, huero71, KDKLOSS, KidRock, Kreth, lakeside toker, lostark374, Mikhail, Pat1075, rennD, SeanGAR, Snake Hips, Starscream, Throb, Tio Gato, tuxpuff, Zanaspus
24 |
9.60% |
Yes, other products (chew, etc.).
acarr, alley00p, BlackDog, canucks6024, croatan, DPD6030, Dunkel, Emjaysmash, G G, kelmac07, MajorCaptSilly, Mark, Mugen910, PitDog, rharris, Savvy, shilala, skier171, sofaman, TheRealBonger, TheTraveler, tooomanycolors, Tuxguy, ucla695, wavescrashing
39 |
15.60% |
I used to, but now it's only cigars.
14holestogie, akumushi, Ashcan Bill, Bear, Biglizard1, CasaDooley, cherrybomb, cigardan, CigarDisciple, Coz77, Doctorossi, D_A, e-man67, E.J., El Fumador, Eleven, Ferrari5180, heavyd, Hippi3Slay3r, HK3-, htown, icehog3, JJG, LooseCard, McSmokey, Mr Edmundo, nayslayer, OLS, Poronico, primitive, Random Guy, RichardW, Scottastic, Smokin Gator, St. Lou Stu, T.G, theant, thebiglebowski, ThePict, TonySmith, troutbreath, TXRebel, WhoDeySchenk, WyGuy
59 |
23.60% |
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